Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Crawler written by beautifulsoup, selenium and lxml to gather books and films information and make a searchable and general database.
Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Crawler written by beautifulsoup, selenium and lxml to gather books and films information and make a searchable and general database.
Twitter Eye is a Twitter Information Gathering Tool With Twitter Eye, you can search with various keywords and usernames on Twitter.
web-scraping Program that scrapes a website for a collection of quotes, picks on
LiveSkidorDownload Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings and results from Usage: Put the python file in a dedic
Universal Online Judge Spider Introduction This is a spider for Universal Online Judge (UOJ) system ( It also works for all other Onl
Complete pipeline for crawling online newspaper article. The articles are stored to MongoDB. The whole pipeline is dockerized, thus the user does not need to worry about dependencies. Additionally, d
Frontera Overview Frontera is a web crawling framework consisting of crawl frontier, and distribution/scaling primitives, allowing to build a large sc
Pancakeswap_BSC_Sniper_Bot Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper bot written in python3, Please note the license conditions! The first Binance Smart Chain sniper bo
This is a webscraper for a specific website. It is tuned to extract the headlines of that website. With some little adjustments the webscraper is able to extract any part of the website.
Proxy Scraper Scrapes proxies from and saves them to a file. Also has a customizable theme system Made by nell and Lamp
Telegram Group Scrapper
Simply scrape / download all the media from an fansly account. Providing updates as long as its continuously gaining popularity, so hit the ⭐ button!
Deals of the Day This is a web scraper, using the Python framework Scrapy, built to extract data such as price and product name from the Deals of the
Snowflake Stage Exporter Snowflake database loading utility with Scrapy integration. Meant for streaming ingestion of JSON serializable objects into S
This scrapper scrapes the mail ids of faculty members from a given linl/page and stores it in a csv file
WhatSoup 🍲 A web scraper that exports your entire WhatsApp chat history. Table of Contents Overview Demo Prerequisites Instructions Frequen
A small library for extracting rich content from urls. what does it do? micawber supplies a few methods for retrieving rich metadata about a variety o
Web Scrapping Popular Youtube Tech Channels with Selenium Data Mining, Data Wrangling, and Exploratory Data Analysis About the Data Web scrapi
subscrape A Python scraper for substrate chains that uses Subscan. Usage copy co
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