A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware



A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware

Although nMigen is incomplete and in active development, it can already be used for real-world designs. The nMigen language (nmigen.hdl.ast, nmigen.hdl.dsl) will not undergo incompatible changes. The nMigen standard library (nmigen.lib) and build system (nmigen.build) will undergo minimal changes before their design is finalized.

Despite being faster than schematics entry, hardware design with Verilog and VHDL remains tedious and inefficient for several reasons. The event-driven model introduces issues and manual coding that are unnecessary for synchronous circuits, which represent the lion's share of today's logic designs. Counterintuitive arithmetic rules result in steeper learning curves and provide a fertile ground for subtle bugs in designs. Finally, support for procedural generation of logic (metaprogramming) through "generate" statements is very limited and restricts the ways code can be made generic, reused and organized.

To address those issues, we have developed the nMigen FHDL, a library that replaces the event-driven paradigm with the notions of combinatorial and synchronous statements, has arithmetic rules that make integers always behave like mathematical integers, and most importantly allows the design's logic to be constructed by a Python program. This last point enables hardware designers to take advantage of the richness of the Python language—object oriented programming, function parameters, generators, operator overloading, libraries, etc.—to build well organized, reusable and elegant designs.

Other nMigen libraries are built on FHDL and provide various tools and logic cores. nMigen also contains a simulator that allows test benches to be written in Python.

nMigen is based on Migen, a similar Python-based hardware description language. Although Migen works very well in production, its design could be improved in many fundamental ways, and nMigen reimplements Migen concepts from scratch to do so. nMigen also provides an extensive compatibility layer that makes it possible to build and simulate most Migen designs unmodified, as well as integrate modules written for Migen and nMigen.

The development of nMigen has been supported by SymbioticEDA, LambdaConcept, and ChipEleven.


See the Introduction section of the documentation.


See the Installation section of the documentation.

Supported devices

nMigen can be used to target any FPGA or ASIC process that accepts behavioral Verilog-2001 as input. It also offers extended support for many FPGA families, providing toolchain integration, abstractions for device-specific primitives, and more. Specifically:

  • Lattice iCE40 (toolchains: Yosys+nextpnr, LSE-iCECube2, Synplify-iCECube2);
  • Lattice MachXO2 (toolchains: Diamond);
  • Lattice MachXO3L (toolchains: Diamond);
  • Lattice ECP5 (toolchains: Yosys+nextpnr, Diamond);
  • Xilinx Spartan 3A (toolchains: ISE);
  • Xilinx Spartan 6 (toolchains: ISE);
  • Xilinx 7-series (toolchains: Vivado);
  • Xilinx UltraScale (toolchains: Vivado);
  • Intel (toolchains: Quartus);
  • Quicklogic EOS S3 (toolchains: Yosys+VPR).

FOSS toolchains are listed in bold.

Migration from Migen

If you are already familiar with Migen, the good news is that nMigen provides a comprehensive Migen compatibility layer! An existing Migen design can be synthesized and simulated with nMigen in three steps:

  1. Replace all from migen import <...> statements with from nmigen.compat import <...>.
  2. Replace every explicit mention of the default sys clock domain with the new default sync clock domain. E.g. ClockSignal("sys") is changed to ClockSignal("sync").
  3. Migrate from Migen build/platform system to nMigen build/platform system. nMigen does not provide a build/platform compatibility layer because both the board definition files and the platform abstraction differ too much.

Note that nMigen will not produce the exact same RTL as Migen did. nMigen has been built to allow you to take advantage of the new and improved functionality it has (such as producing hierarchical RTL) while making migration as painless as possible.

Once your design passes verification with nMigen, you can migrate it to the nMigen syntax one module at a time. Migen modules can be added to nMigen modules and vice versa, so there is no restriction on the order of migration, either.


nMigen has a dedicated IRC channel, #nmigen at libera.chat. Feel free to join to ask questions about using nMigen or discuss ongoing development of nMigen and its related projects.


nMigen is released under the very permissive two-clause BSD license. Under the terms of this license, you are authorized to use nMigen for closed-source proprietary designs.

