Python wrapper for WhatsApp web-based on selenium



Python wrapper for WhatsApp web made with selenium inspired by PyWhatsApp

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Why alright ?

I was looking for a way to control and automate WhatsApp web with Python, I came across some very nice libaries and wrappers implementations including;

So I tried pywhatkit, really cool one well crafted to be used by others but its implementations require you to open a new browser tap and scan QR code everytime you send a message no matter if its the same person, which was deal breaker for using it.

I then tried pywhatsapp which is based on yowsup and thus requiring you to do some registration with yowsup before using it of which after bit of googling I got scared of having my number blocked when I do that so I went for the next option

I then went for WebWhatsapp-Wrapper, it has some good documentation and recent commits so I had hopes it gonna work but It didn't for me, and after having couples of errors I abandoned it to look for the next alternative.

Which is PyWhatsapp by shauryauppal, which was more of cli tool than a wrapper which suprisingly worked and it's approach allows you to dynamically send whatsapp message to unsaved contacts without rescanning QR-code everytime.

So what I did is more of a refactoring of the implementation of that tool to be more of wrapper to easily allow people to run different scripts on top of it instead of just using as a tool I then thought of sharing the codebase to people who might struggled to do this as I did.

Getting started

You need to do a little bit of work to get alright to running, but don't worry I gotcha you, everything will work well if you just carefully follow through the documentation.


We need to have alright installed on our machine to start using which can either be done directly from GitHub or using pip.

installing directly

You first need to clone or download the repo to your local directory and then move into the project directory as shown in the example and then run the below command;

git clone
cd alright
alright > python install 

installing from pip

pip install alright 

Setting up Selenium

Underneath alright is Selenium which is one does all the automation work by directly controlling the browser, so you need to have a selenium driver on your machine for alright to work.

So primarly I developed alright and tested on a Chrome browser and therefore it gonna require you to have Chrome and chromedriver other browser support coming soon.

You need to make sure you download the chromedriver compatible with Chrome version you're using otherwise it won't work and also don't forget to extract the zip version of a driver

Here a guide to check the version of chrome you're using

Adding selenium driver to path

One more final step to set up is to add the selenium driver location to path so as it can be discovered by alright, which varies depending on the operating system you're using.

For instance lets say example the current location our driver is in /home/kalebu/chrome-driver (You can view full path to your driver by running pwd command), Here how you would do that.


For linux to permanently add path to browser do this;

nano ~/.bashrc

and then add the command to export the folder at the very bottom of the file & then Ctrl+X to save it

export PATH="$PATH:/home/kalebu/chrome-driver"

Windows users follow this guide to actually do that.

Now after that we're now ready to automating and controlling whatsappp web using alright

What you can do with alright?

When you're running your program made with alright, you can only have one controlled browser window at a time, If you run while another window is live it raise an error so make sure to close the controlled window before running another one

Unsaved contact vs saved contacts

Alright allows you to send the messages and media to both unsaved contacts as explained earlier but there is a tiny distinction on how you do that, you will observe this clearly as use the package.

The first step before sending anything to the user is first to locate the user and then you can start sending the informations thats where the main difference lies btn saved and unsaved contacts.

Saved contacts

To saved contact use method find_by_username() to locate saved user,you can also use the same method to locate WhatsApp groups, The parameter can be either be;

  • saved username
  • mobile number
  • group name

Here an Example on how to do that

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_by_username('saved-name or number or group')

Unsaved contacts

In sending message to unsaved whatsapp contacts use find_user() method to locate the user and The parameter can only be users number with country code with (+) omitted as shown below;

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('255-74848xxxx')

Now Let's dive in on how we can get started on sending messages and medias

Sending Messages

To send a message with alright, you first need to target a specific user by using find_user() method (include the country code in your number withour '+' symbol) and then after that you can start sending messages to the target user using send_message() method as shown in the example below;

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('2557xxxxxz')
>>> messages = ['Morning my love', 'I wish you a good night!']
>>> for message in messages:  

Multiple numbers

Here how to send a message to multiple users, Let's say we want to wish merry-x mass to all our contacts, our code is going to look like this;

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> numbers = ['2557xxxxxx', '2557xxxxxx', '....']
>>> for number in numbers:
        messenger.send_message("I wish you a Merry X-mass and Happy new year ")

You have to include the country code in your number for this library to work but don't include the (+) symbol

Sending Images

Sending Images is nothing new, its just the fact you have to include a path to your image instead or raw string characters and also you have use send_image(), Here an example;

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('mobile')
>>> messenger.send_image('path-to-image')

Sending Videos

Samewise to videos just send_videos() method;

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('mobile')
>>> messenger.send_video('path-to-video)

Sending Documents

The rest of the documents such as docx, pdf, audio etc. falls into documents category. You can use send_files() to do that.

