A discord.py extension for sending, receiving and handling ui interactions in discord



A discord.py extension for using discord ui/interaction features
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This is a discord.py ui extension made by 404kuso and RedstoneZockt for using discord's newest ui features like buttons, slash commands and context commands.




py -m pip install discord-ui


python3 -m pip install discord-ui


This project is under MIT License


If you find any issues, please report them



If you want to use slash commands, in the oauth2 invite link generation, you have to check both bot and application.commands fields


Example for creating a simple slash command

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord_ui import UI, SlashOption

client = commands.Bot(" ")
ui = UI(client)

@ui.slash.command("hello_world", options=[SlashOption(bool, "cool", "whether this libary is cool", required=False)], guild_ids=[785567635802816595])
async def command(ctx, cool=True):
    """This is a simple slash command"""
    # you can use docstrings for the slash command description too
    await ctx.respond("You said this libary is " + str(cool))


Example for creating a user-context command

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discurd_ui import UI

client = commands.Bot(" ")
ui = UI(client)

@ui.slash.user_command("avatar", guild_ids=[785567635802816595])
async def avatar(ctx, user: discord.Member):
    """Sends the avatar of a user"""
    await ctx.respond(embed=discord.Embed(description=user.display_name).set_image(url=user.avatar_url))


Example for autocompletion of choices

import discord
from discord_ui import UI, SlashOption, AutocompleteInteraction

async def generator(ctx: AutocompleteInteraction):
    available_choices = ["hmm", "this", "is", "a", "an", "test", "testing"]
    return [(x, x) for x in available_choices if x.startswith(ctx.value_query)]

@ui.slash.command("search_word", options=[SlashOption(str, "query", choice_generator=generator)])
async def search_word(ctx, query):
    await ctx.send("got " + query + " for query")


Example for sending a button and receiving it

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord_ui import UI, LinkButton, Button

from asyncio import TimeoutError

client = commands.Bot(" ")
ui = UI(client)

async def on_message(message: discord.Message):
    if message.content == "!btn":
        msg = await message.channel.send("you", components=[
            [Button("press me", color="green"), LinkButton("https://discord.com", emoji="๐Ÿ˜")],
            btn = await msg.wait_for("button", client, by=message.author, timeout=20)
            await btn.respond("you pressed `" + btn.content + "`")
        except TimeoutError:
            await msg.delete()


Example for sending Selectmenus and receiving them

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord_ui import UI, SelectMenu, SelectOption

from asyncio import TimeoutError

client = commands.Bot(" ")
ui = UI(client)

async def on_message(message: discord.Message):
    if message.content == "!sel":
        msg = await message.channel.send("you", components=[SelectMenu(options=[
            SelectOption("my_value", label="test", description="this is a test"),
            SelectOption("my_other_value", emoji="๐Ÿค—", description="this is a test too")
        ], "custom_id", max_values=2)])
            sel = await msg.wait_for("select", client, by=message.author, timeout=20)
            await sel.respond("you selected `" + str([x.content for x in sel.selected_options]) + "`")
        except TimeoutError:
            await msg.delete()


Example for cogs

from discord.ext import commands
from discord_ui import UI
from discord_ui.cogs import slash_command, subslash_command, listening_component

bot = commands.Bot(" ")
ui = UI(bot)

class Example(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
    @slash_command(name="example", guild_ids=[785567635802816595])
    async def example(self, ctx):
        await ctx.respond("gotchu")

    @subslash_command(base_names="example", name="command"):
    async def example_command(self, ctx):
        await ctx.respond("okayy")
bot.run("your token")

You can find more (and better) examples here


You can contact us on discord


This will be moved to https://discord-py-ui.github.io/discord-ui/

  • 5.1.2


    • commands.nuke
    • nextcord import issue (#112)
  • 5.1.0

    Breaking changes

    • Component custom ids are now optional, if no custom id is passed, a 100 characters long random string will be used and because of that the order of Component init params changed
    • The order of SelectMenus init params changed, custom_id comes now after options
    SelectMenu("my_custom_id", [options...here])
    # is now
    SelectMenu([options...here], "my_custom_id")
    • Same for Buttons
    Button("my_custom_id", "label")
    # is now
    Button("label", "my_custom_id")
    • ButtonStyles is now ButtonStyle
    • renamed cog decorators, the old ones still work but they will show a deprecation warning: slash_command -> slash_command, subslash_command -> subslash_command, context_cog -> context_command, listening_component -> listening_component
    • Removed Slash.edit_command and Slash.edit_subcommand, "moved" to Command.edit
    • SlashedCommand is now SlashInteraction, SlashedSubCommand is now SubSlashInteraction and SlashedContext is now ContextInteraction
    • The command attributes of CommandInteractions (SlashedCommand, ...) are now moved to Interaction.command. (the .command attribute is a reference to the real command, if you change properties of the command they will be updated)
    • The component attributes of an interaction are now moved to .component
    • ContextCommands .param attribute is now .target


