Hexa is an advanced browser.It can carry out all the functions present in a browser.It is coded in the language Python using the modules PyQt5 and sys mainly.It is gonna get developed more in the future.It is made specially for the students.Only 1 tab can be used while using it so that the students cant missuse the pandemic situation :)
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt and then runs the main.py script, and it will output what recipes can be created b
A project to work with databases in 4 worksheets, insert, update, select, delete using Python and MySqI As a small project for school or college hope it is useful
Package pyVHR (short for Python framework for Virtual Heart Rate) is a comprehensive framework for studying methods of pulse rate estimation relying on remote photoplethysmography (rPPG)
Hspice-Wave-Generator is a tool used to quickly generate stimuli souces of hspice format. All the stimuli sources are based on `pwl` function of HSPICE and the specific complex operations of writing