Easy thumbnails for Django

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Easy Thumbnails

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A powerful, yet easy to implement thumbnailing application for Django 1.11+

Below is a quick summary of usage. For more comprehensive information, view the full documentation online or the peruse the project's docs directory.


Run pip install easy-thumbnails.

Add easy_thumbnails to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Run manage.py migrate easy_thumbnails.

Example usage

Thumbnail options can be predefined in settings.THUMBNAIL_ALIASES or just specified in the template or Python code when run.

Using a predefined alias

Given the following setting:

    '': {
        'avatar': {'size': (50, 50), 'crop': True},


{% load thumbnail %}
<img src="{{ profile.photo|thumbnail_url:'avatar' }}" alt="" />


from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer
thumb_url = get_thumbnailer(profile.photo)['avatar'].url

Manually specifying size / options


{% load thumbnail %}
<img src="{% thumbnail profile.photo 50x50 crop %}" alt="" />


from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer
options = {'size': (100, 100), 'crop': True}
thumb_url = get_thumbnailer(profile.photo).get_thumbnail(options).url

Using in combination with other thumbnailers

Alternatively, you load the templatetags by {% load easy_thumbnails_tags %} instead of traditional {% load thumbnail %}. It's especially useful in projects that do make use of multiple thumbnailer libraries that use the same name (thumbnail) for the templatetag module:

{% load easy_thumbnails_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbnail profile.photo 50x50 crop %}" alt="" />


You can use ThumbnailerImageField (or ThumbnailerField) for easier access to retrieve or generate thumbnail images.

For example:

from easy_thumbnails.fields import ThumbnailerImageField

class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField('auth.User')
    photo = ThumbnailerImageField(upload_to='photos', blank=True)

Accessing the field's predefined alias in a template:

{% load thumbnail %}
<img src="{{ profile.photo.avatar.url }}" alt="" />

Accessing the field's predefined alias in Python code:

thumb_url = profile.photo['avatar'].url

Thumbnail options


Before scaling the image down to fit within the size bounds, it first cuts the edges of the image to match the requested aspect ratio.

Use crop="smart" to try to keep the most interesting part of the image,

Use crop="0,10" to crop from the left edge and a 10% offset from the top edge. Crop from a single edge by leaving dimension empty (e.g. crop=",0"). Offset from the right / bottom by using negative numbers (e.g., crop="-0,-10").

Often used with the upscale option, which will allow enlarging of the image during scaling.


Changes the quality of the output JPEG thumbnail. Defaults to 85.

In Python code, this is given as a separate option to the get_thumbnail method rather than just alter the other

Other options

Valid thumbnail options are determined by the "thumbnail processors" installed.

See the reference documentation for a complete list of options provided by the default thumbnail processors.

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