    • argument_type in SlashOption is now type
    • ButtonStyle value names changed: color names are now capitalized and Danger is now Destructive
    • Listener.target_user is now Listener.target_users and can take users, members and ids as the value
    • BaseCommand.options and SlashOption.options is now of type SlashOptionCollection, which allows you to acces options by index and name
    my_command.options["option name"]
    # or

    You can also use some methods like .get, .set (which will return itself after it set something, so SlashOption.set(key, value).set(key, value) would work) and SlashOption.options + SlashOption.option will add both SlashOptions together

    • If an invalid guild id was passed to a slashcommand, no exception will be raised anymore, it will just be printed into the console and ignored logging.error()
    • Moved the discord_ui.ext.py module into a folder
    • on_button_press and on_menu_select is now on_button and on_select. The old event names will still work but will be removed in the next release


    • disable_action_row
    • ActionRow.disable
    • no interaction events being dispatched because subclasses of dpy2 commands.Bot instances wouldn't get overriden which lead to not enabling needed debug events
    • when no matching component listener in Listener could be found, the events for components events wouldn't be dispatched
    • delete_after keyword in message send override not working
    • mentionable type in slashoptions not being parsed to objects
    • @discord.ext.commands.Cooldown not working on cog slashcommands


    • **fields to all functions that edit the message components (like .disable_components, .disable_component, ...). The **fields parameter can be used to edit other properties of the message without using .edit again and send a "useless" request
    • @Lister.on_error and @Listener.wrong_user decorators for handling Exceptions in Listeners
    • When no keyword was passed to @Listener.button or @Listener.select, the function will be called on every button/slect
    • channel_type to SlashOption, list of discord.ChannelType. This will restrict the shown channels for channel slash options to this list.
    • support for nextcord. Other libs should work too, but they are not tested.
    • Mentionable type for SlashOptions
    • description for short slashoptions. If you set the options for a slash command via callback params, you can add a description (and a type) to them with your docstring. There are 3 different styles you can use:
    # style 1
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option, my_other_option):
        """This is my command description
        my_option: `int`:
            This is the description for the my_option parameter
        my_other_option: `str`:
            This is the description for another option
    # style 2
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option: int, my_other_option: str):
        """This is my command description
        my_option: This is the description for the my_option parameter
        my_other_option: This is the description for another option
    # style 3
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option, my_other_option: str):
        """This is my command description
        `int`: This is the description for the my_option parameter
        This is the description for another option

    Note: You don't have to use `type`, you can just use type

    • Empty descriptions for slashcommands and slashoptions. The default description value is now \u200b which is an "empty" char
    • Modifying slashcommand options is now WWAAYYYY easier. You can just do .options[name or index].name = "new name" and the option will be updated
    • You can set the autocomplete choice generator with a decorator now
    ui.slash.command(options=[SlashOption(str, "my_option")])
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option):
    async def my_generator(ctx):
    # or
    async def my_generator(ctx):
    • All apllication command decorators will now return the created Command
    async my_command(ctx):
    type(my_command) # SlashCommand
    • Added edit and delete method to slashcommand. You can use this for editing or deleting the command later
    # edit
    await my_command.edit(name="test")
    # delete
    await my_command.delete()
    • id to SlashCommand
    • commands_synced event which will be dispatched when all commands where synced with the api (UI.Slash.sync_commands)
    • BaseCommmand.update method which updates the api command with the lcoal changes
    • SlashSubCommand.base, which will be shared among all subslashcommands with the same base


    • discord.ext.commands.Bot override for enabling the debug event, this will be enabled when creating a UI instance from the bot
  • 5.0.1


    • Choices not working
  • 5.0.0


    • Roles not being parsed correctly


    • default_permission

    default_permission can now be of type discord.Permissions but the api doesn't support that yet.

    • slash http

    some code changes to slash-http features


    • ChoiceGeneratorContext

    Context class for choice generation

    • SlashOption

    choice_generator keyword and autocomplete keyword. autocomplete is not needed if you pass choice_generator

    • File sending

    You are now able to send hidden files

  • 4.3.8


    • Issue with SlashOptions

    required is now false by default again

  • 4.3.7


    • SlashOption

    Required is now True by default


    • AttributeError: 'LinkButton' object has no attribute 'component_type'


    • decompressing

    The lib now doesn't decompress byte data anymore, which means everything before the dpy commit 848d752 doesn't work with this lib.

    message reference in discordpy discord server

  • 4.3.6


    • Slashcommand comparing
    • Ephemeralmessage keyerror exception
  • 4.3.5


    • send function issues
  • 4.3.4


    • SlashOption not accepting tuple
  • 4.3.3


    • fixed TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
  • 4.3.2


    • Could not find a matching option type for parameter ' '
  • 4.3.1


    • unused parameter
  • 4.3.0


    • Message.wait_for

    by keyword doesn't work properly


    • Hash

    Removed the hash property from Buttons and SelectMenus due to the removal of it from the api


