IP Generateur
Dépendences :
pip install colorama
Dépendences :
pip install colorama
Gradualist Gradually automate your procedures, one step at a time Inspired by https://blog.danslimmon.com/2019/07/15/ Features Main Features Converts
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++, which is using the string similarity calculations from FuzzyWuzzy
Empty Folder Cleaner is a program that deletes empty folders from your computer or device and removes clutter to improve performance. It supports only windows and android for now.
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool. This tool works on any Android devices without root.
🔧 Rich Tools A python package with helpful functions for use alongside with the rich python library. The current features are: Convert a Pandas
SimpleAutoBurp Python script that takes a config.json file as config and uses Burp Suite Pro to scan a list of websites.
PKINIT tools This repository contains some utilities for playing with PKINIT and certificates. The tools are built on minikerberos and impacket. Accom
A linter to manage all your python exceptions and try/except blocks (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).
Windows Debloat 🗑️ Quickly and easily configure Windows 10. Disclaimer I am NOT
Aurin - A quick AUR installer for Arch Linux. Install packages from AUR website in a click.
tendermint-tax A tool to help calculate the tax liability of staking rewards on Tendermint chains. Specifically, this tool calculates the fair market
A python module to update the console without flashing.
A random cats photos python module
Fraud-Multiplication-Table-Detection-in-python In this program, I have detected fraud multiplication table using python without class. Here, I have co
Export watched content from Tautulli to the Letterboxd CSV Import Format
Chython [ˈkʌɪθ(ə)n] Library for processing molecules and reactions in python way. Features: Read/write/convert formats: MDL .RDF (.RXN) and .SDF (.MOL
io_mesh_md2 is a Blender 2.93 addon for importing Quake II MD2 files.
Tree-Traversals (BST) 🌲 A simple BST (Binary Search Tree) generator written in python Installation Use the package manager pip to install BST. Usage
ElectricPy Electrical-Engineering-for-Python Python Libraries with functions and constants related to electrical engineering. The functions and consta
py.validator A library of string validators and sanitizers Insipired by validator.js Strings only This library validates and sanitizes strings only. P