Strawberry-django-plus - Enhanced Strawberry GraphQL integration with Django



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Enhanced Strawberry integration with Django.

Built on top of strawberry-django integration, enhancing its overall functionality.


  • All of supported features by strawberry-django.
  • Extension that automatically optimize queries (using only/select_related/prefetch_related) to solve graphql N+1 problems, with support for fragment spread, inline fragments, @include/@skip directives, prefetch merging, etc
  • Improved sync/async resolver that priorizes the model's cache to avoid have to use sync_to_async when not needed.
  • Support for Django choices enums using (requires django-choices-field)
  • Relay support for queries, connections and input mutations.
  • Django Debug Toolbar integration with graphiql to display metrics like SQL queries
  • (Coming Soon...) Improved Django mutations with automatic validation errors integration.
  • (Coming Soon...)Integration with Django Guardian for per-object permission management.
  • A well typed and documented API.


Install it with pip:

pip install strawberry-django-plus


Since this lib has a long name, it does provide a shortcut called gql where all of strawberry's API and ours can be accessed.

from strawberry_django_plus import gql

# All strawberry's base api can be found directly on gql, like:
gql.type  # same as strawberry.type
gql.field  # same as strawberry.field

# The strawberry-django API and our custom implementation can be found on gql.django, like:

# We also have a custom relay implementation in here:

How To

Automatic QuerySet Optimization

The automatic optimization is enabled by adding the DjangoOptimizerExtension to your strawberry's schema config.

import strawberry
from strawberry_django_plus.optimizer import DjangoOptimizerExtension

schema = strawberry.Schema(

Now consider the following:


class Artist(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

class Album(models.Moodel):
    name = models.CharField()
    release_date = models.DateTimeField()
    artist = models.ForeignKey("Artist", related_name="albuns")

class Song(models.Model):
    name = model.CharField()
    duration = models.DecimalField()
    album = models.ForeignKey("Album", related_name="songs")

from strawberry_django_plus import gql

class ArtistType:
    name: auto
    albums: "List[AlbumType]"

class AlbumType:
    name: auto
    release_date: auto
    artist: ArtistType
    songs: "List[SongType]"

class SongType:
    name: auto
    duration: auto
    album_type: AlbumType

class Query:
    artist: Artist = gql.django.field()
    songs: List[SongType] = gql.django.field()

Querying the artist field:

  artist {
    albums {
      songs {
# This will generate a query like:
Artist.objects.all().only("id", "name").prefetch_related(
        queryset=Album.objects.all().only("id", "name").prefetch_related(
            Song.objects.all().only("id", "name"),

And querying the songs list:

  song {
    artist {
      albums {
# This will generate a query like:
    "album__release_date",  # Note about this below
        Album.objects.all().only("id", "name", "release_date"),

Note that even though album__release_date field was not selected here, it got selected in the prefetch query later. Since Django caches known objects, we have to select it here or else it would trigger extra queries latter.

It is also possible to include hints for non-model fields using the field api or even our @model_property (or its cached variation, @cached_model_property) decorator on the model itself, for people who likes to keep all the business logic at the model.

For example, the following will automatically optimize only and select_related if that field gets selected:

from strawberry_django_plus import gql

class Song(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

    @gql.model_property(only=["name", "album__name"], select_related=["album"])
    def name_with_album(self) -> List[str]:
        return f"{}: {}"

class SongType:
    name: auto
    name_with_album: str

Another option would be to define that on the field itself:

class SongType:
    name: auto
    name_with_album: str = gql.django.field(
        only=["name", "album__name"],

Django Choices Enums

Convert choices fields into GraphQL enums by using Django Choices Field extension.

from django_choices_field import TexChoicesField

class Song(models.Model):
    class Genre(models.TextChoices):
        ROCK = "rock", "Rock'n'Roll"
        METAL = "metal", "Metal"
        OTHERS = "others", "Who Cares?"

    genre = TextChoicesField(choices_enum=Genre)

In that example, a new enum called Genre will be created and be used for queries and mutations.

If you want to name it differently, decorate the class with @gql.enum with your preferred name so that strawberry-django-plus will not try to register it again.

Relay Support

We have a custom relay spec implementation. It is not tied to Django at all to allow its usage with other types.