  • fsm_state changes mid cycle

    fsm_state changes mid cycle

    This "minimal" example is kind of long, but you said you[Whitequark] think you know what buy we're hitting. I'll keep this example as is for now and try to trim it later.

    """Simple example of a FSM-based ALU
    This demonstrates a design that follows the valid/ready protocol of the
    ALU, but with a FSM implementation, instead of a pipeline.  It is also
    intended to comply with both the CompALU API and the nmutil Pipeline API
    (Liskov Substitution Principle)
    The basic rules are:
    1) p.ready_o is asserted on the initial ("Idle") state, otherwise it keeps low.
    2) n.valid_o is asserted on the final ("Done") state, otherwise it keeps low.
    3) The FSM stays in the Idle state while p.valid_i is low, otherwise
       it accepts the input data and moves on.
    4) The FSM stays in the Done state while n.ready_i is low, otherwise
       it releases the output data and goes back to the Idle state.
    from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module, Cat
    cxxsim = True
    if cxxsim:
        from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Settle
        from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Settle
    from nmigen.cli import rtlil
    from math import log2
    class Dummy:
    class Shifter(Elaboratable):
        """Simple sequential shifter
        Prev port data:
        * p.data_i.data:  value to be shifted
        * p.data_i.shift: shift amount
        *                 When zero, no shift occurs.
        *                 On POWER, range is 0 to 63 for 32-bit,
        *                 and 0 to 127 for 64-bit.
        *                 Other values wrap around.
        Next port data:
        * n.data_o.data: shifted value
        class PrevData:
            def __init__(self, width):
                self.data = Signal(width, name="p_data_i")
                self.shift = Signal(width, name="p_shift_i")
            def _get_data(self):
                return [self.data, self.shift]
        class NextData:
            def __init__(self, width):
                self.data = Signal(width, name="n_data_o")
            def _get_data(self):
                return [self.data]
        def __init__(self, width):
            self.width = width
            self.p = Dummy()
            self.n = Dummy()
            self.p.valid_i = Signal(name="p_valid_i")
            self.p.ready_o = Signal(name="p_ready_o")
            self.n.ready_i = Signal(name="n_ready_i")
            self.n.valid_o = Signal(name="n_valid_o")
            self.p.data_i = Shifter.PrevData(width)
            self.n.data_o = Shifter.NextData(width)
        def elaborate(self, platform):
            m = Module()
            # Note:
            # It is good practice to design a sequential circuit as
            # a data path and a control path.
            # Data path
            # ---------
            # The idea is to have a register that can be
            # loaded or shifted (left and right).
            # the control signals
            load = Signal()
            shift = Signal()
            # the data flow
            shift_in = Signal(self.width)
            shift_left_by_1 = Signal(self.width)
            next_shift = Signal(self.width)
            # the register
            shift_reg = Signal(self.width, reset_less=True)
            # build the data flow
            m.d.comb += [
                # connect input and output
                # generate shifted views of the register
                shift_left_by_1.eq(Cat(0, shift_reg[:-1])),
            # choose the next value of the register according to the
            # control signals
            # default is no change
            m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_reg)
            with m.If(load):
                m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_in)
            with m.Elif(shift):
                m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_left_by_1)
            # register the next value
            m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq(next_shift)
            # Control path
            # ------------
            # The idea is to have a SHIFT state where the shift register
            # is shifted every cycle, while a counter decrements.
            # This counter is loaded with shift amount in the initial state.
            # The SHIFT state is left when the counter goes to zero.
            # Shift counter
            shift_width = int(log2(self.width)) + 1
