A Python package that scrapes Google News article data while remaining undetected by Google.



Getting Started


pip install GoogleNewsScraper



from GoogleNewsScraper import GoogleNewsScraper

Instantiating Scraper


Constructor Parameters

Name Type Required
driver web driver no

Possible values:

  • 'chrome': The driver will default to use this package's chrome driver
  • A path to some driver (FireFox, for instance) stored on the user's system


This method is both public and private, though it really should only be used by the class

locate_html_element(self, driver, element, selector, wait_seconds)
Name Type Required Description
driver web driver yes A web driver (Chrome, FireFox, etc)
element string yes Id or class selector of an HTML element
selector Module import yes see below
wait_seconds int no Waits a certain number of seconds in order to locate an HTML element

To configure the 'selector' param:

First install selenium

pip install selenium

Then import By

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

Possible values:

  • By.ID
  • By.NAME
  • By.XPATH

GoogleNewsScraper(...args).search(search_text, date_range, pages, pagination_pause_per_page, cb) -> list or None
Name Type Required Description
search_text str yes A series of word(s) that will be inputted into the Google search engine
date_range str no Filters article by date. Possible values: Past hours, Past 24 hours, Past week, Past month, Past year, Archives
pages str or int no Number of pages that should be scraped (defaults to 'max')
pagination_pause_per_page int no Waits a certain amount of seconds before a new page is scraped (defaults to 2). Time may have to be increased if Google prevents you from scraping all pages.
cb function no Will return all article data on a single page for every page scraped (defaults to False)
  • Example using 'cb' paramater:
def handle_page_data(page_data: list):
  # Do something with page_data

GoogleNewsScraper(...args).search(...args, cb=handle_page_data)


  • If no argument is provided for 'cb,' the scrape method will return a two-dimensional list
  • Each list will contain an object of news article data for every news article on that page

Example of the data that every article-object will contain:

  • 'id': A unique id for every article data object
  • 'description': The preview description of the news article
  • 'title': The title of the news article
  • 'source': The source of news article (New York Times, for instance)
  • 'image_url': The url of the preview news article image
  • 'url': A link to the news article
  • 'date_time': A datetime string that represents the date of when the article was published

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