    • discord_ui.ext

    A module with useful tools and decorators to use more information

    • BaseCommand

    BaseCommand (the superclass for all applicationcommands) has now some extra properties:

    - is_chat_input
    > Whether this command is a slash command
    - is_message_context
    > Whether this command is a message context command
    - is_user_context
    > Whether this command is a user context command
    • SlashedCommand

    Added properties:

    - is_alias
    > Whether the invoked command is an alias or not
    - aliases
    > All the available aliases for the command
    • Listeners

    Listeners are something that you can use for a better processing of received components. You could see them as a cog to the message components more information


    • SelectInteraction

    SelectInteraction.selected_values are not the raw values that were selected, SelectMenu.selected_options are the options of type SlashOption that were selected

    • MISSING => None

    All instance values that were MISSING by default are now None

  • 4.2.15


    • #97
  • 4.2.14


    • small SelectOption issues
    • context commands


    • allow context commands to have names with spaces
  • 4.2.13


    • TypeError: 'EMPTY' is not a callable object in context commands
  • 4.2.12


    • context commands
  • 4.2.11


    • cog context commands returned wrong type
  • 4.2.10


    • cog context commands typo with guild_permission keyword
  • 4.2.8


    • edit_subcomand


    • print statements


    • #94 (again ๐Ÿ’€ )
    • received subcommands

    The base_names and the name will be now set to the right value

  • 4.2.7


    • on_component

    There is now an event with the name component that will be dispatched whenever a component was received If you use Message.wait_for, there is now a new event choice with the name component (message.wait_for("component", client))


    • #94

    DM issue with deleting messages


    • edit

    Edit now takes "content" as not positional (.edit("the content") works now)

    • component lenght

    You are now able to set component values with the right max lenght

  • 4.2.6


    • emebds

    there was an issue with sending embeds

  • 4.2.5


    • listening_components

    There was an issue with listening components that they needed two parameters but only one was passed Another issue was TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'custom_id'?

    • emebds

    there was an issue with sending embeds

  • 4.2.2


    • sync_commands

    the delete_unused keyword is now optional, if you don't pass a parameter, slash.delete_unused will be used (from the __init__ function)

  • 4.2.1


    • cannot import name 'InteractionResponseType' from 'discord.enums'
  • 4.2.0


    • cog_remove sync

    when you remove a cog the slash commands will now get deleted if you set delete_unused to True and set sync_on_cog to True

    • alternativ slash options

    you don't have to specify options in one of the slash decorators anymore. Instead, you can set them in your callback function Example

    async def greet(ctx, user):                         # This will add an required option with the name "user" of type "user"
        """Greets a user
        You can use multiline docstrings, because only the first line will be used for the description
    async def tag(ctx, target: discord.User = None):    # This will add an optional option with the name "target" of type "user"
                                                        # Note: you could also use target: "user" = None or anything else you would use in SlashOption for the type


    • sync_commands

    if you would sync the commands after the first sync, it threw an error

  • 4.1.4


    • slashcommands in forbidden guilds

    when trying to get slash commands in a guild with no appication.commands permission, it won't throw an exepction anymore

  • 4.1.2


    • Subcommands editing

    subcommand checks were wrong and this would result in errors like In options.0.options.2: Option name 'name' is already used in these options

  • 4.1.1


    • Interaction.author.voice

    For some reason the voice property of the creator or the interaction would be set

    • Global slashcommands

    They wouldn't be registered to the api

  • 4.1.0


    • py 3.6 < support

    You should be able to use this package with python 3.6 or newer


    • print

    Forgot to remove print statements ๐Ÿ’€

  • 4.0.4


    • slashcommand

    when a user was passed in an option, its guild was always None

    • context commands

    if no name passed, the context command wouldn't take the callback name as the name of the command

  • 4.0.3


    • Message.wait_for
  • 4.0.2


    • Issue with receiving context commands
  • 4.0.1


    • discord.ext import error
  • 4.0.0


    You now have much more control over your slash commands!