            next_count = Signal(shift_width)
            count = Signal(shift_width, reset_less=True)
            m.d.sync += count.eq(next_count)
            #m.d.comb += self.p.ready_o.eq(1)
            with m.FSM():
                with m.State("IDLE"):
                    m.d.comb += [
                        # keep p.ready_o active on IDLE
                        # keep loading the shift register and shift count
                    with m.If(self.p.valid_i):
                        # Leave IDLE when data arrives
                        with m.If(next_count == 0):
                            # short-circuit for zero shift
                            m.next = "DONE"
                        with m.Else():
                            m.next = "SHIFT"
                with m.State("SHIFT"):
                    m.d.comb += [
                        # keep shifting, while counter is not zero
                        # decrement the shift counter
                        next_count.eq(count - 1),
                    with m.If(next_count == 0):
                        # exit when shift counter goes to zero
                        m.next = "DONE"
                with m.State("DONE"):
                    # keep n.valid_o active while the data is not accepted
                    m.d.comb += self.n.valid_o.eq(1)
                    with m.If(self.n.ready_i):
                        # go back to IDLE when the data is accepted
                        m.next = "IDLE"
            return m
        def __iter__(self):
            yield self.p.data_i.data
            yield self.p.data_i.shift
            yield self.p.valid_i
            yield self.p.ready_o
            yield self.n.ready_i
            yield self.n.valid_o
            yield self.n.data_o.data
        def ports(self):
            return list(self)
    def test_shifter():
        m = Module()
        m.submodules.shf = dut = Shifter(8)
        print("Shifter port names:")
        for port in dut:
            print("-", port.name)
        # generate RTLIL
        # try "proc; show" in yosys to check the data path
        il = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
        with open("test_shifter.il", "w") as f:
        sim = Simulator(m)
        def send(data, shift):
            # present input data and assert valid_i
            yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(data)
            yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(shift)
            yield dut.p.valid_i.eq(1)
            print ("set up signals")
            # wait for p.ready_o to be asserted
            ready_o = yield dut.p.ready_o
            print ("ready_o", ready_o)
            while not (yield dut.p.ready_o):
                ready_o = yield dut.p.ready_o
                print ("ready_o", ready_o)
            print ("done ready check")
            # clear input data and negate p.valid_i
            yield dut.p.valid_i.eq(0)
            yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(0)
            yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(0)
            print ("done send")
        def receive(expected):
            # signal readiness to receive data
            yield dut.n.ready_i.eq(1)
            # wait for n.valid_o to be asserted
            valid_o = yield dut.n.valid_o
            print ("        valid_o", valid_o)
            while not (yield dut.n.valid_o):
                valid_o = yield dut.n.valid_o
                print ("        valid_o", valid_o)
            # read result
            result = yield dut.n.data_o.data
            # "FIX" the problem with this line:
            #yield    # <---- remove this - pysim "works" but cxxsim does not
            # negate n.ready_i
            yield dut.n.ready_i.eq(0)
            # check result
            assert result == expected
            print ("        done receive")
        def producer():
            print ("start of producer")
            yield from send(3, 4)
            print ("end of producer")
        def consumer():
            # the consumer is not in step with the producer, but the
            # order of the results are preserved
            # 3 << 4 = 48
            print ("        start of receiver")
            yield from receive(48)
            print ("        end of receiver")
        sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(
        with sim_writer:
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    bug simulator:cxxsim 
    opened by BracketMaster 40
  • Vivado CDC constraints

