CLI program that allows you to change your Alacritty config with one command without editing the config file.



Change your alacritty config on the fly!

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pip install pycritty

By default, only the program itself will be installed, but you can install default themes from config/themes:

pip install --install-option="--themes=onedark,dracula,nord" pycritty

Or if you want them all:

pip install --install-option="--themes=all" pycritty

Make sure to have ~/.local/bin directory in your $PATH, otherwise your shell won't find the pycritty command. Add this line to your ~/.xprofile if you haven't already:

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH


Change your current config:

pycritty --font UbuntuMono --size 14 --opacity 0.95

Save multiple configs and reuse them later:

pycritty save ThisConfig
pycritty load AnotherConfig

Install themes and configs from URLs:

pycritty install -t
pycritty -t breeze
pycritty install -c -n SomeCoolConfig
pycritty load SomeCoolConfig

Check help for all available options:

pycritty -h
# pycritty subcomand -h
pycritty save -h

Fonts Config

Fonts are configured in ~/.config/alacritty/fonts.yaml with this format:

    Alias: Font Name

When applied using pycritty -f Alias, the previous format will be converted into the alacritty equivalent:

        family: Font Name
        family: Font Name
        family: Font Name

You can also specify a different font for each font type:

        normal: Normal Font Name
        bold: Bold Font Name
        italic: Italic Font Name

Note that the fonts must be installed on your system.

Theme Config

You can make your own custom themes by creating new theme files with the correct format, ~/.config/alacritty/themes/custom.yaml should look like this:

    # Default colors
        background: '0x292d3e'
        foreground: '0xbbc5ff'
    # Normal colors
        black:   '0x101010'
        red:     '0xf07178'
        green:   '0xc3e88d'
        yellow:  '0xffcb6b'
        blue:    '0x82aaff'
        magenta: '0xc792ea'
        cyan:    '0x89ddff'
        white:   '0xd0d0d0'
    # Bright colors
        black:   '0x434758'
        red:     '0xff8b92'
        green:   '0xddffa7'
        yellow:  '0xffe585'
        blue:    '0x9cc4ff'
        magenta: '0xe1acff'
        cyan:    '0xa3f7ff'
        white:   '0xffffff'

Then you can apply it using the name of the file:

pycritty -t custom

Custom scripts

If you want to apply different configs programmatically, you can either use the CLI in a shell script or use pycritty as a python module:


# Dummy script that changes the theme every 5 minutes

from time import sleep
from pycritty.commands import Pycritty, ListResource

def main():
    ls = ListResource()
    conf = Pycritty()
    while True:
        for theme in ls.list_themes():
            conf.change_theme(theme)  # or conf.set(theme=theme)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Shell equivalent:


while :; do
    # Same as pycritty ls --themes --iterable
    for theme in $(pycritty ls -ti); do
        pycritty -t $theme
        sleep 300
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