Simple and lightweight TUI application for CyberGhostVPN.
sudo python3
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
TIFTA: Tiny Interactive File Transfer Application This repository holds all the source code, tests and documentation of the TIFTA software. The main g
About Start a simple TCP Listener on a specified IP Address and Port Number and receive incoming connections. Download Clone using git in terminal(git
IPE is a simple tool for analyzing IP addresses. With IPE you can find out the server region, city, country, longitude and latitude and much more in seconds.
A pretty quick and simple interface to paramiko SFTP. Provides multi-threaded routines with progress notifications for reliable, asynchronous transfers. This is a Python3 optimized fork of pysftp with additional features & improvements.
About The Project This is a simple DHCP server and client simulation. I implemented it for computer network course spring 2021 The client can request
DEDMAP is a Simple but Powerful, Clever and Flexible Cross-Platform Port Scanning tool made with ease to use and convenience in mind. Both TCP
Owner: KeinShin 🇮🇳 BLACK LIGHTNING A Powerful, Smart And Simple Userbot In Telethon. Credits This is A Remix Bot Of Many UserBot. DARKCOBRA FridayUs
Simple File sharing tool Sharing client usage (You will need to use python3 for linux) --send -f file/path Optionnal flags : pwd : set a passw
DataShare - Simple library for data sharing between scripts and public functions calling. Installation. Install code, Delete LICENSE, README, readme.t
WARP+ uses Cloudflare’s virtual private backbone, known as Argo, to achieve higher speeds and ensure your connection is encrypted across the long haul of the Internet
IP SEEKER See Details With Public Ip && Find Web Ip Addresses Tool By Heshan
TicTacToe using Socket Server This is a project for the class : 18CSC302J - Computer Networks by Dr. S.Babu Contributors Suvodeep Sinha RA191100301010
PyWhisker pyWhisker is a Python equivalent of the original Whisker made by Elad Shamir and written in C#. This tool allows users to manipulate the msD
The Project is mainly based on Sockets , File Handling and subprocess library for Creating backdoors For Hacking into one's Computer (Any OS-Platform Service) and listening on your computer and waiti
Curso de Python 3 do Básico ao Avançado Desafio: Calculando redes IPV4 Criar um programa que obtem um numero de IP com o prefixo da mascara de rede. O
log4j-scan A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Features Support for lists of URLs. Fuzzing for more
proxy-forwarder HTTP proxy pool server primarily meant for evading IP whitelists. Setup Create a file named proxies.txt and fill it with your HTTP pro
Network Config Scraper This repository demonstrates the use of Github Actions and git-scraping to build an automated backup solution for network confi
A full-featured remote administration tool written in Python 3. The goal of this project is to make the use of a remote administration tool as simple
pylsp-rope Extended refactoring capabilities for Python LSP Server using Rope. This is a plugin for Python LSP Server, so you also need to have it ins
Roboteur Client Example TODO Basic setup Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Run the application: $ python -m roboteur_client
Domain-Scraper 🌐 This is a simple python script to collect sub-domains from hackertarget API Note : This is tool is limited to 20 Queries / day with
wallc Calculate the layout on the wall to hang up pictures. Installation pip install git+ Getting Started Currently
Best discord webhook spammer using proxy (support all proxy type)
A pretty quick and simple interface to paramiko SFTP. Provides multi-threaded routines with progress notifications for reliable, asynchronous transfers. This is a Python3 optimized fork of pysftp wit
tmo-monitor A lightweight Python 3 script that can monitor the T-Mobile Home Internet Nokia 5G Gateway for band and connectivity and reboot as needed.
finetuneas 3.0 finetuneas is a simple HTML interface for fine tuning sync maps output by aeneas Version 3.0 Easier adjusting time: following cells wil
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Python script to stop qBittorrent from torrenting without VPN for users with static IP.