A Python script for rendering glTF files with V-Ray App SDK


V-Ray glTF viewer

Sample render


The V-Ray glTF viewer is a set of Python scripts for the V-Ray App SDK that allow the parsing and rendering of glTF (.gltf and .glb) files.

Installing and running the V-Ray glTF viewer

With V-Ray App SDK

  • Install Python 3.8 for all users in "c:\Program Files\Python38"

  • Install nightly V-Ray 5 App SDK (Qt version) in "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\AppSDK". Be sure to choose the Advanced installation type and make sure the installation does not modify any license settings or environment variables.

    Note: In case you accidentally let the V-Ray App SDK installation modify the V-Ray license settings, run the tool setvrlservice.exe or from the start menu search for "Change V-Ray client license settings" to change them.

  • Open a command prompt (press Windows+R, type cmd and press Enter).

  • Execute set path="c:\program files\python38";"c:\program files\python38\scripts";%path%

  • First time only: Execute pip install numpy

  • First time only: Execute pip install pyquaternion

  • First time only: Execute pip install numba

  • First time only: Execute pip install scipy

  • Execute "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\AppSDK\setenv38.bat"

  • Execute cd /d VRAY_GLTF_FOLDER where VRAY_GLTF_FOLDER is the folder where the file main.py is located.

  • Execute python main.py to see a list of options; use python main.py --help for detailed usage description.

With V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max

The Python binding of the V-Ray AppSDK is also included with V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max and Maya and in this case it is not needed to install the V-Ray AppSDK separately.

  • Make sure you have a recent version of V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max with the Python 3 binding of the V-Ray App SDK included (check if you have the folder "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3ds Max 2021\samples\appsdk\python38").

  • Install Python 3.8 for all users in "c:\Program Files\Python38"

  • Open a command prompt (press Windows+R, type cmd and press Enter).

  • Execute set path="c:\program files\python38";"c:\program files\python38\scripts";%path%

  • First time only: Execute pip install numpy

  • First time only: Execute pip install pyquaternion

  • First time only: Execute pip install numba

  • First time only: Execute pip install scipy

  • Execute "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3ds Max 2021\samples\appsdk\setenv38.bat"

  • Execute cd /d VRAY_GLTF_FOLDER where VRAY_GLTF_FOLDER is the folder where the file main.py is located.

  • Execute python main.py to see a list of options; use python main.py --help for detailed usage description.


The V-Ray glTF scripts are command-line only; there is no GUI and all options must be passed on the command line.

Use the --help option to list all possible options and their values.

An example command to render the sample .glb file could look like this (assuming that the vray_gltf project is extracted to d:\temp\vray_gltf):

python main.py d:\temp\vray_gltf\samples\basic\basic.glb --thick_glass --default_lights --default_cam_moffset "(0, 0, -0.5)" --output_file d:\temp\vray_gltf.jpg

Supported features

The glTF parser supports glTF 2.0 with the following extensions:

  • KHR_texture_transform
  • KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness
  • KHR_materials_transmission
  • KHR_materials_clearcoat
  • KHR_materials_sheen
  • KHR_lights_punctual is mostly working, but light range is not supported

Simple transform animations are supported to some extent. Vertex deformations, either through morphing or skinning are currently not supported.

Most of the sample models provided by Khronos generally render fine, as well as many models from the Windows 3D viewer library.

Makers of the popular V-Ray, Corona and Vantage renderers
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