An extremely configurable markdown reverser for Python3.


🔄 Unmarkd

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A markdown reverser.

Unmarkd is a BeautifulSoup-powered Markdown reverser written in Python and for Python.


This is created as a StackSearch (one of my other projects) dependency. In order to create a better API, I needed a way to reverse HTML. So I created this.

There are similar projects (written in Ruby) but I have not found any written in Python (or for Python) later I found a popular library, html2text. But Unmarkd still is still better. See comparison.


You know the drill

pip install unmarkd

Known issues

  • Nested lists are not properly indented (#4) Fixed in #11
  • Blockquote bug (#18) Fixed in #23


TL;DR: Html2Text is fast. If you don't need much configuration, you could use Html2Text for the little speed increase.

Click to expand


TL;DR: Unmarkd < Html2Text

Html2Text is basically faster:


(The DOC variable used can be found here)

Unmarkd sacrifices speed for power.

Html2Text directly uses Python's html.parser module (in the standard library). On the other hand, Unmarkd uses the powerful HTML parsing library, beautifulsoup4. BeautifulSoup can be configured to use different HTML parsers. In Unmarkd, we configure it to use Python's html.parser, too.

But another layer of code means more code is ran.

I hope that's a good explanation of the speed difference.


TL;DR: Unmarkd == Html2Text

I actually found two html-to-markdown libraries. One of them was Tomd which had an incorrect implementation:

Actual results

It seems to be abandoned, anyway.

Now with Html2Text and Unmarkd:

Epic showdown

In other words, they work


TL;DR: Unmarkd > Html2Text

This is Unmarkd's strong point.

In Html2Text, you only have a limited set of options.

In Unmarkd, you can subclass the BaseUnmarker and implement conversions for new tags (e.g. ), etc. In my opinion, it's much easier to extend and configure Unmarkd.

Unmarkd was originally written as a StackSearch dependancy.

Html2Text has no options for configuring parsing of code blocks. Unmarkd does


Here's an example of basic usage

I love markdown!")) # Output: **I *love* markdown!**">
import unmarkd
print(unmarkd.unmark("I love markdown!"))
# Output: **I *love* markdown!**

or something more complex (shamelessly taken from here):

Sample Markdown

This is some basic, sample markdown.

Second Heading

  • Unordered lists, and:
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
  • More


And bold, italics, and even italics and later bold. Even strikethrough. A link to somewhere.

And code highlighting:

var foo = 'bar';

function baz(s) {
   return foo + ':' + s;

Or inline code like var foo = 'bar';.

Or an image of bears


The end ...

""" print(unmarkd.unmark(html_doc))">
import unmarkd
html_doc = R"""

Sample Markdown

This is some basic, sample markdown.

Second Heading

  • Unordered lists, and:
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
  • More


And bold, italics, and even italics and later bold. Even strikethrough. A link to somewhere.

And code highlighting:

var foo = 'bar';

function baz(s) {
   return foo + ':' + s;

Or inline code like var foo = 'bar';.

Or an image of bears


The end ...

""" print(unmarkd.unmark(html_doc))

and the output:

    # Sample Markdown

    This is some basic, sample markdown.

    ## Second Heading

    - Unordered lists, and:
     1. One
     2. Two
     3. Three
    - More


    And **bold**, *italics*, and even *italics and later **bold***. Even ~~strikethrough~~. [A link]( to somewhere.

    And code highlighting:

    var foo = 'bar';

    function baz(s) {
       return foo + ':' + s;

    Or inline code like `var foo = 'bar';`.

    Or an image of bears


    The end ...


Brief Overview

Most functionality should be covered by the BasicUnmarker class defined in unmarkd.unmarkers.

If you need to reverse markdown from StackExchange (as in the case for my other project), you may use the StackOverflowUnmarker (or it's alias, StackExchangeUnmarker), which is also defined in unmarkd.unmarkers.


If the above two classes do not suit your needs, you can subclass the unmarkd.unmarkers.BaseUnmarker abstract class.

Currently, you can optionally override the following methods:

  • detect_language (parameters: 1)
    • Parameters:
      • html: bs4.BeautifulSoup
    • When a fenced code block is approached, this function is called with a parameter of type bs4.BeautifulSoup passed to it; this is the element the code block was detected from (i.e. pre).
    • This function is responsible for detecting the programming language (or returning '' if none was detected) of the code block.
    • Note: This method is different from unmarkd.unmarkers.BasicUnmarker. It is simpler and does less checking/filtering

But Unmarkd is more flexible than that.

Customizable constants

There are currently 3 constants you may override:

  • Formats: NOTE: Use the Format String Syntax
      • The string format of unordered (bulleted) lists.
      • The string format of ordered (numbered) lists.
  • Miscellaneous:
      • A container (preferably a set) of length-1 str that should be escaped
Customize converting HTML tags

For an HTML tag some_tag, you can customize how it's converted to markdown by overriding a method like so:

from unmarkd.unmarkers import BaseUnmarker
class MyCustomUnmarker(BaseUnmarker):
    def tag_some_tag(self, child) -> str:
        ...  # parse code here

To reduce code duplication, if your tag also has aliases (e.g. strong is an alias for b in HTML) then you may modify the TAG_ALIASES.

