Aircache is an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating.



Aircache is an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating.

It follows microservice compatibility and makes it possible to integrate it as part of a more comprehensive solution just as caching and security layer or on its own for increasing speed and decreasing the rate limit impact of no-code and low-code solutions.

Table of Content


Why Caching?

The reason that someone should use a caching solution is that caching can speed up getting data. With caching, if a user requests the same data more than once, the caching solution will return the data from its local storage rather than asking it from the original source each time. Caching also allows for sharing cached content among different instances of an application or even various applications.

Why Scoping?

Scoping access is essential because it limits the damage that can be done in the event of a security breach. For example, if an attacker gains access to your API key, they would only access the resources you have permission to access. This helps to protect your data and keeps your account safe.

Why AirCache?

You should give AirCache a try because it provides you with both of the solutions above. It has scoping, caching, and security built into it. This means that you can get these benefits with minimal effort. You can define scopes for different data requests (for example, the separate scope for user profiles APIs and another one for billing APIs) while still sharing cached content between them. The scoping works by checking the access token against scopes defined on each resource path; if the token matches any of the scoped routes, it gets access to that resource even though its scope might be different than others requesting it without checking scopings first.

Another benefit of AirCache is that it has a self-hosted option that can be used even by no-code and low-code developers to provide a secured caching layer in a highly cost-effective manner.

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"Commons Clause" License Condition v1.0 The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License, as defined below, subject to the following condition. Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to you, the right to Sell the Software. For purposes of the foregoing, "Sell" means practicing any or all of the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties, for a fee or other consideration (including without limitation fees for hosting or consulting/ support services related to the Software), a product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution required by the License must also include this Commons Clause License Condition notice.
Software: AirCache
License: Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause
Licensor: Mehdi Roshan Fekr
Please find further information on the license page

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