    • Permissions

    You can update your permissions with the Slash.update_permissions function

    • Creating commands

    You can now create slash commands without the decorator in a much more eaisier way! Check out the Slash.add_command function

    • Edit commands

    You can edit commands in code with the Slash.edit_command function

    • Listening components

    You can add and remove listening components now with the Components.add_listening_component, Components.remove_listening_component and Components.remove_listening_components functions

    • Cogs

    You can now use cog decorators like slash_command, subslash_command and listening_component


    • SlashCommand

    Slash commands wouldn't be updated if only default_permission was changed


    • wait_for

    Message.wait_for now takes by and check as parameters and event_name and client switched place (wait_for(client, "event_name") is now wait_for("event_name", client))

    • listening components

    You can specify listening_components now more presicely, you can add messages, users, and a check to filter

    • Interaction.member

    Interaction.member is now Interaction.author

    • listening comonents

    Listening component callback functions now only take one parameter, the used component

    • on_button_press and on_menu_select

    These events now take a sole parameter, the used component. If you want to acces to message, use passed_component.message


    • ResponseMessage

    Removed ResponseMessage

  • 3.3.5


    • SelectMenu

    SelectMenu issue when creating it from data

  • 3.3.4


    • edit

    Message.edit now takes a embed parameter


    • print

    Forgot to remove some print statements

  • 3.3.3


    • class representation

    classes have now a __repr__ function

    • UI(override_dpy)

    You can now choose whether you want to override some of dpy objects and functions (default is True) (see the override module for more information) This also appeals to the Components class (Components(override_dpy)) note: if you don't want to create a UI object, you can instead override dpy with the override_dpy method

    from discord_ui import override_dpy


    • dpy2

    discord.py v2 now auto-decompresses socket data and passes a string instead of the uncompressed data.

    • override dpy message

    when overriding dpy message object, the components would mix

  • 3.3.2


    • EphemeralResponseMessage

    You can now edit a ephemeral message which was created from an interaction (ex. when a button in a hidden message was pressed)

  • 3.3.1


    • interaction

    Interaction.channel and Interaction.guild

  • 3.3.0


    • interaction usage in dms
  • 3.2.9


    • ratelimit fix

    The lib will now retry after the ratelimit reset and doesn't throw an HTTPException anymore


    • sync_commands

    Got KeyError exception while syncing commands

  • 3.2.8


    • hidden responding

    When a hidden response was about to be send without defering the interaction it would thrown an error

  • 3.2.7


    • warnings
      • When a guild_permission with an invalid guild id is passed, it will throw an exception when syncing the commands
      • When the value of a guild_permission is not of type SlashPermission it will throw an exception
    • context-commands

    You can now have context commands with the same name as a normal slash command

    • slashcommand description

    You can use docstrings """docstring""" for setting the description of a slash commmand by setting the dosctring for the callback function


    • auto_defer

    auto_defer is now disabled by default

    • slash sync

    You can now disable auto_sync for slash commmands and sync them by yourself with Slash.sync_commands(delete_unused)

    • Interacion.defer

    Interaction._deferred is not Interaction.deferred and Interaction.defer() doesn't throw an exception anymore, it will just log the error with logging.error()


    • try

    There was a try/catch in the Interaction.respond function that would allow the code to continue when an exception occured while responding with ninja_mode

    • context commands

    There was an issue adding context-commands

    • Command checking

    Now, the libary only edits commands when changes were made

  • 3.2.6


    • auto ninja_mode

    If you use .respond(), the function will try to use ninja_mode automatically


    • project

    Moved git-project to https://github.com/discord-py-ui/discord-ui


    • ninja_mode response

    responding with ninja_mode would end up in an exception

    • file sending

    fixed another file sending issue with slash commands

  • 3.2.5


    • #89 (thanks for reporting)
  • 3.2.4
    • Fixed version issues with the package
  • 3.2.2


    • #85: AttributeError: module 'discord' has no attribute '_Components__version'
  • 3.2.0


    I'm really sorry for all the issues this libary got, if you still find issues, please report them in https://github.com/discord-py-ui/discord-ui/issues

    • SelectOpion

    There was an issue with emojis not being set in SelectOptions

    • LinkButton

    There was an issue with setting the url not being set

    • SlashCommands

    There was an issue with creating commands that don't already exist


    • SelectInteraction

    .values is not .selected_values


    • Interaction

    Buttons and SelectMenus have a .message property for the message where their interaction was creted ResponseMessages have a .interaction property for the received interaction

    • Events

    We added a interaction_received event for all interactions that are received

  • 3.1.0


    • discordpy 2 support

    We added support for discord.py v2, so you can stay loyal to our libary and use it together with discord.py v2!

    • Exceptions

    Added own Exceptions for errors

    • ParseMethod

    You can change the way the extension parses interaction data. You can choose between different Methods

    • Auto-defer

    The libary will autodefer all interactions public. If you want to change that, take a look at the documentation for this feature

    • slashcommand edit check

    Slash commands will only be edited if there were some changes, so you won't get a invalid interaction error in discord after starting the bot If only permissions were changed, just the permissions will be edited and not the whole command like before


    • slash commands

    I finally fixed the damn slashcommand system, it should work now

    • Parsing

    The resolving, fetching and pulling from the cache methods should all work

  • 3.0.1


    • small project issues
  • 3.0.0


    • context commands

    Context commands are now available


    • Project name

    The project's name was changed from discord-message-components to discord-ui

    • Extension is now UI
  • 2.1.0


    • Webhook support

    You are now able to use webhooks together with message components, to send a webhook message with the components, use the Components.send_webhook function. The standart webhook function is also overriden with the new component function