If you really need to, you may also modify DEFAULT_TAG_ALIASES. Be warned: if you do so, you will also need to implement the aliases (currently em and strong).

Utility functions when overriding

You may use (when extending) the following functions:

  • __parse, 2 parameters:
    • html: bs4.BeautifulSoup
      • The html to unmark. This is used internally by the unmark method and is slightly faster.
    • escape: bool
      • Whether to escape the characters inside the string or not. Defaults to False.
  • escape: 1 parameter:
    • string: str
      • The string to escape and make markdown-safe
  • wrap: 2 parameters:
    • element: bs4.BeautifulSoup
      • The element to wrap.
    • around_with: str
      • The character to wrap the element around with. WILL NOT BE ESCPAED
  • And, of course, tag_* and detect_language.
  • Nested lists of same type don't work

    Nested lists of same type don't work

    Both unordered and ordered list don't work when nested of the same type:

    Two nested ordered lists


        <li>Top level 1</li>
        <li>Top level 2
        <li>Top level 3</li>


    1. Top level 1
     2. Top level 2
     1. A
     2. B
     3. C
     3. Top level 3

    Two nested unordered lists


        <li>Top level 1</li>
        <li>Top level 2
        <li>Top level 3</li>


    - Top level 1
    - Top level 2
    - A
    - B
    - C
    - Top level 3
    bug good first issue reproduced 
    opened by sirnacnud 3
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 39% 🎉


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /assets/correct.png | 372.04kb | 224.67kb | 39.61% | | /assets/tomd_cant_handle.png | 347.74kb | 210.22kb | 39.55% | | /assets/benchmark.png | 219.28kb | 141.36kb | 35.53% | | | | | | | Total : | 939.06kb | 576.25kb | 38.64% |

    📝 docs | :octocat: repo | 🙋🏾 issues | 🏪 marketplace

    ~Imgbot - Part of Optimole family

    opened by imgbot[bot] 1
  • Fix indent getting added to list children that weren't other lists

    Fix indent getting added to list children that weren't other lists

    I was running in to an issue where list items using tags where getting indented when they shouldn't of been.




    1. A
    2. B
    3.     **C**

    I added a test for this case as well. When doing the roundtrip style test, this indentation got lost, so I made the test compare the markdown output.

    opened by sirnacnud 1
  • Support for tables

    Support for tables

    While Unmarkd currently supports tables, it spits out the html it was given. It would be nice if it supported tables:

    | Syntax      | Description |
    | ----------- | ----------- |
    | Header      | Title       |
    | Paragraph   | Text        |
    opened by ThatXliner 1
  • Nested lists are not properly indented

    Nested lists are not properly indented

    When the following HTML block is parsed:

        <li>Unordered lists, and:

    The output is incorrect:

     * Unordered lists, and:
     0. One
     1. Two
     2. Three
     * More
    opened by ThatXliner 1
  • Blockquote bug

    Blockquote bug

    Apply this patch:

    diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
    index a836024..5c1e097 100644
    --- a/tests/
    +++ b/tests/
    @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
     import unicodedata
     import markdown_it
    -from hypothesis import assume, example, given
    -from hypothesis import strategies as st
     import unmarkd
    +from hypothesis import assume, example, given, reproduce_failure
    +from hypothesis import strategies as st
     md = markdown_it.MarkdownIt()
    @@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ def helper(text: str, func=unmarkd.unmark) -> None:
     @given(text=st.text(st.characters(blacklist_categories=("Cc", "Cf", "Cs", "Co", "Cn"))))
    [email protected]_failure("6.10.1", b"AAEADgEADgEADgA=")
     def test_roundtrip_commonmark_unmark(text):
         assume(unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", text) == text)

    Or add an example with text=">>>". Tests will fail

    opened by ThatXliner 0
  • Update README for better comparison

    Update README for better comparison

    1. html2text is fast but not very configurable (there's only so any options)
    2. Tomd sucks
    3. Add an unmarker (with html2text-style configuration) to prove that unmarkd's configurability is at least equal to html2text
    opened by ThatXliner 0
  • Use a more reliable markdown parser

    Use a more reliable markdown parser

    Instead of using commonmark, maybe,,, or

    Also, I found tomd which might render this project useless 😬

    opened by ThatXliner 0
  • Cannot handle nested bold and italics

    Cannot handle nested bold and italics

    When encountering input like <em>Italic and <strong>bold and italic</strong></em>, the output is wrong, usually shadowed by the outer tag (in this case, <em>)

    opened by ThatXliner 0
  • Optimize code

    Optimize code

    I've noticed that unmarkers.BaseUnmarker been documented as an "abstract base class" when we're actually using it otherwise.

    Also, there's some dead code and we should actually sprinkle @staticmethod on some of them.

    Here's my idea:

    • Move all the tag_* methods in BaseUnmarker ➡️ BasicUnmarker
    • Rename: BaseUnmarker ➡️ AbstractUnmarker
    • Alias: BaseUnmarker ➡️ BasicMarker
    • Run shed on the whole codebase (with --refactor)

    Version bump: minor

    opened by ThatXliner 0
  • Save CSS information

    Save CSS information

    1. Parse any css files or style tags found. Save it
    2. When a class attribute is found, try to resolve it to the css
    3. Add the resolved to the style attribute: convert to inline css
    opened by ThatXliner 1
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