    Vivado CDC constraints

    Issue by dlharmon Sunday Sep 22, 2019 at 20:56 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/227

    Related: #212

    This tags the first register in each MultiReg or ResetSynchronizer with the attribute nmigen_async_ff and then applies a false path and max delay constraint to all registers tagged with that attribute in the .xdc file.

    The max delay defaults to 5 ns and has an override, max_delay where it can be changed for the > whole project. It's possible to make this an argument to MultiReg instead, but is more complex. > git commit -m "add clock domain crossing constraints on Vivado This tags the first register in each MultiReg or ResetSynchronizer with the attribute nmigen_async_ff and then applies a false path and max delay constraint to all registers tagged with that attribute in the .xdc file.

    The max delay defaults to 5 ns and has an override, max_delay where it can be changed for the whole project. It's possible to make this an optional argument to MultiReg instead, but is more complex. It would probably work to set nmigen_async_ff to the desired delay rather than just TRUE. I'm not sure how hard it would be to extract that in the TCL or if it would be easier to keep a dict of all used delay values and put a line for each into the .xdc file.

    dlharmon included the following code: https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/227/commits

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 30
  • vendor.altera: use buffer primitives

    vendor.altera: use buffer primitives

    Issue by ZirconiumX Saturday Sep 21, 2019 at 16:24 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/221

    This adds SDR support for Altera chips, or at least enough flops and buffers for it.

    ZirconiumX included the following code: https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/221/commits

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 30
  • [WIP] Add nmigen.build

    [WIP] Add nmigen.build

    Issue by jfng Tuesday Mar 19, 2019 at 19:14 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/46

    • Tests are missing.
    • This PR depends on https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/45

    This is a proof-of-concept for a nMigen equivalent of Migen's build system.

    The main difference lies in the use of Edalize to invoke vendor tools instead of doing so ourselves.

    However, as far as I understand, constraint file (XDC, PCF, etc.) formatting must still be done on our side, which prevents nMigen from being completely vendor agnostic.

    jfng included the following code: https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/pull/46/commits

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 30
  • Find solution to translate values to strings for Symbiyosys vcd files

    Find solution to translate values to strings for Symbiyosys vcd files

    Issue by RobertBaruch Monday Oct 14, 2019 at 14:23 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/issues/254

    When dumping the result of covers and counterexamples, Symbiyosys writes .vcd files. However, any signals that were enums or FSM states are no longer strings, but just plain old binary.

    In gtkwave, it's possible to select a signal and then Edit > Data Format > Translate Filter File. You can then select a filter file, which is just a map of original value to string value:

    00 ZERO
    01 FIRST
    02 TOOOO

    The configuration can also be saved in a .gtkw file. However, this only affects displayed signals. If you delete the signal and display it again, it is not translated. This is horrible.


    Better might be to just go into the vcd file and edit the values. Although it would require an extra step, I wouldn't object to something like this:

    python3 <toplevel.py> stringify <input_vcd> -o <output_vcd>

    This would parse the input vcd file, replace numeric values with string values for enum and fsm states, and output the result.

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 24
  • Bikeshed: design for .get_fragment()

    Bikeshed: design for .get_fragment()

    Issue by whitequark Monday Dec 17, 2018 at 20:57 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/issues/9

    I know @jordens expressed in the past a desire to simplify the boilerplate around .get_fragment. Also, there is currently both Module.lower and Module.get_fragment (aliased to one another), which is confusing and unnecessary. Also#2, Migen has a Module.get_fragment() and combining Migen modules with nMigen modules gets even more confusing with that.

    The design I see for the function currently named .get_fragment() is as follows:

    • There are 2 kinds of synthesizable entities in nMigen: fragments (which are directly synthesizable) and anything that has .get_fragment(platform) (which is iterated to a fixed point, i.e. a fragment, when a fragment is required).
    • Instances, memory ports, etc, are synthesizable. Which class they actually are is an implementation detail that is subject to change. (Instances are currently just fragments, memory ports are significantly more complex due to some mismatch between Yosys and Migen representation of ports, etc).
    • There is a Fragment.get(obj, platform) function that iterates an object to a fixed point with .get_fragment(platform) or fails in a nice way.

    Modules are in a somewhat weird space here. Modules should be synthesizable so that you can replace:

    sm = Module()
    # ... operate on sm
    m = Module()
    m.submodules += sm


    class SubCircuit:
        def get_fragment(self, platform):
            m = Module()
            return m.lower(platform)
    sm = SubCircuit()
    m = Module()
    m.submodules += sm

    that is without having to do downstream changes after replacing a Module with a user class. This means that in principle you can directly return a module, like return m.

