Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.


Beyonic API Python Examples.

The beyonic APIs Doc Reference:

To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start by downloading the Beyonic API fficial Python client library and setting your secret key.

Install the Beyonic API Python Official client library

>>> pip install beyonic

Setting your secrete key.

To set the secrete key install the python-dotenv modeule, Python-dotenv is a Python module that allows you to specify environment variables in traditional UNIX-like “.env” (dot-env) file within your Python project directory, it helps us work with SECRETS and KEYS without exposing them to the outside world, and keep them safe during development too.

Installing python-dotenv modeule

>>> pip install python-dotenv

Creating a .env file to keep our secrete keys.

>>> touch .env

Inside your .env file specify the Beyonic API Token .

.env file

BEYONIC_ACCESS_KEY = "enter your API "

You will get your API Token by clicking your user name on the bottom left of the left sidebar menu in the Beyonic web portal and selecting ‘Manage my account’ from the dropdown menu. The API Token is shown at the very bottom of the page.

import os 
import beyonic
from dotenv import load_dotenv


myapi = os.environ['BEYONIC_ACCESS_KEY']

beyonic.api_key = myapi 

Common get methods 

#Listing account.
accounts = beyonic.Account.list() 

#Listing currencies.
currencies = beyonic.Currency.list()

beyonic.errors.ResponseError: 500 error:
b'{"detail":"An unexpected error has occurred. Please report to [email protected]. Error Id: None"}'

#Listing networks
networks = beyonic.Network.list()

#Listing transactions.
transactions = beyonic.Transaction.list()

#Listing contact.
contacts = beyonic.Contact.list() 

#Listing events
events = beyonic.Event.list()

Error: AttributeError: module 'beyonic' has no attribute 'Event'

Docker file

FROM python:3.6

COPY . .

COPY ./requirements.txt ./requirements.txt


RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

CMD [ "python3", "" ]

Build docker image called demo

>>> docker build -t bey .

Run docker image called demo

>>>docker run -t -i bey 
Harun Mbaabu Mwenda
Developer Relations Engineer
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