Shell hunter for AF




AF-ShellHunter: Auto shell lookup

AF-ShellHunter its a script designed to automate the search of WebShell's in AF Team

How to

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help

Basic Usage

You can run shellhunter in two modes

  • --url -u When scanning a single url
  • --file -f Scanning multiple URLs at once

Example searching webshell with burpsuite proxy, hiding string "404" with a size between 100 and 1000 chars

└─$ python3 -u https://xxxxxxxxxx -hs "404" -p burp  --greater-than 100 --smaller-than 1000                                                                                             
Running AF-Team ShellHunt 1.1.0

        URL:    https://xxxxxxxxxx
        Showing only:   200, 302
        Threads:        20
        Not showing coincidence with:   404
        Proxy:  burp
        Greater than: 100
        Smaller than: 1000
Found https://xxxxxxxxxx/system.php len: 881

File configuration for multiple sites


# How to?
# set country block with [country], please read user_files/config.txt

# 'show-response-code "option1" "option2"' -> show responses with those status codes, as -sc
# 'show-string' -> show match with that string, as -ss
# 'show-regex' -> show match with regex, as -sr

# use 'not' for not showing X in above options, as -h[option]

# 'greater-than' -> Show response greater than X, as -gt ( --greater-than )
# 'smaller-than' ->  Show responses smaller than X, as -st ( --smaller-than )

# Example searching webshell with BurpSuite proxy. 302, 200 status code, not showing results w/ 'página en mantenimiento' with size between 100 and 1000 chars

https://banco.phishing->show-response-code "302" "200", not show-string "página en mantenimiento", greater-than 100, smaller-than 1000

[noproxy]> # ShellHunt will add 'http://

Setting your proxies and custom headers


User-Agent? Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-G960F Build/R16NW) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.84 Mobile Safari/537.36
Referer?  # Bypass referer protection


Other features

  1. Filter by regex
  2. Filter by string
  3. Filter by HTTP Status code
  4. Filter by length
  5. Custom Headers
  6. Custom proxy or proxy block for URL file
  7. Multithreading ( custom workers number )
                                                              .-"; ! ;"-.
        ----.                                               .'!  : | :  !`.
        "   _}                                             /\  ! : ! : !  /\
        "@   >                                            /\ |  ! :|: !  | /\
        |\   7                                           (  \ \ ; :!: ; / /  )
        / `--                                           ( `. \ | !:|:! | / .' )
            ,-------,****                               (`. \ \ \!:|:!/ / / .')
  ~        >o<  \---------o{___}-            =>          \ `.`.\ |!|! |/,'.' /
 /  |  \  /  ________/8'                                 `._`.\\\!!!// .'_.'
 |  |        /        "                                      `.`.\\|//.'.'
 |  /     |                                                   |`._`n'_.'|
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            if done:
            sys.stdout.write('\rloading ' + c)
        sys.stdout.write('\rDone!     ')

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    	def __init__(self,URL, search_string, notsearch_string, regex, dont_regex, hidecode, showonly, usingProxy):
    		self.URL = URL  # URL to scan
    		self.search_string = search_string  # False or string to grep
    		self.notsearch_string = notsearch_string  # False or string to inverse grep
    		self.regex = regex  # False or regex to grep
    		self.dont_regex = dont_regex # False or regex to inverse grep
    		self.hidecode = hidecode # do not show this codes
    		self.showonly = showonly  # show only http status code
    		self.usingProxy = usingProxy  # False or COUNTRY to use, NOT proxy
    	def __init__(self, config_object):  # overload, if using config object ( loaded phishing list )
    		self.scan_config_list = config_object
    		# asign all variables as normal
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