    But this means two things:

    1. The actual get_fragment call for that module is delayed. The conversion of a module to a fragment is mostly (but not entirely) error-free, so delaying this call means some errors lose context. I think it might be more useful to make Module.get_fragment actually never fail, and permit return m.
    2. If a parent module directly calls get_fragment on a submodule, it gets a Module object with the DSL enabled, as opposed to a Fragment object. So it can potentially abuse the DSL that way. This isn't very likely so maybe we should just ignore it.

    And finally, there is an important question of what to rename .get_fragment too. I don't want something like .build because it is ambiguous and prone to collisions. What about .synthesize?

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 24
  • Assert passes when it should fail

    Assert passes when it should fail

    Issue by RobertBaruch Monday Sep 02, 2019 at 21:09 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/issues/193

    assert_fail.py is nMigen source, and assert_pass.sv should be the equivalent SV code. However, the Assert in assert_fail.py passes when it should not.

    failme.sby runs Symbiyosys against assert_fail.py and erroneously passes.

    passme.sby runs Symbiyosys against assert_pass.sv and correctly fails.


    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 23
  • First-class enumerated signals

    First-class enumerated signals

    Issue by emilazy Saturday Sep 14, 2019 at 21:28 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/issues/207


    we don't currently have anything like first-class enumerated signals

    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 22
  • [RFC] Add a (more) general shape conversion operator

    [RFC] Add a (more) general shape conversion operator

    In response to #292 we've added operators that reinterpret a value of any signedness as a signed or unsigned value of the same width. It would be nice to have an operator that changes the width of a value, too.

    Current workaround: for truncation, use v[:new_width]; for extension, use a no-op bitwise operation, like v | C(0, new_width).

    • Downside: this code is confusing when it is encountered among a bunch of arithmetic operations.
    • Downside: this code is fragile because neither of these operations is guaranteed to return a value with width new_width.

    The workaround seems unacceptable to me.

    Proposal 1: add two new operators, v.trunc(new_width) for truncation and v.extend(new_width) for zero/sign extension depending on the signedness of v. The new operators would make it an error to truncate to a larger width, or extend to a smaller width than the width of v.

    • Upside: the new operators reliably return a value with requested width.
    • Upside: the new operators eliminate bugs caused by extension being used instead of truncation or vice versa
    • Downside: the new operators accept a width, not a shape, so there is no way to extend a value until it matches the width inferred for range or an enum.
    • Downside: two new operators with quite limited use

    Proposal 2: like Proposal 1, but the operators accept a new_shape rather than new_width, enforcing the same preconditions. The signedness of the result matches the signedness of the shape.

    • Upside: the new operators reliably return a value with requested width.
    • Upside: the new operators eliminate bugs caused by extension being used instead of truncation or vice versa
    • Upside: the new operators are quite expressive, and as_unsigned/as_signed can be implemented in terms of either.
    • Downside: two new flexible operators but "either extend or truncate"--chiefly what happens in x.eq(y)--still isn't expressible and requires an intermediate wire

    Proposal 3: add one new operator, v.as(new_shape) for truncation, zero/sign extension, and type conversion. The new operator would extend v if new_shape.width > len(v), truncate v if new_shape.width < len(v), and return a value with shape new_shape.

