A Telegram Calculator to calculate your maths sums! Made by </TeamOctave/>
Deploy on Heroku
Your API Hash from my.telegram.orgAPI_ID
Your API ID from my.telegram.orgBOT_TOKEN
Your bot token from @BotFather
A Telegram Calculator to calculate your maths sums! Made by </TeamOctave/>
Your API Hash from my.telegram.orgAPI_ID
Your API ID from my.telegram.orgBOT_TOKEN
Your bot token from @BotFatherLoLWolf LoL人狼をプレイするときのDiscord用botです。 (Discord bot for playing Werewolf game on League of Legends.) 以下のボタンを押してbotをあなたのDiscordに招待することで誰でも簡単に使用することができます。
DAISYXMUSIC V3 🎵 A bot that can play music on telegram group's voice call Available on telegram as @DaisyXbot Whats new 🔥 Thumbnail Support Playlist
How to set up a twitter bot using python's tweepy library Create a twitter developer account and project Make sure you are logged into your twitter ac
👋 corpwechat-bot是一个python封装的企业机器人&应用消息推送库,通过企业微信提供的api实现。 利用本库,你可以轻松地实现从服务器端发送一条文本、图片、视频、markdown等等消息到你的微信手机端,而不依赖于其他的第三方应用,如ServerChan。 如果喜欢该项目,记得给个
Music Channel Manager A Telegram bot that add a dynamic caption to musics Deploy to Heroku What is it ? It manage your music channel. With just adding
WhatsApp API Bot Telegram bot to create direct links with pre-filled text for WhatsApp Chats You can check our bot here. The bot is based on the API p
cowincheckbot Telegram bot to check availability of vaccination slots in India. Setup Install requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt Crea
VESTA-tools A collection of simple tools that proved to be needed for handling large periodic calculations with the VASP software package. distTotCalc
🌀 Video Compressor Bot Product by BINARY Tech Deploy to Heroku The Hard Way virtualenv -p python3 VENV . ./VENV/bin/activate pip install -r requireme
⭐️ Shadow Music ⭐️ A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls Ready to use method A Support Group, Updates Channel and ready
PokemonGo-Bot PokemonGo-Bot is a project created by the PokemonGoF team. Since no public API available for now, a patch to use HASH-Server was applied
Discord Token Generator | 2021 Features: (1) hCaptcha Bypasser, latest Updated by me (2) Free Proxy Support/Scrapper (3) Custom Realistic Dat
LinkyBot Linky bot, An open-source discord bot that allows you to add links to ur website, youtube url, etc for the people all around discord to see!
nyon-stream A rather shitty script that uses webtorrent to stream nyaa videos di
Server_data.php-reader Growtopia server_data.php reader with bypass method, using discord bot How to use 1 install python 2 change your bot token
Elonbot Trading bot that uses Elon Musk`s tweets to know when to buy cryptocurrency. Here is how it works: Subscribes to someone's (elonmusk?) tweets
Solcast Solar Home Assistant( Component This custom component integrates the Solcast API into Home Assistant. Modified A minimal and open-source boilerplate for kick-starting bot projects. I spend a lot of time developing bots for dif
Select AWS Profile Select AWS Profile (slapr) is a simple tool that lets you select which AWS Profile you want to use and sets it as the default AWS p
Slashy - Your custom slash-commands bot Hey, I'm Slashy - your friendly neighborhood custom-command bot! The code for this bot exists because I'm like