    • Float type

    You can now use float as the argument type for a slash command option

    • Auto empty names

    Buttons, LinkButtons and SelectOptions labels are now by default \u200b, which is an "empty" char


    • Code documentation to more be more informative


    • Fixed small code issues (they were already fixed in previous versions, but I just wanna list this here)

    • Docs are now working

  • 2.0.2


    • SelectOption

    Select option threw an exception if it was smaller than 1 or higher than 100

  • 2.0.0


    • Slashcomamnd support

      • Slash class for slash commands
      • Slash.command, Slash.subcommand and Slash.subcommand_groups are available for creating slash commands
      • SlashedCommand and SlashedSubCommand are there for used slash commands
    • Message

      • disable_action_row(row_numbers: int | range, disable: bool)

      disables (enables) component row(s) in the message

      • disable_components(disable: bool)

      disables (enables) all componentss

    • overrides

      • Messageable.send returns Message instead of discord.Message and takes components parameter
      • override_client function added
    • interaction.send, creates followup messages which can be hidden

    • Component.listening_component

    A listening component with a callback function that will always be executed whenever a component with the specified custom_id was used


    • Message

      • All Message objects don't use the client object anymore
      • Message.wait_for now needs the client as the first parameter


    • Interaction

    All interaction responses work now

    • A lot of issues I fogor ๐Ÿ’€
  • 1.2.2


    • Docs fixed
  • 1.2.1


    • Small code fixes
  • 1.2.0


  • 1.1.2


    • Small code fixes
  • 1.1.1


    • Message.edit()

      You can now edit messages with button support

  • 1.1.0


    • Major changes to request code, now using the client's request
    • ResponseMessage.acknowledge() -> ResponseMessage.defer()

      Changed the name of the function + changed ResponseMessage.acknowledged -> ResponseMessage.deferred

    • ResponseMessage.defer() => await ResponseMessage.defer()

      defer (acknowledge) is now async and needs to be awaited


    • hidden responses

      You can now send responses only visible to the user


    • ResponseMessage.respond()

      Now doesn't show a failed interaction

  • 1.0.5


    • ResponseMessage.respond()

      responding now doesn't fail after sending the message, it will now defer the interaction by it self if not already deferred and then send the message

  • 1.0.4


    • ResponseMessage.acknowledged

      Whether the message was acknowledged with the ResponseMessage.acknowledged() function


    • ResponseMessage.respond() => await ResponseMessage.respond()

      respond() function is now async and needs to be awaited

    • ResponseMessage.respond() -> None => ResponseMessage.respond() -> Message or None

      respond() now returns the sent message or None if ninja_mode is true

  • 1.0.3


    • Button.hash

      Buttons have now a custom hash property, generated by the discord api

  • ctx.author.send() gives a 404

    ctx.author.send() gives a 404 "Unknown Channel" error

    When using discord-ui, any attempt to perform an await ctx.author.send(...) results in the following error:

    File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/override.py", line 50, in send
        r = await self._state.http.request(route, json=payload)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/http.py", line 250, in request
        raise NotFound(r, data)
    discord.errors.NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10003): Unknown Channel
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/ext/commands/bot.py", line 939, in invoke
        await ctx.command.invoke(ctx)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/ext/commands/core.py", line 863, in invoke
        await injected(*ctx.args, **ctx.kwargs)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/ext/commands/core.py", line 94, in wrapped
        raise CommandInvokeError(exc) from exc
    discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10003): Unknown Channel

    Currently, I'm working around it by manually creating a DM channel, but it's an ugly kludge.

    opened by tiltowait 7
  • Nextcord does not work with discord-ui

    Nextcord does not work with discord-ui

    Hey, I tried today to rewrite my Discord bot to Nextcord but somehow I can't because discord-ui requires discord.py and the lib of Discord-UI doesn't support Nextcord, is there any way to fix this?

    Before the question comes up, I am using discord-ui version 5.1.5

    opened by CraftDev222 5
  • discord_ui.Message.wait_for(

    discord_ui.Message.wait_for("select" ...) returns a ComponentContext, not SelectedMenu

    According to the docs, discord_ui.Message.wait_for("select", ...) returns a SelectedMenu item; however, in my testing, it returns a ComponentContext object. Importantly, the latter lacks a selected_values item; in order to access the selection, I have to use component.data["values"].

    This discrepancy also affects this line in the example code.

    opened by tiltowait 4
  • Replies are broken

    Replies are broken

    Performing a simple await ctx.reply() does not actually reply. The message is sent without tying it to the appropriate message/context.

    The same is true for await ctx.message.reply().

    opened by tiltowait 4
  • Lacking support for split files

    Lacking support for split files


    The official discord.py library supports loading extension commands from other files, so I think it is a good idea for discord_ui to have it as well. Otherwise, large bots can easily get to tens of thousands of lines in a single file.

