The WiFiWart is an open source WiFi penetration device masquerading as a regular wall charger. It features a 1.2Ghz Cortex A7 MPU with two WiFi chips onboard.
dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0.
Final_Project Web-server with parser, connection to DBMS and the Hugging Face. Team: Aisha Bazylzhanova(SE-2004), Arysbay Dastan(SE-2004) Installation
Comandos_Remotos Interagir remotamento com o computador através do Python e protocolo MQTT. 💻 Status: em desenvolvimento 🚦 Objetivo: Interagir com o
Pyth Network A basic Python framework for reading and decoding data regarding the Pyth network
Multipurpose Growtopia Server tools, can be used for newbie to learn things.
Openconnect-VPN-RPi-Gateway See the blog (Chinese) for how to build an Openconne
VoWiFiLocalDemo - Docker container that runs StrongSwan and Kamailio to demonstrate how Wi-Fi calling works on smartphones.
MACChangerPy It's a small project for MAC address change, for ethical hacking purposes, don't use it for bad purposes, any infringement will be your r
ProtonVPN Linux App Copyright (c) 2021 Proton Technologies AG This repository holds the ProtonVPN Linux App. For licensing information see COPYING. Fo
HiLive A live streaming chatroom involving multiple modalities, such as voice, gesture, and facial expression. Introduction We focus on demonstrating
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package - It includes different OSINT modules (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whoi
IPE is a simple tool for analyzing IP addresses. With IPE you can find out the server region, city, country, longitude and latitude and much more in seconds.
TinyTuya Python module to interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices Description This python module controls and monitors Tuya compatible WiFi Smart Devic
python-client A Python library to easy the integration with the Beem Africa SMS Gateway Features to be Implemented Airtime OTP SMS Two way SMS USSD Bp
Vape-Lite-RAT A Python3 discord trojan, utilizing discord webhooks for sending information. What you do with this code / project / idea is non of my b
m_socket-py Module for convenient work with TCP sockets. Contributing Pool Request is supported! Ask questions in the Issues section. License Copyrigh
FaPro Free,Cross-platform,Single-file mass network protocol server simulator 中文Readme Description FaPro is a Fake Protocol Server tool, Can easily sta
Building a Robust IOT device which is customizable, encrypted, secure and user friendly, which uses a single GPIO pin to extract multiple sensor values
This is a python based command line Network Scanner utility, which input as an argument for the exact IP address or the relative IP Address range you wish to do the Network Scan for and returns all t
Простейшие TCP-клиент и эхо-сервер Цель работы Познакомиться с приемами работы с сетевыми сокетами в языке программирования Python. Задания для самост