Ditch Xiaomi's cloud and use a Telegram bot instead



Ditch Xiaomi's cloud and use a Telegram bot instead


  • Motion detection

Works by monitoring a tmp file that is created only when the camera detects a motion

  • Get a picture from the camera

Uses the snapshot.sh functionality to get a real time picture

  • Multi camera support

Add as many cameras as you please

  • The bot works in groups and there's a API limit bypass

Multiple bot token can be added to round robin the requests (Telegram bots cannot send many messages per second in a group chat)

  • Text to speech to all cameras

Use the speak.sh functionality to convert text to audio. Supports en-US, en-GB, de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT

  • Text to speech to a single camera

Same but limited to a single camera

  • Play any preconfigured sound to all cameras

Play any audio from a specified folder (default: sound/). Use ffmpeg to convert it to the needed format

  • Play any preconfigured sound to a single camera

Same but limited to a single camera

  • Send a voice note and it will play on all cameras

Send a voice message and ffmpeg will convert it and play simultameusly to all cameras

  • Alert if a camera goes offline

No description

  • Alert if a camera goes online

No description

  • Function to enable/disable motion notification

Mute the camera alerts

  • Function to enable/disable the camera while retaining the audio functionalities

Disable video and photo functionalities of the camera

  • Media retention settings

All media are saved into a folder (default: recording/) and will be deleted in X days. Set 0 to delete immediately

  • Multi language

Currently supports IT and EN languages. You can add more by adding a locale file in config/


  • No need for Xiaomi's cloud service (The app is needed only for the first setup)
  • The cameras don't need to connect to the internet so they will work fine in a isolated vlan

If you have a UniFi access point you can add a Wi-Fi network with a custom VLAN else you can simply use a dedicated access point

  • You'll need to install Yi-Hack firmware on the camera and enable FTP and motion recording

https://github.com/TheCrypt0/yi-hack-v4 https://github.com/roleoroleo/yi-hack-MStar https://github.com/roleoroleo/yi-hack-Allwinner https://github.com/roleoroleo/yi-hack-Allwinner-v2

  • For the text to speech functionality you'll need to install the extra nanotts package


  • A Raspberry/Docker or LXC Container/VM needs to be connected to the isolated network and to a network with internet access

  • There's 2 branches, one with a lot of emojis in the text and one with none

How to use

Edit config/config.py and add your bot api token and the cameras ip address and nickname and then run main.py



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