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Automatically search Stack Overflow (and other Stack Exchange sites) for the command you want to ru
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DensePhrases provides answers to your natural language questions from the entire Wikipedia in real-time. While it efficiently searches the answers out of 60 billion phrases in Wikipedia, it is also v
Simple NLP based project without any use of AI
Megatron (1 and 2) is a large, powerful transformer developed by the Applied Deep Learning Research team at NVIDIA.
chikkarpy chikkarpyはchikkarのPython版です。 chikkarpy is a Python version of chikkar. chikkarpy は Sudachi 同義語辞書を利用し、SudachiPyの出力に同義語展開を追加するために開発されたライブラリです。
SimpleChinese2 SimpleChinese2 集成了许多基本的中文NLP功能,使基于 Python 的中文文字处理和信息提取变得简单方便。 声明 本项目是为方便个人工作所创建的,仅有部分代码原创。
Overview PyText is a deep-learning based NLP modeling framework built on PyTorch. PyText addresses the often-conflicting requirements of enabling rapi
Installation Instructions Make sure that you have Python 3, gcc, venv, and pip installed. Clone the repository $ git clone
SGMC: Spectral Graph Matrix Completion Code for AAAI21 paper "Scalable and Explainable 1-Bit Matrix Completion via Graph Signal Learning". Data Format
🤗 🖼️ HuggingPics Fine-tune Vision Transformers for anything using images found on the web. Check out the video below for a walkthrough of this proje
Azure Text-to-speech service for Home Assistant The Azure text-to-speech platform uses online Azure Text-to-Speech cognitive service to read a text wi
Pretrained Language Model This repository provides the latest pretrained language models and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei N
AEC_DeepModel - Deep learning based acoustic echo cancellation baseline code
- 基于标题的大规模商品实体检索top1 一、任务介绍 CCKS 2020:基于标题的大规模商品实体检索,任务为对于给定的一个商品标题,参赛系统需要匹配到该标题在给定商品库中的对应商品实体。 输入:输入文件包括若干行商品标题。 输出:输出文本每一行包括此标题对应的商品实体,即给定知识库中商品 ID,
FedNLP is a research-oriented benchmarking framework for advancing federated learning (FL) in natural language processing (NLP). It uses FedML repository as the git submodule. In other words, FedNLP
DAG_Generator Random Directed Acyclic Graph Generator verison1.0 简介 工作流通常由DAG(有向无环图)来定义,其中每个计算任务$T_i$由一个顶点(node,task,vertex)表示。同时,任务之间的每个数据或控制依赖性由一条加权
TaskBench500 The TaskBench500 dataset and code for generating tasks. Data The TaskBench dataset is available under wget
pkuseg:一个多领域中文分词工具包 (English Version) pkuseg 是基于论文[Luo et. al, 2019]的工具包。其简单易用,支持细分领域分词,有效提升了分词准确度。 目录 主要亮点 编译和安装 各类分词工具包的性能对比 使用方式 论文引用 作者 常见问题及解答 主要
NLP_practice We will continuously update some NLP practice based on different tasks. prerequisites Software pytorch = 1.10 torchtext = 0.11.0 sklear
author: @shival_gupta VoiceAI This program is an example of a simple virtual assitant It will listen to you and do accordingly It will begin with wish
Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections (draft paper format) and other interesting arti