Command line tool for google dorks


CLI for google dorks

This is the command line tool made with pytohn which allows the users to perform Google dorks easily


Install google dork cli

  >> pip install gdcli


    >> gdcli -h

    1) -op 1 for general query
        >> gdcli -op 1 -q ninja -s instagram -e gamer

    2) -op 2 for instagram user finding
        >> gdcli -op 2 -q ninja -b gamer -l usa

[-h] [-op OPTION] [-q SEARCH_QUERY] [-s SITE] [-f FILE_TYPE] [-e EXCLUDE] [-b BIO] [-l LOCATION]        

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -op OPTION       Option [1 2 3]
  -q SEARCH_QUERY  Search Query
  -s SITE          Specifc site for searching
  -f FILE_TYPE     File type
  -e EXCLUDE       Things to exclude
  -b BIO           Bio of the user
  -l LOCATION      Bio of the user

Note this cli tool is still on development process and more features will be added very soon,and feel free to contribute 🚀 🚀

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