Inverted-pendulum-with-fuzzy-control - Inverted pendulum with fuzzy control


Fuzzy Inverted Pendulum

Basically, this project consists of an inverted pendulum simulator and a fuzzy controller. The main goal was to develop a simple yet useful simulator to model the environment, so that you are enabled to easily create a fuzzy controller for the inverted pendulum problem. It was implemented using pygame and pyfuzzy in python2.7.

Getting Started


$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python2.7 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ ./


$ ./

Also, you can run the project using custom configurations located in the configs directory.

$ ./ configs/full.ini


Physical parameters of simulator

M: cart mass, kg

m: pendulum mass, kg

l: pendulum length, m

x: cart position, m

v: cart velocity, m/s

a: cart acceleration, m/s^2

theta: pendulum central angle, radian

omega: pendulum angular velocity, m/s

alpha: pendulum angular acceleration, m/s^2

g: gravity acceleration, m/s^2

b: cart coefficient of friction, newton/m/s

I: moment of inertia, kg.m^2

min_x: cart minimum x, m

max_x: cart maximum x, m

force: force applied on cart, newton

You can see all the parameters in module. Also these parameters can be modified using configuration files located in configs directory.

Fuzzy Control Language (FCL)

The FuzzyController class in module, loads an FCL file to decide how much force needs to be applied to the cart in each cycle of simulation. FCL files can be found in controllers directory. You can create your own controller by writing a new FCL file and specifying it in the config files by changing the fcl_path item.


dt = 0.1
fps = 60

fcl_path = controllers/simple.fcl

theta = -90.0

Simple FCL Controller

We have created a simple controller that works just fine and can be found in controllers directory. You can also checkout the fuzzy variables chart, available in the images directory.

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