Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX


🏆 Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot web3 with honeypot detector (ANDROID WINDOWS MAC LINUX) 🥇

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID & WINDOWS with honeypot detector ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX

The first Binance Smart Chain sniper bot with Honeypot checker!


⭐️ First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID & WINDOWS with honeypot detector ⭐️


Sniper bot that watches when taxes/anti buy are removed from a contract, then quick snipes, with honeypot detector, and also keybinding for fair launches


First of all, you need install Python3+ Run on Android you need Install Termux

termux: $ pkg install python git
Debian/Ubuntu: $ sudo apt install python3 git make gcc
Windows: Need to install Visual Studio BuildTools & Python3

Install Requirements:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Sniper Bot:

python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 -tx 2 -hp  -wb 10 -tp 50
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 --sellonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 --buyonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -tsl 10 -nb


Setup your wallet Address and private key in Settings.json

  1. An ethereum/bsc address.
  2. Open "Settings.json" (with notepad) on line 2 and 3 add wallet address and phrase or private key.
  3. Run python3 sniper.py

(Also you can use phrase key just use space between words)

How Find Private Key


Sniper Bot options with infos:

'-t' or '--token', Token for snipe e.g. "-t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3"
'-a' or '--amount', float, Amount in Bnb to snipe e.g. "-a 0.1"

'-tx' or '--txamount', how mutch tx you want to send? It split your BNB amount in e.g. "-tx 5"

'-wb' or '--awaitBlocks', default=0, Await Blocks before sending BUY Transaction. e.g. "-ab 50" 

'-hp' or '--honeypot', if you use this Flag, your token get checks if token is honypot before buy!

'-nb' or '--nobuy', No Buy, Skipp buy, if you want to use only TakeProfit/StopLoss/TrailingStopLoss
'-tp' or '--takeprofit', Percentage TakeProfit from your input BNB amount. e.g. "-tp 50" 
'-tsl'or '--trailingstoploss', 'Percentage Trailing-Stop-loss from your first Quote "-tsl 50"

'-so' or '--sellonly', Sell ALL your Tokens from given token address
'-bo' or '--buyonly', Buy Tokens with your given amount

* = require every time its runs!



  • Support ANDROID ,Windows 10 ,Linux and Mac OS
  • Add uniswap V3 & pancakeswap v2
  • Added multiple DEXs
  • Force Buy and Force Sell buttons, when clicked it will buy or sell with your chosen settings (excluding limit price)
  • set manual SLIPPAGE
  • set stop-less price
  • Speed adjustable
  • The program determines the name and decimals of the token automatically


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