Export messages from Viber messenger using viber.db file
python3 export.py viber.db
viber.db is located at C:/Users/
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Pet-Facts-API A pet facts python api Project Links API :- https://pet-facts-api.vercel.app Docs :- https://fayasnoushad.github.io/Pet-Facts-API
woltcheck Python script to check if a wolt restaurant is ready to deliver to you
Anonymous Sender Bot @AnonySendBot Telegram bot to remove the forwarded tag from messages. Table of Contents Usage Deploy To Heroku Local Deploying En
Python Implementation - Elo Rating System Yet another Python Implementation of the Elo rating system (how innovative am I right?). Only supports 1vs1
Demo of connecting Rasa with Zalo
Python Roadmap Я решил сделать что-то вроде дорожной карты (Roadmap) для изучения языка Python. Возможно, если найдутся желающие дополнять ее, модифиц
wordCloud_API 词云API版,用于统计群友说过的怪话,基于wordCloud 消息储存在mysql数据库中.数据表结构见table.sql 为啥要做成API:这玩意太吃性能了,如果和Bot放在同一个服务器,可能会影响到bot的正常运行 你服务器性能够用的话就当我在放屁 依赖包 pip i
PythonToolKit Motivation This Repo should help save time for data scientists' daily work regarding the Time Series regression task by providing functi
mad-y testing testing pip install -r requirements.txt add the DISCORD_TOKEN value to your env vars. and run mad-y how to Deploy ` docker build -t mad-
ToDoListAndroid To-do list application created using Kivymd. Version 1.0.0 (1/Jan/2022). Planned to do next: -Add setting (theme selector, etc) -Add f
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About: This is an open-source bot, the code is open for anyone to see, fork and
BDD base project: Python + Behave Basic example of using Python with Behave (BDD). This Gherkin example includes: Basic Scenario Scenario Outline Tagg
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Pre-commit Configuration Guide The main aim of this repository is to act as a guide on how to configure the pre-commit hooks in your existing python p
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Full-Stack StarkNet Repo containing the code for a short tutorial series I wrote while diving into StarkNet and learning Cairo. Aims to onramp existin
Programs and Project Repository A repository for adding programs and projects of any kind starting from beginners level to expert ones Contributing to