💣 Bomb Crypto Bot 💣


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💣 Bomb Crypto Bot 💣

⚠️ Warning

I am not responsible for any penalties incurred by those who use the bot, use it at your own risk.

📄 Documentation

- Language
Portuguese Portuguese

📌 Glossary

📋 About

This bot contains code from other developers, this bot was just refactored, to facilitate new implementations and maintenance.

Developers (Base code):

This bot is free and open source.


  • Refactored code
  • Add 3 captchas
  • Themes
  • Multi account with many windows side-by-side or many windows maximized
  • Run the Bot, without interrupting errors in the code
  • Console colorful
  • Bot speed, gain a few seconds on the move
  • Update the configuration file required
  • Auto-update files (requires Git installed)
  • Bcoins report after finalizing the map
  • New map estimation added
  • Telegram new commands (workall, restall, refresh, stop)

🎁 Donation

BCOIN/BNB: 0x318863E8f42F4471C1c3FEc59DF2Dd9447F39241 PIX: 46fad16d-a076-4bd0-8b84-00c508332d75

🤖 Robot - Preview

Screenshot - Preview

🪟 Installation


🖥️ Computer/Laptop High or Medium Profile
🐍 Install the Python 3.9.9

🖥️ Computer/Laptop Low Profile or Low Profile with Windows 7 Pro
🐍 Install the Python 3.8.10

🔗 https://www.python.org/downloads/

⚠️ It is important to check the option to add python to PATH

Git (To use auto-update)

Windows: https://gitforwindows.org/
Linux (Ubuntu): sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install git

⚠️ Open a new terminal and type the command to verify that it was installed correctly

git version


Install the dependencies by running the command below into the project folder:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Ready! Now just start the bot with the command, inside the project folder

python index.py
commands OS description
./cmd/update_files.sh Linux Updates all project files except config.yaml and telegram.yaml and Python requirements.txt
./cmd/update.sh Linux Updates only the Python requirements.txt
.\cmd\update_files.bat Windows Updates all project files except config.yaml and telegram.yaml and Python requirements.txt
.\cmd\update.bat Windows Updates only the Python requirements.txt

How to works?

The bot doesn't change any of the game's source code, it just takes a screenshot of the game's screen to find the buttons and simulates mouse movements.

⚠️ Some settings can be changed in the /config/config.yaml file, don't forget to restart the bot if you change the settings, some changes in the /config/config.yaml file may cause the bot to stop, such as activating the telegram when the bot is running.

🧪 Tests

Desktop Medium Profile
Intel i5-3570k @ 3.4Ghz, 24GB RAM
Windows 11, [email protected]
Python 3.9.9

Laptop Low Profile
Laptop Samsumg RV411, Pentium P6200 @ 2.13Ghz, 2GB RAM
Windows 7, [email protected]
Python 3.8.10