    Reference code

    To put this conveniently, here is the bot.load_extension() method definition:

    # In the Bot class
    def load_extension(
            name: str,
            package: Optional[str] = None,
            extras: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
        ) -> None:
                name = self._resolve_name(name, package)
                if name in self.__extensions:
                    raise errors.ExtensionAlreadyLoaded(name)
                spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name)
                if spec is None:
                    raise errors.ExtensionNotFound(name)
                self._load_from_module_spec(spec, name, extras=extras)
    opened by johann-lau 3
  • AttributeError when creating extension instance inside custom Bot class

    AttributeError when creating extension instance inside custom Bot class

    When creating the extension as part of a custom bot class, you get an AttributeError. I'm using Python 3.9.6, discord.py version 1.7.3 and discord-ui version 3.1.0.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "main.py", line 10, in <module>
        bot = CustomBot(command_prefix="!")
      File "main.py", line 8, in __init__
        self.ui = UI(self)
      File "discord_ui/client.py", line 1038, in __init__
        self.components = Components(client, auto_defer=auto_defer)
      File "discord_ui/client.py", line 810, in __init__
        elif discord.__version.startswith("1"):
    AttributeError: module 'discord' has no attribute '_Components__version'

    (I removed unnecessary parts of the paths)

    Here's the code:

    from discord.ext import commands
    from discord_ui import *
    class CustomBot(commands.Bot):
        def __init__(self, **options):
            self.ui = UI(self)
    bot = CustomBot(command_prefix="!")
    bot.run("token here")

    The documentation suggests that it has to be a commands.Bot, but I don't see how this would break it. Additionally, this only started happening once I updated to 3.1.0.

    opened by Mabi19 3
  • Unable to remove embeds from a message

    Unable to remove embeds from a message

    Per the dpy docs, await msg.edit(embed=None) is supposed to remove an embed from a message. However, I receive the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/client.py", line 343, in _run_event
        await coro(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/client.py", line 257, in _on_response
        await x.invoke(context, **options)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/cogs.py", line 98, in invoke
        raise ex
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/cogs.py", line 93, in invoke
        await self.callback(self.cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/tiltowait/Developer/inconnu/interface/characters.py", line 104, in delete_character
        await inconnu.delete.prompt(ctx, character)
      File "/Users/tiltowait/Developer/inconnu/inconnu/delete.py", line 28, in prompt
        await msg.edit(embed=None)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/receive.py", line 668, in edit
        self._update(await self._state.http.request(r, json=jsonifyMessage(*args, **fields)))
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/http.py", line 70, in jsonifyMessage
        raise WrongType("embeds", embeds, 'list[discord.Embed]')
    discord_ui.errors.WrongType: 'embeds' must be of type list[discord.Embed], not <class 'list'>

    Out of curiosity, I tried embeds=None but got a different error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/client.py", line 343, in _run_event
        await coro(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/client.py", line 257, in _on_response
        await x.invoke(context, **options)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/cogs.py", line 98, in invoke
        raise ex
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/cogs.py", line 93, in invoke
        await self.callback(self.cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/tiltowait/Developer/inconnu/interface/characters.py", line 104, in delete_character
        await inconnu.delete.prompt(ctx, character)
      File "/Users/tiltowait/Developer/inconnu/inconnu/delete.py", line 28, in prompt
        await msg.edit(embeds=None)
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/receive.py", line 668, in edit
        self._update(await self._state.http.request(r, json=jsonifyMessage(*args, **fields)))
      File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord_ui/http.py", line 69, in jsonifyMessage
        if not all(isinstance(x, discord.Embed) for x in embeds):
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
    opened by tiltowait 2
  • Cannot send embeds in preview release

    Cannot send embeds in preview release

    Error message: discord.errors.HTTPException: 400 Bad Request (error code: 50006): Cannot send an empty message Posting here for the sake of organization.

    opened by brotherelric 1
  • Ninja mode gives 404 Not Found

    Ninja mode gives 404 Not Found

    Responding to a select menu interaction using ninja mode gives a 404 Not Found, with error code 10062 (Unknown interaction). I tested with sending a message, and it works. (I'm receiving the event through a @commands.Cog.listener("on_menu_select") decorated function, since I couldn't find a way to use the other ways with cogs; actually, better support for cogs would be great). Sorry for not providing an example, I'm in a hurry right now.

