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Automatically search Stack Overflow (and other Stack Exchange sites) for the command you want to ru
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This repository is a modification of: for our sp
GuwenModels: 古文自然语言处理模型合集, 收录互联网上的古文相关模型及资源. A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
Scattertext A tool for finding distinguishing terms in corpora and displaying them in an interactive HTML scatter plot. Points corresponding t
RecipeReduce This repo will help you figure out the amount of ingredients to buy for a certain number of meals with selected recipes. RecipeReduce Get
BERT, LDA, and TFIDF based keyword extraction in Python kwx is a toolkit for multilingual keyword extraction based on Google's BERT and Latent Dirichl
keras implement of transformers for humans
BP-Transformer This repo contains the code for our paper BP-Transformer: Modeling Long-Range Context via Binary Partition Zihao Ye, Qipeng Guo, Quan G
The Quest (Pygame) Descripción Este es el repositorio de código The-Quest para el proyecto final Bootcamp Zero de KeepCoding. El juego consiste en la
Wisdomify A BERT-based reverse-dictionary of Korean proverbs. 김유빈 : 모델링 / 데이터 수집 / 프로젝트 설계 / back-end 김종윤 : 데이터 수집 / 프로젝트 설계 / front-end / back-end 임용
Starter code: Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge More competitions 🎇 Check collection of public projects 🎁 , where you can find multiple
Japanese-LUW-Tokenizer Japanese Long-Unit-Word (国語研長単位) Tokenizer for Transformers based on 青空文庫 Basic Usage from transformers import RemBertToken
This project has been created for statistical usage, purposing for determining ATL takers and nontakers using LCG ttest and Euclidean Method, especially for internal business case in Telkomsel.
BERT-based Financial Question Answering System In this example, we use Jina, PyTorch, and Hugging Face transformers to build a production-ready BERT-b
ReaLiSe ReaLiSe is a multi-modal Chinese spell checking model. This the office code for the paper Read, Listen, and See: Leveraging Multimodal Informa
Crosslingual Coreference Coreference is amazing but the data required for training a model is very scarce. In our case, the available training for non
Write Better Python Code This repository contains the code examples used in my Write Better Python Code series published on YouTube: https:/
An Apache 2.0 NLP research library, built on PyTorch, for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models on a wide variety of linguistic tasks. Quic
Unsupervised Abstract Reasoning for Raven’s Problem Matrices This code is the implementation of our TIP paper. This is the first unsupervised abstract
BERT Convolutions Code for the paper Convolutions and Self-Attention: Re-interpreting Relative Positions in Pre-trained Language Models. Contains expe
This repo stores the codes for topic modeling on palliative care journals. Data Preparation You first need to download the journal papers. bash 1_down