🎨 Themes

theme toolbar image preview
default Lunar New Year
lunar_newyear Lunar New Year

⚒️ Configs

code type description
app - -
theme string Current game theme, to recognize bug titles and hero list. Values in the Themes table
verify_version bollean - true/false Check app version every 1h, recommended to keep up to date
emoji bollean - true/false Enable/Disable show emoji in console messages
terminal_colorful bollean - true/false Enable/Disable show colored messages on terminal
run_time_app int Bot loop execution time
monitor_to_use int Monitor that the bot uses as a reference
captcha bollean - true/false Enable/Disable in-game captcha recognition
speed string - normal/fast Two bot speed modes, fast mode is between 1~3 minutes faster
multi_account - -
enable bollean - true/false Enable/Disable Multi Account functionality
window_title string Window title, for identification of the active game by the bot
window_fullscreen bollean - true/false Enable/Disable Fullscreen mode, recommended for small monitors
time_intervals - -
send_heroes_for_work array - [int, int] Start and end time for bot to search for heroes to work
refresh_heroes_positions array - [int, int] Start and end interval for bot to update map
chests - -
values - -
chest_01 decimal Brown chest reward value
chest_02 decimal Purple chest reward value
chest_03 decimal Golden chest reward value
chest_04 decimal Blue chest reward value
threshold - -
default decimal Confidence default value
error_message decimal Confidence Value of Error Window Title
back_button decimal Confidence value of map back button
heroes_green_bar decimal Hero's partial energy bar confidence value
heroes_full_bar decimal Hero's full energy bar confidence value
heroes_send_all decimal Trust value of the send all button to work
chest decimal Confidence value of the chests to calculate the total BCOINS of the map
jail decimal Confidence value of the chests to calculate the total jail of the map
heroes - -
mode string - all, green, full How to send heroes to work.
all - Sends all heroes without criteria.
green - Sends heroes with partially green energy
full - Sends heroes with full energy
list - -
scroll_attempts int Total scroll the bot will make in the hero list
offsets - -
work_button_green array - [int, int] Offset for mouse click on WORK button
work_button_full array - [int, int] Offset for mouse click on WORK button
metamask - -
enable_login_metamask bollean - true/false Enable/Disable Metamask Auto Login
password string Password to unlock Metamask to login to the game
services - -
telegram bollean - true/false Enable/Disable the message sending service for Telegram
save_to_file bollean - true/false Enable/Disable save console log to logger.log file
debug bollean - true/false Enable/Disable debugging of some bot information

⚠️ Adjusting the bot

Why some adjustments might be necessary?

The bot uses image recognition to make decisions and move the mouse and click in the right places.
It accomplishes this by comparing an example image with a screenshot of the computer/laptop screen.
This method is subject to inconsistencies due to differences in your screen resolution and how the game is rendered on your computer.
It's likely that the bot doesn't work 100% on the first run, and you need to make some adjustments to the config file.

What are the problems?

  • False negative - The bot was supposed to recognize an image, for example the push to work button, but it didn't recognize the image in the screenshot.

  • False Positive - The bot thinks it has recognized the image it is looking for in a place where this image does not appear.

To solve these problems there are two possibilities, adjusting the "threshold" parameter in the config.yaml file or replacing the example image in the "targets" folder with one taken on your own computer:

Threshold in config file

The "threshold" parameter regulates how confident the bot needs to be to consider that it has found the image it is looking for.
This value is from 0 to 1 (0% to 100%).

A threshold of 0.1 is too low, it will assume that it has found the image it is looking for in places it is not showing (false positive). The most common behavior for this problem is the bot clicking random places around the screen.

A threshold of 0.99 or 1 is too high, it won't find the image it's looking for, even when it's showing up on the screen. The most common behavior is that it simply doesn't move the cursor anywhere, or crashes in the middle of a process such as login.

Image Replacement

The example images are stored in the "images/themes/default" folder. These images were taken on my computer with a resolution of 1920x1080. To replace some image that is not being recognized properly, simply find the corresponding image in the folder "images/themes/default", take a screenshot of the same area and replace the previous image. It is important that the replacement has the same name, including the .png extension.

Some behaviors that may indicate a false positive or negative

False positive:

  • Repeatedly sending a hero who is already working to work on a infinite loop.

    • False positive on "work_button.png" image, bot thinks it sees the dark button on a hero with the light button.
  • Clicking random places (usually white) on the screen

    • False positive on image "metamask_sign_button.png"

False negative:

  • Not doing anything

    • Maybe the bot is having problems with its resolution and is not recognizing any of the images, try changing the browser setting to 100%.
  • Not sending the heroes to work

    • It may be a false negative on the image "bar_green_stamina.png" if the option "heroes.mode" is set to "green".

👍 Did you like it? :)

BCOIN: 0x4847C29561B6682154E25c334E12d156e19F613a

PIX: 08912d17-47a6-411e-b7ec-ef793203f836

Matheus Benites
Full stack Software Engineer with experience in design. In continuous improvement!
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