This repository requires you to solve a problem by writing some basic python code.


Can You Solve a Problem?

A beginner friendly repository that requires you to solve familiar problems with python. This could be as simple as implementing and tweaking python syntaxes, classes and functions, common data structures(linked list, linear/binary search, reversing, hash functions) and algorithms(search, sorting) solutions, e.t.c. Below are the example problems you can solve with your code;

  • Pick a card: From a list of cards with numbers written on them, write a python program that picks a card containing a given card by turning as few cards as possible.
  • Duplicate Remover: A python program that helps in removing duplicates from a list of numbers.
  • Email Sender: Write a python program that automatically sends email.
  • Temperature Conversion: Write a python program that converts temperature from one unit to another(celcius to farenheit).
  • Random Password Generator: Generate a password for a user with your python script.
  • Search your Computer for a file: Automate the process of searching for a specific file on your computer.
  • Check Specific Number : A python program to find all the values in a list are greater than a specified number.
  • Multiplication Table : A python program to create the multiplication table (from 1 to 10) of a number.
  • LCM : A Python program to find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two positive integers.
  • Age Calculator: A program to calculate age based on the year of birth.
  • Count Words in a Sentence: A program that gets a sentence from a user and outputs the sentence and the total number of words.

All solutions are to be uploaded in the In-house folder.

Do well to ascertain the correctness of your code, make sure it solves a problem and runs successfully. Your solutions must be written by you and not under any copyright restriction.

Happy Contributing!

Precious Kolawole
Health Technology Enthusiast || Aspiring Dermatologist || Data scientist and Machine Learning Engineer
Precious Kolawole
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