    • Upside: the new operator reliably returns a value with requested width.
    • Upside: one operator that can express every implicit shape conversion done by nMigen, including as_unsigned/as_signed.
    • Downside: the new operator can hide bugs caused by extension being used instead of truncation or vice versa

    Proposal 4: Proposals 2 and 3 at the same time


    opened by whitequark 20
  • bitarray dependency is unfortunate

    bitarray dependency is unfortunate

    Issue by emilazy Monday Sep 30, 2019 at 00:22 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/m-labs/nmigen/issues/242

    It's currently broken in PyPy and I feel like I've managed to poke it into memory unsafe behaviour from the CPython REPL before. Only pysim uses it so I imagine it could pretty easily be replaced with a combination of Python's bigints and lists.

    improvement simulator:pysim 
    opened by nmigen-issue-migration 20
  • nMigen should avoid emitting very large wires that cause issues in Yosys

    nMigen should avoid emitting very large wires that cause issues in Yosys

    The following code seems to cause a YoSys parser error when it is built:

    from nmigen import *
    from nmigen_boards.icestick import *
    class Parsicide( Elaboratable ):
      def __init__( self ):
        self.a = Signal( 32, reset = 0 )
        self.b = Signal( 32, reset = 0 )
        self.y = Signal( 32, reset = 0 )
      def elaborate( self, platform ):
        m = Module()
        m.d.comb += self.y.eq( self.a << self.b )
        return m
    if __name__ == "__main__":
      ICEStickPlatform().build( Parsicide(), do_program = False )

    This is the error I get:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "yosys_err.py", line 15, in <module>
        ICEStickPlatform().build( Parsicide(), do_program = False )
      File "[...]/nmigen/build/plat.py", line 78, in build
        plan = self.prepare(elaboratable, name, **kwargs)
      File "[...]/nmigen/build/plat.py", line 151, in prepare
        return self.toolchain_prepare(fragment, name, **kwargs)
      File "[...]/nmigen/build/plat.py", line 398, in toolchain_prepare
        render(content_tpl, origin=content_tpl))
      File "[...]/nmigen/build/plat.py", line 392, in render
        "autogenerated": autogenerated,
      File "[...]/jinja2/environment.py", line 1090, in render
      File "[...]/jinja2/environment.py", line 832, in handle_exception
      File "[...]/jinja2/_compat.py", line 28, in reraise
        raise value.with_traceback(tb)
      File "<template>", line 2, in top-level template code
      File "[...]/nmigen/build/plat.py", line 294, in emit_debug_verilog
        strip_internal_attrs=False, write_verilog_opts=opts)
      File "[...]/nmigen/back/verilog.py", line 67, in _convert_rtlil_text
        raise YosysError(error.strip())
    nmigen.back.verilog.YosysError: ERROR: Parser error in line 29: invalid slice

    Replacing the left shift with a right shift results in the module building without problems (besides the 'no clocks' warnings). I think I'm using a pretty recent version of YoSys: 0.9+1706 (git sha1 ed4fa19b)

    bug backend:rtlil 
    opened by WRansohoff 19
  • lib.data: enum Field width cannot be user-defined

    lib.data: enum Field width cannot be user-defined


    import enum
    from amaranth import *
    from amaranth.lib import data
    class B(enum.Enum):
        FOO = 0b00
        BAR = 0b01
    class A(data.Struct):
        b: B
        c: unsigned(1)
    a = A()
    print(len(a.b)) # 1

    The width of an enum Field is currently inferred from Shape.cast(), as the smallest width required to represent all of its members.

    In the above example, a user may actually want the A.b field to have a width of 2 bits. Currently, the enum would need a third member with a value of 0b10 or 0b11.

    opened by jfng 2
  • Lists are no longer accepted as build option overrides

    Lists are no longer accepted as build option overrides

    In the 0.3 release, overrides such as nextpnr_opts can be specified as a list of strings, which are joined together by the options filter in the jinja2 templates. However, #694 adds type checking to get_override() that defaults to requiring a string, so a list is rejected before it's passed to options.

    This ends up being a breaking change from 0.3, but I don't know what behaviour you'd rather have. It seems convenient to keep allowing lists and using the options filter, but then get_override should probably accept both strings and lists-of-strings by default. Another option is to always require strings and remove the options filter altogether.

    opened by adamgreig 3
  • Can I add typehints?

    Can I add typehints?