It provides types and fields for node and connection querying. For example:

from strawberry_django_plus import gql
from strawberry_django_plus.gql import relay

class Fruit(relay.Node):
    name: str

    def resolve_node(cls, node_id, info, required=False):

    def resolve_nodes(cls, node_id, info, node_ids=False):

class Query:
    fruit: Optional[Fruit] = relay.node()
    fruits_connection: relay.Connection[Fruit] = relay.connection()

    def fruits_connection_filtered(self, name_startswith: str) -> Iterable[Fruit]:
        # Note that this resolver is special. It should not resolve the connection, but
        # the iterable of nodes itself. Thus, any arguments defined here will be appended
        # to the query, and the pagination of the iterable returned here will be
        # automatically handled.

This will generate a schema like this:

interface Node {
  id: GlobalID!

type Fruit implements Node {
  id: GlobalID!
  name: String!

type FruitEdge implements Node {
  cursor: String!
  node: Fruit

type FruitConnection {
  edges: [ShipEdge!]!
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

type PageInfo {
  hasNextPage: Boolean!
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
  startCursor: String
  endCursor: String

type Query {
  fruit(id: GlobalID!): Fruit
  fruits_connection(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): FruitConnection
      before: String,
      after: String,
      first: Int,
      last: Int,
      nameStartswith: String!
  ): FruitConnection

It is expected that types implementing the Node interface define some methods, like resolve_nodes and resolve_node. Take a look at the documentation for more information.

Also note that Django fields created with @gql.django.type automatically implements all of the required methods when the type inherits from Node.

This module also exposes a mutation that converts all of its arguments to a single input. For example:

class Mutation:
    def create_fruit(name: str) -> Fruit:

Will generate those types:

input CreateFruitInput {
  name: String!

type Mutation {
  createFruit(input: CreateFruitInput!): Fruit

Django Debug Toolbar Integration

Install Django Debug Toolbar and change its middleware from:





We use poetry to manage dependencies, to get started follow these steps:

git clone
cd strawberry
poetry install
poetry run pytest

This will install all the dependencies (including dev ones) and run the tests.

Pre commit

We have a configuration for pre-commit, to add the hook run the following command:

pre-commit install


The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

  • The return type of the mutation

    The return type of the mutation

    Mutations return the Union type, and this makes returning scalars more difficult. I just wanted to know what was the reason for such a decision?

    opened by Luferov 11
  • Add fields on a relay connection?

    Add fields on a relay connection?

    Is there a way to customize the relay connection type to add additional fields?

    For example in my graphene schema I have a custom Connection subclass that adds a completed_count field (similar to total_count, but for a filtered subset of the nodes with is_cancelled=False)

    This is possible with strawberry itself, but I'm not sure how to do it when using relay.connection from this repo.

    Django Graphene code:

     class HqOrganizationConnection(relay.Connection):
         class Meta:
             node = OrganizationType
         total_count = graphene.Int()
         completed_count = graphene.Int()
         class Arguments:
             getHqOrganizationRequest = GetHqOrganizationRequest()
         def resolve_total_count(root, info):
             return root.iterable.count()
         def resolve_completed_count(root, info):
             return root.iterable.filter(is_cancelled=False).count()
    opened by eloff 9
  • GlobalID vs ID scalar for Relay

    GlobalID vs ID scalar for Relay

    First off, thanks for a great library, it's pretty easy to use and the documentation helps a lot. My question is: what was the reasoning behind the decision to generate a GlobalID scalar type for Relay node types rather than using the ID type built into the GraphQL spec? I'm wondering because GlobalID seems to prevent the usage of directives in Relay such as @deleteEdge and @deleteRecord, because those expect to be applied to a response field of type ID when the response is actually giving GlobalID.

    For example, I have something like mutation:

    mutation AssetList_deleteAssetMutation(
      $input: NodeInput!
      $connections: [GlobalID!]!
    ) {
      deleteBeta(input: $input) {
        id @deleteEdge(connections: $connections) @deleteRecord

    and I get this error from the Relay compiler:

    Invalid use of @deleteEdge on field 'id'. Expected field type 'ID', got 'GlobalID!'

    I couldn't find any other references to this issue, so I'm wondering if I'm just doing something wrong or misunderstanding something? Thanks!

    opened by LucasPickering 8
  • Random

    Random "Event loop is closed" & "Future attached to a different loop" error on using dataloaders

    I have a section of code that does a consolidation based on database values. Currently, I'm using Django's Count, Max, Min to do so. However when queries involves these functions, the errors will be thrown randomly. I've tried figuring out the patterns but it seems that it just fails randomly.

