Small Robot, with LIDAR and DepthCamera. Using ROS for Maping and Navigation
Made by Clemente Donoso,
RoboCop | Lateral |
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About the project: With the intention of investigating robotics, new technologies and high-gamma sensors, the RoboCop project is created. The project seeks to create an intelligent robot with a high variety of functions, such as recognition of people and faces, autonomous mapping and navigation, assistance, security and more.
I will upload the code and the documentation in the next update and in the next iteration. Fell free to contact me if you have any questions.
Last Update: - 2021-12-02: Initial Comment
Shopping list: - Jetson Nano B01
- 4 Servo Motors
- 11.1V 5200 mAh Battery
- PCA9685
- XL4016
- Small LIDAR
- Depth camera - Orbbec Pro
If you want to contribute monetarily to the creation of the project, you can do so via PayPal: https://paypal.me/cdonosok