A Python program that makes it easy to manage modules on a CircuitPython device!



A Python program that makes it easy to manage modules on a CircuitPython device!

The CircuitPython Bundle Manager v2 is a program that allows you to easily download bundles and use them to install modules on CircuitPython devices!

As the name implies, it's version 2 of the original CircuitPython-Bundle-Manager with many more fixes and features!

A picture of the CircuitPython Bundle Manager's Modules tab open


Install from source


  1. cd to somewhere convenient. (Like a drive where all your projects go`)
  2. Download the repo (git clone https://github.com/UnsignedArduino/CircuitPython-Bundle-Manager-v2)
  3. cd into the downloaded repo.
  4. Create a virtual environment. (python -m venv .venv)
  5. Activate the virtual environment. (".venv/Scripts/activate.bat")
  6. Install the requirements. (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  7. Run! (python main.py)

Linux / macOS

  1. cd to somewhere convenient. (Like your home directory)
  2. Download the repo (git clone https://github.com/UnsignedArduino/CircuitPython-Bundle-Manager-v2)
  3. cd into the downloaded repo.
  4. Create a virtual environment. (python3 -m venv .venv)
  5. Activate the virtual environment. (source .venv/bin/activate)
  6. Install the requirements. (pip3 install -r requirements.txt)
  7. If the installation fails, then follow the instructions to install cryptography on your machine. Then try step 7 again.
  8. Run! (python3 main.py)


TODO: Finish!


TODO: Finish!


This project is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for the full license.

  • Support the CircuitPython community bundle

    Support the CircuitPython community bundle

    Maybe two buttons to select either the regular bundle and the community bundle before the release selector pops up, so then we can change it in the GitHubManager easily. And since the naming scheme for both are the exact same, we should probably put (Community) after the title if it's a community bundle.

    opened by UnsignedArduino 2
  • Make all windows closable with escape key

    Make all windows closable with escape key

    Only some of the dialogs close on escape. We need to make all the Windows close on escape, with the main window asking are you really sure you want to exit.

    bug gui 
    opened by UnsignedArduino 1
  • Release selector dialog takes a bit to pop up

    Release selector dialog takes a bit to pop up

    At least figure out how to get the release selector to pop up as fast as possible with all the widgets, then we can fill in the listbox with the releases after.

    opened by UnsignedArduino 0
  • Check for lib/ and make sure it exists

    Check for lib/ and make sure it exists

    Make sure if it exists before installing any module.

    Originally reported here: https://github.com/UnsignedArduino/CircuitPython-Bundle-Manager-v2/discussions/9

    opened by UnsignedArduino 0
  • Multiple processes to download and extract zip files

    Multiple processes to download and extract zip files

    Each bundle has 4 (iirc) zips that need to be downloaded and extracted - maybe put them all in processes?

    This should also be a setting in a downloads section or something.

    enhancement performance 
    opened by UnsignedArduino 0
  • Check if there is a new version available

    Check if there is a new version available

    Maybe display a message on start up saying there is a new version available.

    And probably need to put it in a miscellaneous settings section whether or not to check upon application launch.

    opened by UnsignedArduino 0
  • Auto-detect modules used

    Auto-detect modules used

    Maybe a new tab called "Auto-detection" that looks like something like the GitHub dependency graph but will look for *requirements.txt and in *.py files:


    But with install/reinstall/uninstall buttons next to all of them (if we can find it in the currently selected bundle)

    opened by UnsignedArduino 0
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