    Environment attributes:

    • Python 3.10
    • strawberry-django-plus 1.21.0
    • strawberry-graphql 0.123.2
    • strawberry-graphql-django 0.4.0

    Here's my GQL request

    query ($vehicleTypeFilter: VehicleTypeFilter) {
        vehicleTypes (filters: $vehicleTypeFilter) {
    # Variables
        "vehicleTypeFilter": {
            "lineId": 3

    Here are the logs (there are 2 types that occur quite randomly):

    1. Event loop is closed
    /root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/ RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'dispatch.<locals>.dispatch' was never awaited
      loader.loop.call_soon(create_task, dispatch())
    RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
    Event loop is closed
    GraphQL request:6:5
    5 |     displayName
    6 |     vehicleStatusDecommissionedCount
      |     ^
    7 |     vehicleStatusInServiceCount
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphql/execution/", line 528, in await_result
        return_type, field_nodes, info, path, await result
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/schema/", line 500, in _async_resolver
        return await await_maybe(_get_result(_source, strawberry_info, **kwargs))
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/utils/", line 12, in await_maybe
        return await value
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry_django_plus/utils/", line 83, in resolve_async
        ret = resolver(await value)
      File "/code/operation/schema/", line 90, in vehicle_status_decommissioned_count
        return await vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type_loader.load(
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/", line 111, in load
        batch = get_current_batch(self)
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/", line 137, in get_current_batch
        dispatch(loader, loader.batch)
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/", line 146, in dispatch
        loader.loop.call_soon(create_task, dispatch())
      File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 1279, in uvloop.loop.Loop.call_soon
      File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 667, in uvloop.loop.Loop._call_soon
      File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 676, in uvloop.loop.Loop._call_soon_handle
      File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 671, in uvloop.loop.Loop._append_ready_handle
      File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 703, in uvloop.loop.Loop._check_closed
    RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
    Stack (most recent call last):
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/django/", line 257, in dispatch
        result = await self.schema.execute(
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/schema/", line 206, in execute
        self.process_errors(result.errors, execution_context=execution_context)
    1. got Future attached to a different loop
    Task <Task pending name='Task-594' coro=<ExecutionContext.execute_field.<locals>.await_result() running at /root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphql/execution/> cb=[gather.<locals>._done_callback() at /usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/]> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop
    GraphQL request:6:5
    5 |     displayName
    6 |     vehicleStatusDecommissionedCount
      |     ^
    7 |     vehicleStatusInServiceCount
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphql/execution/", line 528, in await_result
        return_type, field_nodes, info, path, await result
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/schema/", line 500, in _async_resolver
        return await await_maybe(_get_result(_source, strawberry_info, **kwargs))
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/utils/", line 12, in await_maybe
        return await value
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry_django_plus/utils/", line 83, in resolve_async
        ret = resolver(await value)
      File "/code/operation/schema/", line 90, in vehicle_status_decommissioned_count
        return await vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type_loader.load(
    RuntimeError: Task <Task pending name='Task-594' coro=<ExecutionContext.execute_field.<locals>.await_result() running at /root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphql/execution/> cb=[gather.<locals>._done_callback() at /usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/]> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop
    Stack (most recent call last):
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/django/", line 257, in dispatch
        result = await self.schema.execute(
      File "/root/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-_Py8Si6I/lib/python3.10/site-packages/strawberry/schema/", line 210, in execute
        self.process_errors(result.errors, execution_context=execution_context)

    Here is my relevant code


    def batch_load_vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type(keys):
        # Keys in format (vehicle_type_id, status)
        vehicle_object = Vehicle.objects.aggregate(
                + str(key[1]): Count("id", filter=Q(vehicle_type_id=key[0], status=key[1]))
                for key in keys
        return [vehicle_object.get(str(key[0]) + str(key[1]), None) for key in keys]
    vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type_loader = DataLoader(


    class VehicleType:
        async def vehicle_status_in_service_count(self) -> int:
            return await vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type_loader.load(
                (, VehicleStatus.IN_SERVICE)
        async def vehicle_status_decommissioned_count(self) -> int:
            return await vehicle_status_count_from_vehicle_type_loader.load(
                (, VehicleStatus.DECOMMISSIONED)

    operation/schema/ &&

    class OperationScalars:
        vehicleTypes: List[VehicleType] = gql.django.field(filters=VehicleTypeFilter)
    class VehicleTypeFilter:
        line_id: gql.ID
        def filter_line_id(self, queryset):
            return queryset.filter(vehicles__line_id=self.line_id).distinct()
    invalid question 
    opened by kwongtn 8
  • Input field Optional[OneToManyInput] is a required field in the resulting schema