    opened by Mabi19 1
  • Cannot send files alongside a message

    Cannot send files alongside a message

    When overridden, ctx.send does raises an exception if you pass in a file or files kwarg, while the regular discord.py ctx.send does not. After peeking at the source, it seems that the jsonifyMessage function wants the discord.Attachment class - which is the class for an attachment on an already existing message. It also tries to put it in the attachments field of the payload object, which the Discord API does not support (according to https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#create-message-jsonform-params)

    opened by Mabi19 1
  • Guild command can only be used once

    Guild command can only be used once

    (Please point out any mistakes, if I get too confused.) I created a guild-only slash command, as follows:

    bs = Slash(bot)
    @bs.command(name= "test",
                description= "Foo bar", guild_ids= [880686520678371369],
                default_permission= False,
                guild_permissions= {880686520678371369: ui.SlashPermission(allowed= {ui.SlashPermission.USER: [687474789342117900]})}
    async def tester(ctx):
        await ctx.respond("Test")
    # 687474789342117900 is my user ID

    I invoked this slash command. Immediately after that, the command gets removed from the list of other commands. All other commands continued to work, so I believe it is not a fatal bug. I tried looking into the module's code but I cannot find anything - I think it might be the bot wrongly deleting the command?

    opened by johann-lau 7
  • v5.1.6(Dec 19, 2021)

  • v5.1.5(Dec 12, 2021)

  • v5.1.4(Dec 12, 2021)

  • v5.1.3(Dec 12, 2021)

  • v5.1.2(Dec 10, 2021)



    • commands.nuke not working
    • nextcord import issues (#112 + some more)
    • command comparing: commands won't get edited anymore if there were no changes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.1.1(Nov 27, 2021)

  • v5.1.0(Nov 27, 2021)


    Breaking changes

    • Component custom ids are now optional, if no custom id is passed, a 100 characters long random string will be used and because of that the order of Component init params changed
    • The order of SelectMenus init params changed, custom_id comes now after options
    SelectMenu("my_custom_id", [options...here])
    # is now
    SelectMenu([options...here], "my_custom_id")
    • Same for Buttons
    Button("my_custom_id", "label")
    # is now
    Button("label", "my_custom_id")
    • ButtonStyles is now ButtonStyle
    • renamed cog decorators, the old ones still work but they will show a deprecation warning: slash_command -> slash_command, subslash_command -> subslash_command, context_cog -> context_command, listening_component -> listening_component
    • Removed Slash.edit_command and Slash.edit_subcommand, "moved" to Command.edit
    • SlashedCommand is now SlashInteraction, SlashedSubCommand is now SubSlashInteraction and SlashedContext is now ContextInteraction
    • The command attributes of CommandInteractions (SlashedCommand, ...) are now moved to Interaction.command. (the .command attribute is a reference to the real command, if you change properties of the command they will be updated)
    • The component attributes of an interaction are now moved to .component
    • ContextCommands .param attribute is now .target


    • argument_type in SlashOption is now type
    • ButtonStyle value names changed: color names are now capitalized and Danger is now Destructive
    • Listener.target_user is now Listener.target_users and can take users, members and ids as the value
    • BaseCommand.options and SlashOption.options is now of type SlashOptionCollection, which allows you to acces options by index and name
    my_command.options["option name"]
    # or

    You can also use some methods like .get, .set (which will return itself after it set something, so SlashOption.set(key, value).set(key, value) would work) and SlashOption.options + SlashOption.option will add both SlashOptions together

    • If an invalid guild id was passed to a slashcommand, no exception will be raised anymore, it will just be printed into the console and ignored logging.error()
    • Moved the discord_ui.ext.py module into a folder
    • on_button_press and on_menu_select is now on_button and on_select. The old event names will still work but will be removed in the next release


    • disable_action_row
    • ActionRow.disable
    • no interaction events being dispatched because subclasses of dpy2 commands.Bot instances wouldn't get overriden which lead to not enabling needed debug events
    • when no matching component listener in Listener could be found, the events for components events wouldn't be dispatched
    • delete_after keyword in message send override not working
    • mentionable type in slashoptions not being parsed to objects
    • @discord.ext.commands.Cooldown not working on cog slashcommands


    • **fields to all functions that edit the message components (like .disable_components, .disable_component, ...). The **fields parameter can be used to edit other properties of the message without using .edit again and send a "useless" request
    • @Lister.on_error and @Listener.wrong_user decorators for handling Exceptions in Listeners
    • When no keyword was passed to @Listener.button or @Listener.select, the function will be called on every button/slect
    • channel_type to SlashOption, list of discord.ChannelType. This will restrict the shown channels for channel slash options to this list.
    • support for nextcord. Other libs should work too, but they are not tested.
    • Mentionable type for SlashOptions
    • description for short slashoptions. If you set the options for a slash command via callback params, you can add a description (and a type) to them with your docstring. There are 3 different styles you can use:
    # style 1
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option, my_other_option):
        """This is my command description
        my_option: `int`:
            This is the description for the my_option parameter
        my_other_option: `str`:
            This is the description for another option
    # style 2
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option: int, my_other_option: str):
        """This is my command description
        my_option: This is the description for the my_option parameter
        my_other_option: This is the description for another option
    # style 3
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option, my_other_option: str):
        """This is my command description
        `int`: This is the description for the my_option parameter
        This is the description for another option

