PESU Academy Discord Bot built for PESsants and PESts of PES University


PESU Academy Bot

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PESU Academy Discord Bot built for PESsants and PESts of PES University

You can add the bot to your Discord Server using this link. Once the bot has joined your server, please carry out the setup instructions posted by the bot.

What can PESU Academy Bot do?

  1. It periodically fetches PESU announcements and notifies you immediately (thus eliminating any reason to open PESU Academy)
  2. It is connected to a student database, and allows you to perform a query based lookup to search
  3. It updates you about Instagram posts made by clubs
  4. It also follows PES social media handles - Instagram and Reddit
  5. It contains two URL shortners - by Adarsh Shetty and redirector by me
  6. You can also execute Python code!
  7. It features a meme-generator - SaaS and an English Dictionary

...and more.

Execute after adding the bot to your server to check out all the features.

How to run PESU Academy Bot?

  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:aditeyabaral/pesu-academy-bot.git
  1. Create a separate virtual environment and install the dependencies. You can use virtualenv -- simple to setup and use.
cd pesu-academy-bot
virtualenv bot
source bot/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Setup the following environment variables in a .env
  1. Run the bot using the following command
python3 src/

How to contribute to PESU Academy Bot?

  1. Fork this repository ​
  2. Create a new branch called username-beta
  3. Make your changes and create a pull request with the following information in the request message:
    • The functionality you wish to change/add | What did you change/add
    • Screenshots of the feature working at your end ​
  4. Send a review request to aditeyabaral or abaksy
  5. Wait for approval for reviewers. Your PR may be directly accepted or requested for further changes

Important: Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to merge to the main branch.


Contact any of us for any support.

Aditeya Baral
Aronya Baksy

Aditeya Baral
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