    Input field Optional[OneToManyInput] is a required field in the resulting schema

    Not sure if this is expected behaviour, but if I define an input type like this:

    class ServiceInstancePartialInput(NodeInput):
        id: Optional[gql.ID]
        service: Optional[OneToManyInput]

    The resulting schema marks 'service' as required field: image

    ~I can pass an empty object into service, since set is not required, but I'd expect service to be not required instead.~ Edit: the schema allows for it, but if I do that the mutation fails.

    opened by gersmann 8
  • HasObjPerm directive on a update mutation fails updating the cache, due to unhashable type OperationInfo

    HasObjPerm directive on a update mutation fails updating the cache, due to unhashable type OperationInfo

    Specifying a HasObjPerm directive on a update mutation fails updating the cache, due to unhashable type OperationInfo. This is due to the resolver returning OperationInfo instead of FieldValueType, if the user does not have the expected permissions (in this casereporting.change_fieldvalue).

    The directive works for the 'good' case, where the permission is granted.

    I am wondering if I am missing something, or what the correct way of using object permissions on mutations would be. Should there be an exception on return value permission checking for OperationInfo?

    Mutation Setup:

    update_field_value: FieldValueType = gql.django.update_mutation(


      File ".../app-QPiINJSB-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/strawberry_django_plus/utils/", line 156, in resolve
        ret = resolver(value)
      File ".../app-QPiINJSB-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/strawberry_django_plus/", line 634, in resolve_for_user
        return self._resolve_obj_perms(helper, root, info, user, ret)
      File ".../app-QPiINJSB-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/strawberry_django_plus/", line 695, in _resolve_obj_perms
        has_perm = cache.get((self, obj))
    TypeError: unhashable type: 'OperationInfo'
    opened by gersmann 7
  • feat: enum type for standard django choices

    feat: enum type for standard django choices

    This PR enable support of enum for standard django choices. Basically it generate an Enum class on-the-fly with field choices as attributes.

    I need help/bootstrap to write a test on this.

    I'm able to specify the choice label on the schema documentation with

    enum_class_fields = {c[0]: strawberry.enum_value(c[0], description=c[1]) for c in field.choices}

    It work well on schema documentation but it crash using a query with this filter. Got the following error: "Expected value of type 'MyAutoEnum', found blabla; 'blabla' is not a valid MyAutoEnum" (Where MyAutoEnum is the Enum class and blabla a value inside it.)

    I made it to not have to use django-choices-field dependency just to support this. I thinks enum should work out-of-box with standard django choices.

    opened by fabien-michel 7
  • mutation with relations

    mutation with relations

    Using v1.20.2 This is my code:

    class User(AbstractUser):
        // some fields
    class Profile(models.Model):
        user = models.OneToOneField(to=User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, primary_key=True)
        // some fields

    class User(gql.Node):
        profile: 'Profile'
    class UserInputPartial(gql.NodeInput):
        profile: Optional['ProfileInputPartial']
    class Profile(relay.Node):
    class ProfileInputPartial(gql.NodeInputPartial):
 which goes into schema

    class UserMutations:
        update_user: types.User = gql.django.update_mutation(types.UserInputPartial)

    And when I run this Mutation:

    mutation MyMutation {
      updateUser(input: {id: "VXNlcjox", profile: {id: "UHJvZmlsZTox"}}) {
        ... on User {
          profile {

    I get this kind of result

      "data": {
        "updateUser": {
          "id": "VXNlcjox",
          "username": "mohammadmaso",
          "profile": {
            "id": "UHJvZmlsZTox"

    Why does profile have to specify id?

    opened by AriaMoradi 7
  • Need help on customize relay.Connection

    Need help on customize relay.Connection

    I have types like this and I want the CollectionNode to show photos with filter is_public=1 not all photos


    from strawberry_django_plus import gql
    from strawberry_django_plus.gql import relay
    @gql.django.type(Photo, filters=PhotoFilter, order=PhotoOrder)
    class PhotoNode(relay.Node):
        def get_queryset(cls, queryset: QuerySet[Photo], _) -> QuerySet[Photo]:
            return queryset.filter(is_public=True)
    @gql.django.type(Collection, filters=CollectionFilter, order=CollectionOrder)
    class CollectionNode(relay.Node):
        photos: relay.Connection["PhotoNode"] = relay.connection()

    schema :

    class Query:
        """All available queries for this schema."""
        # Photos
        photo_list: relay.Connection[PhotoNode] = gql.django.connection(description='Return Photo connection with pagination information.')
        # Collection
        collection_list: relay.Connection[CollectionNode] = gql.django.connection(description='Return Collection connection with pagination information.')
    schema = gql.Schema(

    photo_list query is fine and shows public photos but collection_list -> photos not working and show all photos

    opened by sahmadreza 6
  • resolve_nodes not working when using gql.django.connection ?

    resolve_nodes not working when using gql.django.connection ?

