Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses library used for 'requests'

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an asyncio testing server for mocking external services


  • Fast mocks using actual network connections
  • allows mocking some types of network issues
  • use regular expression matching for domain, path, method, or body
  • works with https requests as well (by switching them to http requests)
  • works with callables


Add routes and responses via the aresponses.add method:

def add(
    body_pattern=ANY, m

When a request is received the first matching response will be returned and removed from the routing table. The response argument can be either a string, Response, dict, or list. Use aresponses.Response when you need to do something more complex.

Note that version >=2.0 requires explicit assertions!

async def test_simple(aresponses):
    aresponses.add("", "/api/v1/", "GET", response="OK")
    aresponses.add('', '/', 'get', aresponses.Response(text='error', status=500))

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get("") as response:
            text = await response.text()
            assert text == "OK"
        async with session.get("") as response:
            text = await response.text()
            assert text == "error"



In aresponses 1.x requests that didn't match a route stopped the event loop and thus forced an exception. In aresponses >2.x it's required to make assertions at the end of the test.

There are three assertions functions provided:

  • aresponses.assert_no_unused_routes Raises UnusedRouteError if all the routes defined were not used up.
  • aresponses.assert_called_in_order - Raises UnorderedRouteCallError if the routes weren't called in the order they were defined.
  • aresponses.assert_all_requests_matched - Raises NoRouteFoundError if any requests were made that didn't match to a route. It's likely but not guaranteed that your code will throw an exception in this situation before the assertion is reached.

Instead of calling these individually, it's recommended to call aresponses.assert_plan_strictly_followed() at the end of each test as it runs all three of the above assertions.

Regex and Repeat

host_pattern, path_pattern, method_pattern and body_pattern may be either strings (exact match) or regular expressions.

The repeat argument permits a route to be used multiple times.

If you want to just blanket mock a service, without concern for how many times its called you could set repeat to a large number and not call aresponses.assert_plan_strictly_followed or arespones.assert_no_unused_routes.

async def test_regex_repetition(aresponses):
    aresponses.add(re.compile(r".*\.?google\.com"), response="OK", repeat=2)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get("") as response:
            text = await response.text()
            assert text == "OK"

        async with session.get("") as response:
            text = await response.text()
            assert text == "OK"


Json Responses

As a convenience, if a dict or list is passed to response then it will create a json response. A aiohttp.web_response.json_response object can be used for more complex situations.

async def test_json(aresponses):
    aresponses.add("", "/api/v1/", "GET", response={"status": "OK"})

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get("") as response:
            assert {"status": "OK"} == await response.json()


Custom Handler

Custom functions can be used for whatever other complex logic is desired. In example below the handler is set to repeat infinitely and always return 500.

import math

async def test_handler(aresponses):
    def break_everything(request):
        return aresponses.Response(status=500, text=str(request.url))

    aresponses.add(response=break_everything, repeat=math.inf)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get("") as response:
            assert response.status == 500


Pass aresponses.passthrough into the response argument to allow a request to bypass mocking.

    aresponses.add('', '/200', 'get', aresponses.passthrough)

Inspecting history

History of calls can be inspected via aresponses.history which returns the namedTuple RoutingLog(request, route, response)

async def test_history(aresponses):
    aresponses.add(response=aresponses.Response(text="hi"), repeat=2)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get("") as response:
            await response.text()
        async with session.get("") as response:
            await response.text()

    assert len(aresponses.history) == 2
    assert aresponses.history[0] == ""
    assert aresponses.history[1] == ""
    assert "Route(" in repr(aresponses.history[0].route)

Context manager usage

import aiohttp
import pytest
import aresponses

async def test_foo(event_loop):
    async with aresponses.ResponsesMockServer(loop=event_loop) as arsps:
        arsps.add('', '/', 'get', 'hi there!!')
        arsps.add(arsps.ANY, '/', 'get', arsps.Response(text='hey!'))
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=event_loop) as session:
            async with session.get('') as response:
                text = await response.text()
                assert text == 'hi'
            async with session.get('') as response:
                text = await response.text()
                assert text == 'hey!'

working with pytest-aiohttp

If you need to use aresponses together with pytest-aiohttp, you should re-initialize main aresponses fixture with loop fixture

from aresponses import ResponsesMockServer

async def aresponses(loop):
    async with ResponsesMockServer(loop=loop) as server:
        yield server

If you're trying to use the aiohttp_client test fixture then you'll need to mock out the aiohttp loop fixture instead:

def loop(event_loop):
    """replace aiohttp loop fixture with pytest-asyncio fixture"""
    return event_loop


Dev environment setup

  • install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv - Makes it easy to install specific versions of python and switch between them. Make sure you install the virtualenv bash hook
  • git clone the repo and cd into it.
  • make init - installs proper version of python, creates the virtual environment, activates it and installs all the requirements

Submitting a feature request

  • git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  • make some cool changes
  • make autoformat
  • make test
  • make lint
  • create pull request

Updating package on pypi

  • make deploy



  • fix: don't assume utf8 request contents


  • accidental no-op release


  • documentation: add pypi documentation


  • bugfix: RecursionError when aresponses is used in more than 1000 tests (#63)


  • feature: add convenience method add_local_passthrough
  • bugfix: fix https subrequest mocks. support aiohttp_client compatibility


  • bugfix: ensure request body is available in history


Warning! Breaking Changes!

  • breaking change: require explicit assertions for test failures
  • feature: autocomplete works in intellij/pycharm
  • feature: can match on body of request
  • feature: store calls made
  • feature: repeated responses
  • bugfix: no longer stops event loop
  • feature: if dict or list is passed into response, a json response will be generated


  • make passthrough feature work with binary data


  • regex fix for Python 3.7.0


  • Added passthrough option to permit live network calls
  • Added example of using a callable as a response


  • Added an optional match_querystring argument that lets you match on querystring as well


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