>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('mobile')
>>> messenger.send_file('path-to-file')

Well! thats all for now from the package, to request new feature make an issue.


alright is an open-source package under MIT license, so contributions are warmly welcome whether that be a code , docs or typo just fork it.

when contributing to code please make an issue for that before making your changes so that we can have a discussion before implementation.


If you're facing any issue or difficulty with the usage of the package just raise one so that we can fix it as soon as possible.

Give it a star

Was this useful to you ? Then give it a star so that more people can manke use of this.


All the credits to:

  • Unable to send whatsapp messages to unknown/unsaved numbers

    Unable to send whatsapp messages to unknown/unsaved numbers

    Dear Members, please help me regarding whatsapp messages send by ALRIGHT ... it starts happens when whatsapp updates themselves

    i have a unsaved number and i am trying to send messages but error is returning 2022-11-22 11:54:15,478 - root -- [INFO] >> 4

    my code is under

    from alright import WhatsApp messenger = WhatsApp() messenger.find_user('+923461234567')

    i also tried without + sign but unable to send

    opened by syedizhar1979 13
  • error sending message

    error sending message

    hello sir,
    i install your app in my ubuntu machine , and it work , when i use class of find user it work and get the specific user, but when i send message i get exception error. message of exception is:
    element not interactable

    opened by mohamedallam3 11
  • messenger stuck when get_last_message_received is called

    messenger stuck when get_last_message_received is called

    So I was trying out the newly implemented function get_last_message_received which checks for last received message from a specific user but the program stuck when the method is called.



    opened by Kalebu 11
  • Failed to create data directory

    Failed to create data directory

    Hello, I am having this issue, not sure others having the same issue or not but I just want to let you know this image image

    After surfing on the web and trying different solution it still giving the same issue, so I have commented line 26 in, Now its opening what's app but not sending messages.

    opened by chetan6780 10
  • Doesn't work on raspberry pi

    Doesn't work on raspberry pi

    Hello there, I'm migrating from pywhatkit and I loved your package, but there seems to be a problem whil I was working on a raspberry pi, the chrome driver installation is not being recognised by alright, how do I deal with this issue, please let me know asap.

    opened by therealcyber71 8
  • headless doesn't work.

    headless doesn't work.

    When I change to headless this is what Im getting if I debug the browser.page_source (found it since wait_until wait forever)

    WhatsApp WebWhatsApp WebWhatsApp works with Google Chrome 60+To use WhatsApp, update Chrome or use Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge or Opera.Update Google ChromeWhatsApp works with Google Chrome 60+To use WhatsApp, update Chrome or use Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge or Opera.Update Google Chrome
    opened by Bennyelg 7
  • send message text error

    send message text error

    Hi I'm currently trying to send a message and a image, but it doesn't sends the message and stands still in that part:

    from alright import WhatsApp messenger = WhatsApp() numbers = ['14155238886'] for number in numbers: messenger.find_user(number) messenger.send_message("I wish you a Merry X-mass and Happy new year ") messenger.send_picture('/Users/matiasgonzalotiberio/Desktop/Whatsapp-Python/1451023683665.jpeg')

    Captura de Pantalla 2021-09-14 a la(s) 12 50 04 Captura de Pantalla 2021-09-14 a la(s) 12 50 13

    As you can see it starts and throws no error, but the message text isn't sent

    opened by matiastiberio 6
  • Can we me have method to fetch all unread chat usernames ?

    Can we me have method to fetch all unread chat usernames ?

    I am just thinking out loud that can we have a method to fetch all unread chat usernames, This will be very useful when it comes to creating auto-response functionality @euriconicacio

    opened by Kalebu 5
  • How to send image with caption

    How to send image with caption

    Is my first time making a coment in github, i am sending an "improvement" of "send_picture()". It is how to send a picture with text on it:

    def send_picture(self, picture, message): try: filename = os.path.realpath(picture) self.find_attachment() # To send an Image imgButton = self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, '//*[@id="main"]/footer//*[@data-icon="attach-image"]/../input'))) imgButton.send_keys(filename) inp_xpath = '//*[@id="app"]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/span/div[1]/span/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[3]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]' input_box = self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, inp_xpath))) input_box.send_keys(message + Keys.ENTER) self.send_attachment() print(f"Picture has been successfully sent to {}") except (NoSuchElementException, Exception) as bug: print(bug) print(f'Failed to send a picture to {}')

    opened by victorterancas 5
  • how to disable open WhatsApp application

    how to disable open WhatsApp application

    everytime i run the code (from the examples), a web browser (Chrome) opened and then ask me to open whatsapp application ( wants to open this application) if I canceled, then the browser do nothing, otherwise the whatsapp application is opened and alright gave me error: raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace) selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable

    opened by madzul 5
  • AttributeError: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'aria_role'