    When I try to resolve_nodes to make a custom query, it doesn't affect the result, and when I add the print statement on resolve_nodes function, it does not appear on the console.

    opened by darwinhace 6
  • CUD mutations Input vs NodeInput

    CUD mutations Input vs NodeInput

    Hi @bellini666, quick question about the CUD mutations. They are expecting a NodeInput as input, but from the implementation I can see that both, ID and GlobalID cases are managed, when I tested this it worked fine with ID.

    Would it make sense to update/relax the input type annotation?

    opened by gersmann 5
  • Non-obvious moments when overloading the Connection

    Non-obvious moments when overloading the Connection

    Hello I tried to define a custom Connection class to extend it with the data I need. For this, the Node class was also redefined, and I encountered non-obvious behavior when defining the resolve_connection method

    def _has_own_node_resolver(cls, name: str) -> bool:
        resolver = getattr(cls, name, None)
        if resolver is None:
            return False
        if id(resolver.__func__) == id(getattr(Node, name).__func__):
            return False
        return True

    It turns out that the method described in the Node class is replaced by default with another one, and when defining a custom class, it is impossible to call super of the parent class In other words, when defining a class and at runtime, we have different resolvers What is the reason for this behaviour? Wouldn't it be better to immediately set the necessary behavior in the Node class?

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by iamcrookedman 1
  • Optimizer causes duplicate query when filtering or paginating a related field

    Optimizer causes duplicate query when filtering or paginating a related field

    Given a schema like:

    class Foo(Model):
    class Bar(Model):
        status = CharField()
        foo = ForeignKey(Foo, related_name="bars")
    class FooType:
        id: auto
        bars: List["BarType"]
    class BarFilter:
        status: str
    @gql.django.type(Bar, filters=BarFilter, pagination=True)
    class BarType:
        id: auto

    and a query like:

      foo(id: 1) {
        bars(filters: {status: "whatever"}) {

    the optimizer will cause two DB queries against the bar table. The first is because the optimizer determines that we need to prefetch bars, and it does so without the filters. A second query is then done with the WHERE clause for the filters.

    Aside from being inefficient, this prefetching also causes an error when paginating the related field. Given the following query:

      foo(id: 1) {
        bars(pagination: {limit: 2}) {

    The optimizer will perform the prefetch without any pagination. A second query is then done by slicing the queryset here:

    The problem is that because the queryset (.all() on the related manager) has already been evaluated by the optimizer's prefetch, slicing it for pagination returns a list rather than another queryset. The list then propagates down to get_queryset_as_list here:

    and because _fetch_all doesn't exist on a list, it raises an exception.

    I think these might be two separate issues but I discovered the first while investigating the second. Let me know if it would be better to split these into separate github issues.

    I'd imagine the pagination issue could be solved with an isinstance(qs, QuerySet) check before calling _fetch_all, but preferably the optimizer would determine if we need to do any filtering/pagination/ordering and do that in the prefetch the first time so that a second query isn't performed at all.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by vitosamson 5
  • Cursor Pagination without relay

    Cursor Pagination without relay

    Hello and merry xmas.

    I just finished an implementation of cursor pagination for a non-relay context and I encountered a couple of issues I would like to ask about and perhaps get a few pointers on a better implementation. Pagination was implemented using a modified version of django-cursor-pagination , sub-classing StrawberryDjangoField , implementing a generic type for the pagination result and a custom field function to return and pass options to the instance of the sub classed StrawberryDjangoField