    What are your thoughts about adding PEP 484 / PEP 526 type hints to the amaranth.* code? I know that many functions are documented in docstrings, but this lets static analyzers have a go at validating user-written code. If you're game, I'd like to try.

    opened by RobertBaruch 7
  • ResetSynchronizer does not work properly with Vivado

    ResetSynchronizer does not work properly with Vivado

    I am attempting to use a ResetSynchronizer with Vivado, and I am finding that the timing analysis for the implementation is not being done properly (and arguably the implementation schematic is also wrong).

    My minimal example to show this is:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from amaranth import *
    import amaranth.cli
    from amaranth.lib.cdc import ResetSynchronizer
    from amaranth.vendor.xilinx import XilinxPlatform
    class Test(Elaboratable):
        def __init__(self):
            self.rst_in = Signal()
            self.toggle = Signal()
            self.rstdomain = ClockDomain()
        def elaborate(self, platform):
            m = Module()
            m.domains += self.rstdomain
            rst_in_q = Signal(reset=1)
            m.submodules.sync_rst = ResetSynchronizer(rst_in_q)
            m.d.rstdomain += rst_in_q.eq(self.rst_in)
            m.d.sync += self.toggle.eq(~self.toggle)
            return m
    class MyPlatform(XilinxPlatform):
        device = "xc7z010"
        package = "clg400"
        speed = "1"
        resources = []
        connectors = []
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        top = Test()
        platform = MyPlatform()
            top, platform=platform,
            ports=[top.rst_in, top.toggle,
                   top.rstdomain.clk, top.rstdomain.rst])

    This has a rstdomain clock domain for an external reset input rst_in, which is registered by the flip-flop rst_in_q. Then a ResetSynchronizer is used to generate the reset of the sync domain, in which we find a flip-flop that keeps toggling.

    The generated Verilog code is:

    /* Generated by Yosys 0.21+18 (git sha1 0ab726e20, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os) */
    (* \amaranth.hierarchy  = "top.sync_rst" *)
    (* generator = "Amaranth" *)
    module sync_rst(rst, clk, rst_in_q);
      reg \$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$1  = 0;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1034" *)
      wire async_ff_clk;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1034" *)
      wire async_ff_rst;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/ir.py:527" *)
      input clk;
      wire clk;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/ir.py:527" *)
      output rst;
      wire rst;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:18" *)
      input rst_in_q;
      wire rst_in_q;
      (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *)
      (* \amaranth.vivado.false_path  = "TRUE" *)
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1035" *)
      reg stage0 = 1'h1;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1035" *)
      reg \stage0$next ;
      (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *)
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1035" *)
      reg stage1 = 1'h1;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/vendor/xilinx.py:1035" *)
      reg \stage1$next ;
      always @(posedge async_ff_clk, posedge async_ff_rst)
        if (async_ff_rst) stage0 <= 1'h1;
        else stage0 <= \stage0$next ;
      always @(posedge async_ff_clk, posedge async_ff_rst)
        if (async_ff_rst) stage1 <= 1'h1;
        else stage1 <= \stage1$next ;
      always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$1 ) begin end
        \stage0$next  = 1'h0;
        (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/xfrm.py:519" *)
        casez (async_ff_rst)
              \stage0$next  = 1'h1;
      always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$1 ) begin end
        \stage1$next  = stage0;
        (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/xfrm.py:519" *)
        casez (async_ff_rst)
              \stage1$next  = 1'h1;
      assign rst = stage1;
      assign async_ff_clk = clk;
      assign async_ff_rst = rst_in_q;
    (* \amaranth.hierarchy  = "top" *)
    (* top =  1  *)
    (* generator = "Amaranth" *)
    module top(toggle, rstdomain_clk, rstdomain_rst, clk, rst, rst_in);
      reg \$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$2  = 0;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:21" *)
      wire \$1 ;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/ir.py:527" *)
      input clk;
      wire clk;
      (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/ir.py:527" *)
      output rst;
      wire rst;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:11" *)
      input rst_in;
      wire rst_in;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:13" *)
      input rstdomain_clk;
      wire rstdomain_clk;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:13" *)
      input rstdomain_rst;
      wire rstdomain_rst;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:18" *)
      reg sync_rst_rst_in_q = 1'h1;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:18" *)
      reg \sync_rst_rst_in_q$next ;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:12" *)
      output toggle;
      reg toggle = 1'h0;
      (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:12" *)
      reg \toggle$next ;
      assign \$1  = ~ (* src = "/hdl/test_resetsynchronizer.py:21" *) toggle;
      always @(posedge rstdomain_clk)
        sync_rst_rst_in_q <= \sync_rst_rst_in_q$next ;
      always @(posedge clk)
        toggle <= \toggle$next ;
      sync_rst sync_rst (
      always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$2 ) begin end
        \sync_rst_rst_in_q$next  = rst_in;
        (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/xfrm.py:519" *)
        casez (rstdomain_rst)
              \sync_rst_rst_in_q$next  = 1'h1;
      always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$2 ) begin end
        \toggle$next  = \$1 ;
        (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/xfrm.py:519" *)
        casez (rst)
              \toggle$next  = 1'h0;

