Der Dischkort Bot für Andiismus Wichtigger Bot für den hauseigenen Discord-Server Indoktrinationsmechanismusleitungsprogramm der andiistischen Volkspartei
Der Dischkort Bot für Andiismus Wichtigger Bot für den hauseigenen Discord-Server Indoktrinationsmechanismusleitungsprogramm der andiistischen Volkspartei
Google-meet-self-attendance-bot An attendance bot which joins google meet automatically according to schedule and marks present in the google meet. I
toldium The easy multiplatform bot toldium is a modular, fast, reliable and customizable multiplatform bot library for your communities, from a commun
Discord-Token-Generator-Yazato A httpx token generator for discord This generator was developed by Aced#0001, Dreamy Tos Follower#0001, Scripted#0131 A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using asyn
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
neutrino This project has just begun. Rudimentary API documentation Installation Prerequisites: Python 3.8+ and Git 2.33+ Navigate into a directory of
binance-ema Exchange indicators & Basic functions for Binance API. This python library has been written to calculate SMA, EMA, MACD etc. functions wit
Whale Demo Instance: Bigquery Public Data This is a fully-functioning demo instance of the whale data catalog, actively scraping data from Bigquery's
Modified Version Of Media Search bot
AWS SQS event redrive Lambda This repository contains one simple AWS Lambda function in Python to redrive AWS SQS events from source queue to destinat
A GUI Application that creates a Spotify Playlist from any year in the past, by just entering your preferred date
This is a Request Tracker Bot repo, It is for those who upload content like movies, anime, etc. It can be used for tracking request of content that your members asked for.
custom-discord-bot-maker Sorry for using Translator. Each description may be inaccurate. how to use 1. Make new application at
Image Based TFT Bot TFT Bot that automatically surrenders and allows finishing TFT Passes easily. Please read full file! You can check new releases he
Voicebot A simple Telegram bot to convert lengthy voice clips to text and vice versa with supporting languages. Mandatory Variables API_HASH - Yo
RDMAss A Python Discord bot creating an interaction with RDM API. Features Assig
Freqtrade Strategy Repository Please test all scripts and dry run them before using them in live mode Contact me on discord if you have any questions!
Unzipper Bot A Telegram Bot to Extract Various Types Of Archives Features Extract various types of archives like rar, zip, tar, 7z, tar.xz etc. Passwo
repo-watcher-dispatch-sender This app is used to send a repository_dispatch event to the destination repo set in or Environmental Variables
ToqueIO Nuke tools - A collection of tools designed to assist in enhancing your workflows within nuke