    Field Implementation:

    class PageInfo:
        has_next_page: bool
        has_previous_page: bool
        start_cursor: Optional[str]
        end_cursor: Optional[str]
    E = TypeVar("E")
    class CursorPaginatedList(Generic[E]):
        page_info: PageInfo
        items: List[E]
    class CursorPaginationInput:
        first: Optional[int] = None
        last: Optional[int] = None
        before: Optional[str] = None
        after: Optional[str] = None
    class CursoredGenericDjangoField(
        def __init__(self, cursor_ordering=UNSET,  **kwargs):
            self.cursor_pagination = kwargs.pop('cursor_pagination',False)
            #remove other pagination and order if defined
            if self.cursor_pagination:
        def arguments(self) -> List[StrawberryArgument]:
            arguments = []
            if self.cursor_pagination:
            return super().arguments + arguments
        def is_list(self):
            if self.cursor_pagination is UNSET or not self.cursor_pagination:
                return super().is_list
            return True
        def type(self) -> Union[StrawberryType, type]:
            return super().type
        def type(self, type_: Any) -> None:
            super(CursoredGenericDjangoField, self.__class__).type.fset(self, type_)
            #store type and inner type to use in return of result and get_queryset to grab 
            #any get_queryset overload that exists on inner type definition
            if type_ is not None and self.cursor_pagination:
                self.paginated_type = type_
                self.inner_type = typing.get_args(type_)[0]
        #resolvers.resolve_result returns a coroutine which needs to be awaited so we can get a list and slice it
        #so this needs to be async. Could not figure out a better way to do this.
        async def rewrap_result(self,result,**kwargs):
            qls = list(await result)
            cp = kwargs.get('cursor_pagination',None)
            if cp and len(qls):
                page = self.paginator.page_from_list(qls,first=cp.first , last=cp.last , after=cp.after, before=cp.before)
                pi = PageInfo(
                    has_next_page= page.has_next,
                    has_previous_page= page.has_previous,
                res =  self.paginated_type(
                pi = PageInfo(
                    has_next_page= False,
                    has_previous_page= False,
                res =  self.paginated_type(
            return res
        def get_result(
            source: Optional[models.Model],
            info: Info,
            args: List[Any],
            kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
        ) -> Union[Awaitable[Any], Any]:
            if self.cursor_pagination:
                return self.rewrap_result(super().get_result(source , info , args , kwargs), **kwargs)
            return super().get_result(source , info , args , kwargs)        
        def paginate(self , qs , **kwargs):
            cp = kwargs.get('cursor_pagination')
            order = kwargs.get('cursor_ordering','id')
            self.paginator = CursorPaginator(qs, ordering=(order,'-id'))
            #Had to modify the paginator to split it's original page method into
            #two separate methods one adding filters to the queryset and another to slice the result
            #because resolvers.resolve_result returns a coroutine and not a queryset
            page = self.paginator.page_queryset(first=cp.first, after=cp.after , last=cp.last , before=cp.before)
            return page
        def get_queryset(self, queryset, info, order=UNSET, **kwargs):
            if self.cursor_pagination:
                inner_get_queryset = getattr(self.inner_type,"get_queryset",None)
                #Apply inner get queryset defined on the paginated type
                if inner_get_queryset:
                    queryset = inner_get_queryset(queryset, info, **kwargs)
                #Get the queryset from super now so we get filtering on it
                queryset =  super().get_queryset(queryset, info, order=order, **kwargs)
                #Apply pagination and ordering or just ordering based on one 
                #unique field as required for cursor pagination
                if kwargs.get('cursor_pagination',None):
                    queryset = self.paginate(queryset,**kwargs)
                    ob = kwargs.get('cursor_ordering',None)
                    if ob:
                        queryset = queryset.order_by(ob)
                return queryset
            return super().get_queryset(queryset, info, order=order, **kwargs)
    #re-defining the field function would not be necessary if:
    #  1) Any number of extra params would be passed to the constructor of the field class
    #  2) a field_cls parameter would allow for selection of which class would be returned like with type
    def field(
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        field_name: Optional[str] = None,
        is_subscription: bool = False,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        permission_classes: Optional[List[Type[BasePermission]]] = None,
        deprecation_reason: Optional[str] = None,
        default: Any = dataclasses.MISSING,
        default_factory: Union[Callable[..., object], object] = dataclasses.MISSING,
        metadata: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = None,
        directives: Optional[Sequence[object]] = (),
        pagination: Optional[bool] = UNSET,
        filters: Optional[type] = UNSET,
        order: Optional[type] = UNSET,
        only: Optional[TypeOrSequence[str]] = None,
        select_related: Optional[TypeOrSequence[str]] = None,
        prefetch_related: Optional[TypeOrSequence[PrefetchType]] = None,
        disable_optimization: bool = False,
        init: Literal[True, False, None] = None,
        #This was added to allow cursor_pagination=True to be passed to the instance
        #or any other parameter that we may require in other subclasses of StrawberryDjangoField
    ) -> Any:
        f = CursoredGenericDjangoField(
           permission_classes=permission_classes or [],
        if resolver:
            f = f(resolver)
        return f


    class Query:
        paginated_list:  module.CursorPaginatedList[SomeType] = module.field(cursor_pagination=True , filters=SomeFilter)

    Or CursorPaginatedList could be sub classed to add more fields to it.


