ScareCrow Cobalt Strike intergration CNA
A Cobalt Strike script for ScareCrow payload generation. Works only with the binary and DLL Loader.
ScareCrow Available Options
-I string
Path to the raw 64-bit shellcode.
-Loader string
Sets the type of process that will sideload the malicious payload:
[*] binary - Generates a binary based payload. (This type does not benefit from any sideloading).
[*] dll - Generates just a DLL file. Can be executed with commands such as rundll32 or regsvr32 with DllRegisterServer, DllGetClassObject as export functions.
Enables ETW patching to prevent ETW events from being generated by the process. ETW utilizes built-in Syscalls to generate this telemetry. Since ETW is a native feature built into Windows, security products do not need to "hook" the ETW syscalls to gain the information. As a result, to prevent ETW, ScareCrow patches numerous ETW syscalls, flushing out the registers and returning the execution flow to the next instruction.
Enables sandbox evasion using IsDomainedJoined calls.
Clone the Project
git clone https://github.com/GeorgePatsias/ScareCrow-CobaltStrike.git
Install ScareCrow
Setup ScareCrow https://github.com/optiv/ScareCrow just by running the install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
Setup CNA Script Configurations
Edit the ScareCrow.cna and replace the variables below accordingly. NOTE! Do not add the final / at the end of the paths!
#Path to the ScareCrow-CobaltStrike repository you just cloned.
$script_path = "/home/user/ScareCrow-CobaltStrike";
#Path to the compiled ScareCrow Go executable of the installation.
$scarecrow_executable = "/home/user/ScareCrow-CobaltStrike/ScareCrow/ScareCrow";
#Path to the CobaltStrike directory.
$cs_directory = "/home/user/cobaltstrike";
#Path to the python3 binary.
$python3 = "/usr/bin/python3";
Add the CNA script to Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike > Script Manager > Load > Select ScareCrow.cna
You will see the new menu item called ScareCrow on the top menu of Cobalt Strike.