Dota2 AI bot - Last Order Dota2 Solo AI


Last Order Dota2 Solo AI









  1. 修改gym_env/dota_game.py中的Dota2客户端路径。








  2. 安装python3


    双击安装包,第一个页面在红线所示位置选中复选框,然后点击Install Now进行安装。


  3. 安装依赖环境



    cd D:\last_order


    pip config set global.index-url

    pip install -r .\requirements.txt



    python .\



在上面说明中安装好python3.8和依赖库之后,在管理员模式运行的 powershell 进入项目根目录。执行下面命令即可启动游戏。

python .\












Additional links

Last Order Dota2 Shadow Fiend Solo AI

This library provides a Dota 2 Shadow Fiend solo AI trained by reinforcement learning. Shadow Fiend solo AI is trained to learn complex strategies starting with random actions through self play training. Players can play Shadow Fiend against this AI.


  1. No Infused Raindrops, Soul Ring, Bottle or Sentry Ward.

  2. You should not use runes or Glyph of Fortification.

  3. The maximum time limit for a game is 10 minutes, and the dota2 client will be automatically killed and reopened after the time limit.

  4. The game cannot be paused.

Configuration file

(Take Windows as an example)

  1. Modify the path of Dota2 client in gym_env/

    Modify it to the corresponding path according to the example of the path below.


    The Dota2 client path can be found according to the following guidelines.

    Find Dota2 from the TEAM library, right click on it and go to the properties screen.

    Click on the local files and then click on Browse... to open the folder where the Dota 2 client is located.

  2. Install python3

    Download the python 3.8 installation package:

    Double-click the installer, check the checkbox on the first page where the red line is, and then click Install Now to install.


  3. Install the dependencies

    Find powershell in the start menu, right click on it and run it in administrator mode.

    First go to the root directory of this project (take the D:\ drive as an example, if the last_order folder is on the E:\ drive, change D to E).

    cd D:\last_order

    Then execute the following commands in sequence.

    pip config set global.index-url

    pip install -r .\requirements.txt

    Wait for the installation to complete.

    Once the installation is complete, execute the following command to start the game, see the next section for details.

    python .\

Start the game

First open steam, note that the username of steam should be English, otherwise there will be an error.

After installing python 3.8 and the dependencies in the above instructions, run powershell in admin mode and enter the project root directory. Execute the following command to start the game.

python .\

After that the system will automatically start the Dota2 client.

Then follow the instructions in the image below to start the game.

On the first page of the client, click on PLAY DOTA.




Select The Dire team and click EDIT:


Check and change the lobby settings to match the following image:


Finally, select Shadow Fiend to start the game:


Additional links

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