    1. Is there any way to make the field function in this package more "generic" so it can instantiate any subclass of StrawberryDjangoField passing to it any number of extra arguments and leave it to the user to pop them so they don't get passed down the inheritance chain ?
    2. resolvers.resolve_result returns a coroutine which forced me to use the workarounds outlined in the comments and to modify the paginators functionality splitting the filtering on the queryset from the slicing of the result. Can you suggest any workaround on this?
    3. My initial instinct was to detect whether the type is a subclass of CursorPaginatedList and not have to pass a cursor_pagination=True to the constructor but I could not find a way to detect the type within the init to disable default order and pagination. Also couldn't find a reliable way to detect whether a type is a subclass for that matter. Any suggestions ?


    1. While reading through the code to get hints for my implementation I noticed that it's very tightly coupled with the relay implementation which made it kind of hard to figure out which part needed to be re-implemented. Perhaps the relay implementation should be completely separate ?
    2. StrawberryDjangoField is a subclass of strawberry_django.field.StrawberryDjangoField which has multiple inheritance on the pagination , filter and ordering classes. It would be nice if a bare minimally working version of StrawberryDjangoField was provided so a user can do his own composition on the field choosing to use , not use or maybe replace some of these classes.

    Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions you may have on this.

    opened by m4riok 2
  • Query optimization based on type hints for non-model fields?

    Query optimization based on type hints for non-model fields?

    A field that represents a model property will not be handled by the query optimizer:

    It could get derived from the type hint though, couldn't it?

    Specifying field_name, which gets translated into django_name works. Is this supposed to work like/for this? Are there unwanted side effects given that it is of type Foo, but not necessarily the actual foreign key / linked object?

        special_foo: Foo = gql.django.field(
            field_name="foo",  # workaround? other side effects?

    As for now I am happy with adding only/select_related manually (related:

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by blueyed 2
  • FieldError when using select_related with enable_only_optimization

    FieldError when using select_related with enable_only_optimization

    When trying to use select_related on a field, I am getting an error when the DjangoOptimizerExtension is used with its default enable_only_optimization=True.

    This happens because only() is used with "id", and then select_related is issued on top:

    django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Field cannot be both deferred and traversed using select_related at the same time.

    A workaround is to add the field also to only, but that could be done automatically then also.

    @django_type(models.Foo, filters=FooFilter, pagination=True)
    class Foo:
        bar: Bar
        special_bar: Bar | None = gql.django.field(
            only=["bar"],  # workaround

    I am not sure about the select_related being necessary/useful here yet (maybe because of the Optional/None it might be necessary), but I think it's a generic issue.

    I also wondered what's the point of enable_only_optimization. Is it to reduce the amount of data being selected/transferred only?


    opened by blueyed 4
  • DjangoOptimizerExtension not optimizing when fragments are used and field is queried twice

    DjangoOptimizerExtension not optimizing when fragments are used and field is queried twice

    Given this schema (simplified from the demo):
    from typing import List, cast
    from strawberry_django_plus import gql
    from strawberry_django_plus.directives import SchemaDirectiveExtension
    from strawberry_django_plus.optimizer import DjangoOptimizerExtension
    from .models import Issue, Tag
    class IssueType:
        tags: List["TagType"]
    class TagType:
        issues: List[IssueType]
    class Query:
        issue_list: List[IssueType] = gql.django.field()
    schema = gql.Schema(

    And given these two equivalent queries:

    query Slow {
      issueList {
        tags {
        tags {
    fragment A on TagType {
      issues {
    fragment B on IssueType {
    fast.graphql (obtained by clicking on "Merge fragments into query" in GraphiQL)
    query Fast {
      issueList {
        tags {
          issues {

    Initializing the database with this queries:

    INSERT INTO demo_issue (id, name, priority)
    VALUES (1, 'issue1', 1), (2, 'issue2', 2), (3, 'issue3', 3);
    INSERT INTO demo_tag (id, name)
    VALUES (1, 'tag1'), (2, 'tag2'), (3, 'tag3');
    INSERT INTO demo_issue_tags (issue_id, tag_id)
    VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3);

    Slow is experiencing the N+1 queries problem, while Fast is not.