    Note: You don't have to use `type`, you can just use type

    • Empty descriptions for slashcommands and slashoptions. The default description value is now \u200b which is an "empty" char
    • Modifying slashcommand options is now WWAAYYYY easier. You can just do .options[name or index].name = "new name" and the option will be updated
    • You can set the autocomplete choice generator with a decorator now
    ui.slash.command(options=[SlashOption(str, "my_option")])
    async def my_command(ctx, my_option):
    async def my_generator(ctx):
    # or
    async def my_generator(ctx):
    • All apllication command decorators will now return the created Command
    async my_command(ctx):
    type(my_command) # SlashCommand
    • Added edit and delete method to slashcommand. You can use this for editing or deleting the command later
    # edit
    await my_command.edit(name="test")
    # delete
    await my_command.delete()
    • id to SlashCommand
    • commands_synced event which will be dispatched when all commands where synced with the api (UI.Slash.sync_commands)
    • BaseCommmand.update method which updates the api command with the lcoal changes
    • SlashSubCommand.base, which will be shared among all subslashcommands with the same base
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.0.2(Sep 25, 2021)

  • v5.0.1(Sep 23, 2021)

  • v5.0.0(Sep 23, 2021)



    • Roles not being parsed correctly


    • default_permission

    default_permission can now be of type discord.Permissions but the api doesn't support that yet. Documentation reference.

    • slash http

    some code changes to slash-http features


    • ChoiceGeneratorContext

    Context class for choice generation

    • SlashOption

    choice_generator keyword and autocomplete keyword. autocomplete is not needed if you pass choice_generator

    Note that the autocompletion is currently limited to desktop clients

    • File sending

    You are now able to send hidden files


    Some of the features mentioned above are not finished in the api yet, so there can occur some issues
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.3.8(Sep 15, 2021)

  • v4.3.7(Sep 15, 2021)



    • SlashOption

    Required is now True by default


    • AttributeError: 'LinkButton' object has no attribute 'component_type'


    • decompressing

    The lib now doesn't decompress byte data anymore, which means everything before the dpy commit 848d752 doesn't work with this lib. This is removed because the on_socket_raw event which was needed in order to receive interaction now returns the message with the type str, not bytes anymore which had to be decompressed. There were some problems with decompressing and that's why we removed it

    message reference to the change in the discord.py discord server

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.3.6(Sep 12, 2021)

  • v4.3.5(Sep 12, 2021)

  • v4.3.4(Sep 11, 2021)

  • v4.3.3(Sep 11, 2021)

  • v4.3.2(Sep 11, 2021)

  • v4.3.1(Sep 10, 2021)

  • v4.3(Sep 10, 2021)



    • Message.wait_for

    by keyword doesn't work properly


    • Hash

    Removed the hash property from Buttons and SelectMenus due to the removal of it from the api


    • discord_ui.ext

    A module with usefull tools and decorators to use more information

    • BaseCommand

    BaseCommand (the superclass for all applicationcommands) has now some extra properties:

    - is_chat_input
    > Whether this command is a slash command
    - is_message_context
    > Whether this command is a message context command
    - is_user_context
    > Whether this command is a user context command
    • SlashedCommand

    Added properties:

    - is_alias
    > Whether the invoked command is an alias or not
    - aliases
    > All the available aliases for the command
    • Listeners

    Listeners are something that you can use for a better processing of received components. You could see them as a cog to the message components more information


    • SelectedMenu

    SelectedMenu.selected_values are not the raw values that were selected, SelectMenu.selected_options are the options of type SlashOption that were selected

    • MISSING => None

    All instance values that were MISSING by default are now None

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.15(Sep 8, 2021)

  • v4.2.14(Sep 5, 2021)



    • #96, thx for reporting
    • context commands not working properly


    • context commands can now take spaces in their names
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.13(Sep 5, 2021)

  • v4.2.12(Sep 5, 2021)

  • v4.2.11(Sep 5, 2021)

  • v4.2.10(Sep 5, 2021)

  • v4.2.9(Sep 4, 2021)

  • v4.2.8(Sep 4, 2021)



    • #94 (again ๐Ÿ’€)
    • received subcommands

    The base_names and the name will be now set to the right value

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.7(Sep 4, 2021)



    • on_component

    There is now an event with the name component that will be dispatched whenever a component was received If you use Message.wait_for, there is now a new event choice with the name component (message.wait_for("component", client))


    • #94

    DM issue with components


    • edit

    Edit now takes "content" as not positional (.edit("the content") works now)

    • component lenght

    You are now able to set component values with the right max lenght

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.6(Sep 4, 2021)

  • v4.2.5(Sep 4, 2021)



    • listening_components

    There was an issue with listening components that they needed two parameters but only one was passed Another issue was TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'custom_id'?

    • emebds

    there was an issue with sending embeds

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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