    I'm using the following XDC to perform out-of-context implementation of this Verilog in Vivado:

    create_clock -period 5 -name clk [get_ports clk]
    create_clock -period 5.01 -name rstdomain_clk [get_ports rstdomain_clk]
    set_false_path -to [get_cells -hier -filter {amaranth.vivado.false_path == "TRUE"}]

    Here is the schematic of the Vivado implementation: vivado_schematic

    Vivado is doing timing analysis of the path from sync_rst_rst_in_q_reg/C to syn_rst/stage1_reg/D, which is an inter-clock path from rstdomain_clk to clk, and thus failing timing, because I've purposely set the clock periods of clk and rstdomain_clk so that their greatest common divisor is very small.

    I think that Vivado should not analyze any inter-clock paths for this example (that's the whole point of the synchronizer). It seems that the problem is that the schamatic is not really what we intended. Rather than directly connecting stage0_reg/Q to stage1_reg/D, we are getting a LUT stage1_i_1 in the middle which has sync_rst_rst_in_q. This is what causes Vivado to analyze this inter-clock path (flop stage0_reg has a false-path constraint, but stage1_reg doesn't have a false-path constraint).

    I think that we wouldn't like the LUT stage1_i_1 to be there. The schematic would work well with sync_rst_rst_in_q only going to the PRE inputs of stage0_reg and stage1_reg.

    It seems that Vivado is getting confused by this part of the Verilog:

      always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$1 ) begin end
        \stage1$next  = stage0;
        (* src = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/amaranth/hdl/xfrm.py:519" *)
        casez (async_ff_rst)
              \stage1$next  = 1'h1;

    Having \stage1$next depend on async_ff_rst is somewhat redundant, because we already model the asynchronous reset in this other block:

    always @(posedge async_ff_clk, posedge async_ff_rst)
        if (async_ff_rst) stage1 <= 1'h1;
        else stage1 <= \stage1$next ;

    In fact, if I replace the always @* block by only

     always @* begin
        if (\$auto$verilog_backend.cc:2083:dump_module$1 ) begin end
        \stage1$next  = stage0;

    I get the following schematic, which looks more sensible: vivado_schematic2 However, this still gives timing failures, because Vivado is analyzing the path from sync_rst_rst_in_q_reg/C to sync_rst/stage1_reg/PRE. In this analysis, it is considering the Recov_fdpe_C_PRE for stage1_reg. I'm not sure if it is necessary to consider this recovery time for PRE, or if we can ignore it completely, so that stage1_reg/PRE should also have a false-path constraint to avoid analyzing this path.

    bug toolchain:vivado 
    opened by daniestevez 1
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