Basic repository showing how to use Hydra + Hydra launchers on SLURM cluster



This repository is a minimal working example on how to:

Set up Hydra

⚠️ You need to install hydra-core for this step.

Hydra is fairly easy to set-up:

By simply running python slurm_hydra_submitit/, you'll see how the main function takes the arguments from the configuration file and pass them to the following underlying functions.

Launch jobs on a SLURM cluster with Hydra submitit launcher

Launch a job on the cluster

⚠️ You need to install hydra-submitit-launcher for this step.

Now that our Hydra conf is setup, we want to run the job on a SLURM cluster instead of our local computer. For that, we need to:

  • specify the hydra launcher to work on the SLURM cluster
  • specify the hardware specifications for the SLURM job

If you connect to your SLURM cluster scheduler node, just by installing hydra-submitit-launcher, you can already launch jobs on the cluster with:

python slurm_hydra_submitit/ --multirun hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm

To test locally before sending to the cluster, you can switch the hydra/launcher argument to submitit_local.

Adapt node parameters

You can easily adapt the SLURM parameters by modifying the following arguments SLURM launcher arguments.

For example, the following script is executed on nodes with 10 CPUs: python slurm_hydra_submitit/ --multirun hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm hydra.launcher.cpus_per_task=10

Launch array of jobs on the SLURM cluster

Grid Search

You can launch multiple jobs at once by specifying their values in the launch command.

For example, the following command launches 4 jobs which corresponds to all the possible combinations of arguments.

python slurm_hydra_submitit/ --multirun hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm project_name=P1,P2 train.epochs=30,40

Specific Parameters Combinations

Alternatively, you can pass sets of parameters to test together:

python slurm_hydra_submitit/ --multirun hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm +compile="{project_name:P1,train.epochs:30}, {project_name:P2,train.epochs:40}"

To clean this command a bit, we can create a bash script similar to this:


slurm_hydra_submitit/ --multirun hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm +compile="${params[*]}"
Raphael Meudec
PhD candidate @Parietal-INRIA
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