An automated header extensive scanner for detecting log4j RCE CVE-2021-44228
$ python3 log4j.py -l urls.txt --dns-log REPLACE_THIS.dnslog.cn
$ python3 log4j.py -l urls.txt --dns-log REPLACE_THIS.dnslog.cn
Instagram-Brute-Force The purpose of this script is to brute-force guess the passwords to Instagram accounts. Specifics: Comes with 2 separate modes i
ProxyLogon For Python3 ProxyLogon(CVE-2021-26855+CVE-2021-27065) Exchange Server RCE(SSRF-GetWebShell) usage: python ProxyLogon.py --host=exchang
Install In TERMUX apt update && apt upgrade -y pkg install python git unrar
A compact version of EDI-Vetter, which uses the TLS output to quickly vet transit signals. All your favorite hits in a simplified format.
The Linux tool to automate the process of getting a pty once you got admin credentials in a Wordpress site. Keep in mind that right now Omega only can attack Linux hosts.
Xnuvers007 PortInjection this is tools hacking for scan vuln in port web, happy using view/show python 3.9 solo coder (tangerang) 19 y/o installation
MacPer A python based tool that executes various CVEs to gain root privileges as root on various MAC OS platforms. Not all of the exploits directly sp
Zip brute is a python script that cracks zip that are password protected using a wordlist dictionary.
TMOHS1 Root Utility Description An interactive python script that enables root access on the T-Mobile (Wingtech) TMOHS1, as well as providing several
Grafana V8.*任意文件读取Exp--多线程批量验证脚本 漏洞描述 Grafana是一个开源的度量分析与可视化套件。经常被用作基础设施的时间序列数据和应用程序分析的可视化,它在其他领域也被广泛的使用包括工业传感器、家庭自动化、天气和过程控制等。其 8.*版本任意文件读取漏洞,该漏洞目前为0d
CVE-2021-36798 CVE-2021-36798 Cobalt Strike 4.3 dos 用法 python3 CVE-2021-36798.py BeaconURL 打瘫Cobalt Strike 只需要一个包 已测试 4.3 4.2 参考: https://labs.sent
Keylogger this keylogger is only for pc not for android but it will only work on those pc who have python installed it is made for all linux,windows a
Lacework registry scanner Install & configure Lacework CLI Integrate a Container Registry Go to Lacework Resources Containers Container Image In
CVE-2021-3129 - Laravel RCE About The script has been made for exploiting the Laravel RCE (CVE-2021-3129) vulnerability. This script allows you to wri
Django Protected Media Django Protected Media is a Django app that manages media that are considered sensitive in a protected fashion. Not only does t
EliBruter A brute Force tool for Facebook Installing this tool -- $ pkg upgrade && update $ pkg install python $ pkg install python3 $ pkg install gi
IDA2Obj IDA2Obj is a tool to implement SBI (Static Binary Instrumentation). The working flow is simple: Dump object files (COFF) directly from one exe
Hcoder This is a python base script from which you can hack or clone any person's facebook friendlist or followers accounts which have simple password
int-obfuscator Obfuscate your python code into a string of integers. De-obfuscate also supported. How it works: Each printable character gets replaced
IntarKnife v1.0 a tool can be used in intarnet for easily pentesting moudle hash spray U can use this tool to spray hash on a webshell IntraKnife.exe