    AttributeError: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'aria_role'

    ====== WebDriver manager ====== Current google-chrome version is 106.0.5249 Get LATEST chromedriver version for 106.0.5249 google-chrome Driver [C:\Users\mdolm.wdm\drivers\chromedriver\win32\106.0.5249.61\chromedriver.exe] found in cache

    DevTools listening on ws:// 2022-10-19 19:33:59,520 - root -- [ERROR] >> An exception occurred: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'aria_role' Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\mdolm\OneDrive\Документы_python\wa_рассылка_3\alright\", line 425, in send_message1 if i.aria_role == "textbox": AttributeError: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'aria_role' 2022-10-19 19:33:59,521 - root -- [INFO] >> 3

    opened by web-triton 4
  • send_message1() is failing with UnboundLocalError

    send_message1() is failing with UnboundLocalError

    send_message1() is constantly failing with an UnboundLocalError message.

    File ~/alright/alright/, in WhatsApp.send_message1(self, mobile, message) 450 msg = f"3 " 452 finally: --> 453"{msg}") 454 return msg

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'msg' referenced before assignment

    opened by gklein 0
  • Fixes for firefox

    Fixes for firefox

    I'm using firefox and don't have the chrome driver installed. This throws a ModuleNotFound error at this line

    from import ChromeDriverManager

    I've fixed it by only having this line execute when a custom driver is not provided.

    Also, when doing messenger.send_message on Firefox, only 1 character was being sent. Resolved this by chaining the send_keys and Shift+Enter operations.

    opened by mukund109 0
  • externally initiated conversions

    externally initiated conversions

    im having trouble listening for new messages and responding to that particular message, plus can anyone please explain how do i use the .fetch_all_unread_chats() function and also how do i access the returned chats (what format are they in, datatypes and do i read them)

    opened by nigelbasa 0
  • commands/functions


    im having trouble in maintaining the driver after a message is sent, i want for example, that after sending a message the driver should then go bac to the whatsapp main menu and watch for new messages and once there is one, it is taken care of. another issue is that there is no clear explanation of how the commands/functions really do, for example the 'fetch_all_unread_chats" is not giving any feedback, i dont know how to access the result of the function. i'd really appreciate any kind of help/assistance here

    opened by nigelbasa 1
  • Chrome is showing alert when sending multiple messages!

    Chrome is showing alert when sending multiple messages!

    When I am trying to send message to multiple users, after it sends the first message, chrome is showing an alert saying “are you sure to exit” so how can we fix that?

    opened by moha-abdi 3
  • v1.5(Jun 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Updated the XPATH for the go-to web button. by @FranGmz in
    • Updating the XPATH on the find_by_username method by @euriconicacio in
    • Improves close_when_message_successfully_sent method, logging, and multiline support. by @euriconicacio in
    • Created get_first_chat and search_chat_by_name methods! by @euriconicacio in
    • Update by @euriconicacio in
    • Update by @theCJMan in
    • Update by @theCJMan in
    • Update by @theCJMan in
    • Creating check_if_given_chat_has_unread_messages method by @euriconicacio in

    New Contributors

    • @FranGmz made their first contribution in
    • @euriconicacio made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4(Apr 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adding ability to send a picture with caption by @badi95 in
    • Updating README to reflect updates to send_picture by @badi95 in
    • Update -> Solving opening Desktop WhatsApp by @theCJMan in
    • Update -> Catering for WhatsApp desktop being installed by @theCJMan in
    • This is to include the New Send Message 1 by @theCJMan in

    New Contributors

    • @badi95 made their first contribution in
    • @theCJMan made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3(Feb 20, 2022)

  • v1.2(Nov 13, 2021)

  • v1.1(Sep 5, 2021)

  • v1.0(Jun 20, 2021)

    All the basic feature implemented able to ;

    • send messages
    • send images
    • send videos
    • send documents

    dynamically using WhatsApp web without having to rescan the QR Code

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Jordan Kalebu
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