Throttle and debounce add-on for Pyrogram



Throttle and debounce add-on for Pyrogram


implementation on decorators

from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import Message
from pyrothrottle.decorators import personal_throttle

client = Client('client')

@client.on_message(filters.incoming & filters.text)
def handler(c: Client, m: Message):
    m.reply_text(f'Message processed. You can send next in {m.request_info.interval} seconds')

def fallback_handler(c: Client, m: Message):
    m.reply_text(f'Too fast. Write me after {m.request_info.cooldown} seconds')

implementation on filters

from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import Message
from pyrothrottle.filters import personal_throttle

client = Client('client')
throttle = personal_throttle(3)

@client.on_message(filters.incoming & filters.text & throttle.filter)
def handler(c: Client, m: Message):
    m.reply_text(f'Message processed. You can send next in {m.request_info.interval} seconds')

def fallback_handler(c: Client, m: Message):
    m.reply_text(f'Too fast. Write me after {m.request_info.cooldown} seconds')


First of all, I have to mention that package has two implementations (each was shown in Quickstart section), so, each type of antispam system would have two equal named classes, one in .filters subpackage, and one in .decorators subpackage.
Also, for convinient usage, every class (when package is initialised) named in snake case (But in declaration they're named in camel case as it should be). So, in documentation they will be named as usual classes (for example, PersonalDebounce), but in code you have to use snake case names (for example, personal_debounce).

Meaningful part

In order to choice right system, you just need to undestand 5 terms.

  • Global
    Global in class name means that chosen system would have common for all users counter.
  • Personal
    Personal in class name means that chosen system would have separate counters for each user.
  • Throttle
    Throttle system counts interval between now and last processed (not last received) event. If this interval equals to or greater than given, event would be processed. Only interval is mandatory parameter.
  • Debounce
    Debounce system counts interval between now and last received event. If this interval equals to or greater than given, event would be processed. Only interval is mandatory parameter.
  • ReqrateController
    ReqrateController system counts, how many events were processed for last interval of time with length of provided interval (from some time point till now). If amount of processed events less than given allowed amount, event would be processed. Have 2 mandatory parameters: interval and amount.

In every class name first goes scope (Global or Personal), and then technique name (for example, PersonalDebounce).

Full API explanation


class pyrothrottle.decorators.GlobalThrottle

class pyrothrottle.filters.GlobalThrottle


  • interval(int|float) — Interval between successfully processed events. Since it's Throttle, system would pass any event, if interval between now and last processed (not last received) event would equals to or be greater than given interval. Because it's Global, system wound have common for all users counter.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).

class pyrothrottle.decorators.PersonalThrottle

class pyrothrottle.filters.PersonalThrottle


  • interval(int|float|callable) — Interval between successfully processed events. If callable passed, it must accept one positional argument (user_id) and return int or float. Since it's Throttle, system would pass an event, if interval between now and last processed (not last received) event would equals to or be greater than given interval. Because it's Personal, system wound have separate counters for each user.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).

class pyrothrottle.decorators.GlobalDebounce

class pyrothrottle.filters.GlobalDebounce


  • interval(int|float) — Interval between successfully processed events. Since it's Debounce, system would pass an event, if interval between now and last received event would equals to or be greater than given interval. Because it's Global, system wound have common for all users counter.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).

class pyrothrottle.decorators.PersonalDebounce

class pyrothrottle.filters.PersonalDebounce


  • interval(int|float|callable) — Interval between successfully processed events. If callable passed, it must accept one positional argument (user_id) and return int or float. Since it's Debounce, system would pass an event, if interval between now and last received event would equals to or be greater than given interval. Because it's Personal, system wound have separate counters for each user.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).

class pyrothrottle.decorators.GlobalReqrateController

class pyrothrottle.filters.GlobalReqrateController


  • interval(int|float) — Interval between successfully processed events. Since it's ReqrateController, system would pass an event, if amount of processed for last interval of time with length of provided interval events less that given allowed amount. Because it's Global, system wound have common for all users counter.
  • amount(int) — Allowed amount of processed requests during given interval.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).

class pyrothrottle.decorators.PersonalReqrateController

class pyrothrottle.filters.PersonalReqrateController


  • interval(int|float|callable) — Interval between successfully processed events. If callable passed, it must accept one positional argument (user_id) and return int or float. Since it's ReqrateController, system would pass an event, if amount of processed for last interval of time with length of provided interval events less that given allowed amount. Because it's Personal, system wound have separate counters for each user.
  • amount(int|callable) — Allowed amount of processed requests during given interval. If callable passed, it must accept one positional argument (user_id) and return int.
  • falback (callable, optional) — Function that will be called if passed not enough time between events. Must accept two positional arguments (client, event).


Decorators intended to use in next way:

@client.on_event(...) # i.e. on_message, on_callback_query, etc.
@personal_throttle(3) # I'll use personal_throttle for examples
def handler(c: Client, e: Event):

If you want to add fallback handler to your system, you have to use .on_fallback (this method would contain in variable named as function that you registered as handler) as decorator. Fallback function must accept two positional arguments (same arguments as provided to main handler)

def fallback_handler(c: Client, e: Event):

Please note: Event objects (i.e. Message, CallbackQuery or InlineQuery) are patched, so they have have attribute request_info with usefull info (more on RequestInfo class later).


First of all, I have to mention that filter itself contained in filter attribute. Filters have 2 major ways to use: normal and anonymous.

Normal use

throttle = personal_throttle(3)

@client.on_event(different_filters & throttle.filter) # i.e. on_message, on_callback_query, etc.
def handler(c: Client, e: Event):

def fallback_handler(c: Client, e: Event):

So, instead of decorators, when using filters (in normal way), .on_fallback must be called from antispam system instance

Anonymous use

@client.on_event(different_filters & personal_throttle(3).filter) # i.e. on_message, on_callback_query, etc.
def handler(c: Client, e: Event):

So, comparing ways to use, the advantage of normal use is that you can add fallback using .on_fallback, while main advantage of anonymous usage is absence of necessity to create named instance what gives us less code. You still can specify fallback when creating anomyous instance

def fallback_handler(c: Client, e: Event):

@client.on_event(different_filters & personal_throttle(3, fallback_handler).filter)
def handler(c: Client, e: Event):

Please note: Event objects (i.e. Message, CallbackQuery or InlineQuery) are patched, so they have attribute request_info with usefull info (more on RequestInfo class later).


So, as it was mentioned before, all incoming events are patched, so they have attribute request_info with RequestInfo instance.

class pyrothrottle.RequestInfo


  • time(float) — timestamp of the moment when the event got into antispam system.
  • last_processed(float|list) — timestamp (or list of timestamps) of last processed event(s).
  • next_successful(float) — timestamp, when incoming event would be processed.
  • interval(int|float) — user-defined interval for antispam system.
  • amount(int, optional) — user-defined amount of events that should be processed during interval (only in ReqrateController)
  • cooldown(float) — amount of time till now to next successful processed event.
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