- toLines.py 将一张图片转换为对应的线条集合,视频可以按帧转换。
- draw.py 在原神家园里绘制一张线条图。
- draw_video.py 在原神家园里绘制视频(自动按帧摆放,截图(win)并回收)
- cat_to_video.py 将多帧对应的线条集合可视化为视频
This is a community effort to draw the nimbus logo on beaconcha.in's graffitiwall. get started clone repo with git clone https://github.com/tennisbowl
Code for an interactive UMAP visualization of the MNIST data set. Demo at https://grantcuster.github.io/umap-explorer/. You can read more about the de
hvPlot A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews. Build Status Coverage Latest dev release Latest release Docs What is it?
jupiter Generate "Jupiter" plots for circular genomes Description Python scripts to generate plots from ViennaRNA output. Written in "pidgin" python w
Dashboard For The DexConnect Platform of Dexterity Global Working prototype submission for internship at Dexterity Global Group. Dashboard for real ti
scheil A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pycalphad import Database, variables as v from scheil i
Explore RNA-Protein interactions. RNPFind is a bioinformatics tool. It takes an RNA transcript as input and gives a list of RNA binding protein (RBP)
geopy geopy is a Python client for several popular geocoding web services. geopy makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addr
China and India Population and GDP Visualization Historical Population Comparison between India and China This graph shows the population data of Indi
napari-script-editor A python script editor for napari based on PyQode. This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using with @napari's cookie
PinOut A Python package that generates hardware pinout diagrams as SVG images. The package is designed to be quite flexible and works well for general
napari-tomoslice A napari plugin for visualising and interacting with electron cryotomograms. Installation You can install napari-tomoslice via pip: p
Training-Curve-Vis Visualize the training curve from the *.csv file (tensorboard format). Feature Custom labels Curve smoothing Support for multiple c
GitHub Stats Visualization Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics using GitHub Actions. This project is currently a work-in-
mapomatic Automatic mapping of compiled circuits to low-noise sub-graphs Overvie
Boltzmann visualization - Visualize the Boltzmann distribution for simple quantum models of molecular motion
nx_altair Draw NetworkX graphs with Altair nx_altair offers a similar draw API to NetworkX but returns Altair Charts instead. If you'd like to contrib
DataVisualization - The evolution of my arduino and python journey. New level of competence achieved
Valideer Lightweight data validation and adaptation library for Python. At a Glance: Supports both validation (check if a value is valid) and adaptati
Rockstar Rockstar is one amazing library, which will make you a Rockstar Programmer in just 2 minutes. In last decade, people learned C++ in 21 days.