    Using GraphiQL and the Django toolbar I can see that Fast is making 3 queries:


    While Slow is making 11:


    Note that moving the field name from issueList into the fragment A doesn't trigger the issue.

    opened by edomora97 2
  • v1.34(Jan 4, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • feat: Support full_clean when directly invoking resolver by @parrotmac in

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  • v1.33.2(Jan 4, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • doc: fix typo on by @nrbnlulu in
    • fix: Cast object_pk to model pk type by @parrotmac in

    New Contributors

    • @parrotmac made their first contribution in

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  • v1.33.1(Dec 28, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Do not check permissions for OperationInfo

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  • v1.33(Dec 27, 2022)

    What's changed

    • feat: Make defined types comparable and hashable

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  • v1.32.4(Dec 27, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Remove print statement left behind

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  • v1.32.3(Dec 26, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Only should only be aborted when the whole model is specified (i.e. as a string) (#156)

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  • v1.32.2(Dec 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: allow update of nested input fields on foreign key relationships by @gersmann in

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  • v1.32.1(Dec 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: store auto enum in model field hidden attr to avoid duplication in schema by @fabien-michel in

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  • v1.32(Dec 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: deletes instead of removes non-nullable one to many related objects on nested update by @gersmann in

    New Contributors

    • @gersmann made their first contribution in

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  • v1.31.1(Nov 26, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Fix strange mypy issue introduced in

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  • v1.31(Nov 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: enum type for standard django choices by @fabien-michel in

    New Contributors

    • @fabien-michel made their first contribution in

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  • 1.30.1(Nov 21, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Workaround adding order/filters in django connections in a thread-safe way

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  • v1.30(Nov 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: allow mutation full clean with kwargs by @OdysseyJ in

    New Contributors

    • @OdysseyJ made their first contribution in

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  • v1.29(Nov 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: Support strawberry 0.139+
    • Update in

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  • v1.28.6(Oct 28, 2022)

  • v1.28.5(Oct 19, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Keep django_name when it is provided by the user

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  • v1.28.4(Oct 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [#134] Add is_basic_field to RelayField by @LucasPickering in

    New Contributors

    • @LucasPickering made their first contribution in

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  • v1.28.3(Oct 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: Strawberry 0.133.1+ expects the default factory to be MISSING instead of a lambda that returns UNSET by @bellini666 in

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  • v1.28.2(Oct 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add py.typed file by @patrick91 in

    New Contributors

    • @patrick91 made their first contribution in

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  • v1.28.1(Oct 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add return type hint for ConditionDirective.check_condition by @edomora97 in

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  • v1.28(Oct 1, 2022)

    What's changed

    • fix: Fix resolving issues with latest changes from strawberry-graphql

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  • v1.27(Sep 23, 2022)

    What's changed

    • feat: Support field metadata from upstream strawberry
    • fix: Force is_basic_field to return False to fix resolving issues with our custom fields (to support strawberry >= 0.132.1)

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  • v1.26.1(Sep 12, 2022)

    What's changed

    • Fix order parameter not being added to Connection after latest changes from strawberry-graphql-django
    • Fix relay with lazy types after latest changes from upstream strawberry

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  • v1.26(Sep 12, 2022)

    What's changed

    • Add support for strawberry-graphql-django >= 0.5.0

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  • v1.25.2(Sep 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Make Debug Toolbar work on GraphiQl 2 by @Kitefiko in

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  • v1.25.1(Sep 1, 2022)

    What's changed

    • feat: Use the CONNECTION_CLASS defined on node when creating a connection field

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  • v1.25(Aug 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update docs for custom mutations by @oleo65 in
    • Feat: Customizable typename; Fix: GlobalID parse_literal, UNSET as default_value by @Kitefiko in

    New Contributors

    • @oleo65 made their first contribution in

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  • v1.24.1(Aug 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: Abort only optimization when manually prefetching something
    • fix: broken django-guardian link by @zacatac in

    New Contributors

    • @zacatac made their first contribution in

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  • v1.24(Aug 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: Add support to optimize GenericRelation fields
    • feat: Support only/select_related hints for many relations
    • feat: Optimize GenericForeignKey by prefetch_related them
    • Fix pre-commit configuration by @edomora97 in

    New Contributors

    • @edomora97 made their first contribution in

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  • v1.23(Aug 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: Allow to change the Connection class of a Node and also the Edge class of a Connection for custom relay implementations
    • docs: fix link to django-guardian docs by @PabloAlexis611 in
    • fix(optimizer): avoid double add_prefix calls by @wodCZ in

    New Contributors

    • @PabloAlexis611 made their first contribution in
    • @wodCZ made their first contribution in

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