A boilerplate for Django web applications


Django Hackathon Starter

A boilerplate application for Django web applications.

If you've attented hackathons, you already know how much time can be wasted figuring out what language to pick, which web framework to choose, which APIs to incorporate, and figuring out OAuth authentication. Django Hackathon Starter aims to provide these features out of the box, allowing the team to save hours of time getting these pieces together.

Even if you are not using this for a hackathon, Django Hackathon Starter is sure to save any developer hours or even days of development time and can serve as a learning guide for web developers.

Basic Authentication / OAuth Signin


API Examples

API Examples

Table of Contents


  • User Registration
  • Sphinx Documentation
  • Django Nosetests
  • Integration with Django Rest Framework
  • Basic Authentication with username and password
  • OAuth 2.0 Authentication
    • Github
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
    • Facebook
    • Google+
    • Dropbox
    • Foursquare
  • OAuth 1.0a Authentication
    • Twitter
    • Tumblr
  • API Examples
    • Yelp API
    • Github API
    • Instagram API
    • Tumblr API
    • Twitter API
    • Twilio API
    • Meetup API
    • Steam API
    • Quandl Stock API
    • New York Times API
    • LinkedIn API
    • Facebook API
    • Google+ API
    • Dropbox API
    • Foursquare API


This project relies on bower for front-end dependencies, which in turn requires npm. npm is now bundled with NodeJS, which you can download and install here.

For Python-specific libraries, this project relies on pip. The easiest way to install pip can be found here.

Getting Started

To get up and running, simply do the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/DrkSephy/django-hackathon-starter.git
$ cd django-hackathon-starter

# Install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install bower
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install

# Perform database migrations
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

NOTE: We highly recommend creating a Virtual Environment. Python Virtual Environments allow developers to work in isolated sandboxes and to create separation between python packages installed via pip.

Getting API Keys

  1. Register an account on Yelp.com
  2. Visit the Yelp for developers page
  3. You will obtain the following: CONSUMER KEY, CONSUMER SECRET, TOKEN, TOKEN_SECRET
  4. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • YELP_CONSUMER_KEY = Yelp Consumer Key
    • YELP_CONSUMER_SECRET = Yelp Consumer Secret
    • YELP_TOKEN = Yelp Token
    • YELP_TOKEN_SECRET = Yelp Token Secret

  1. Register an account on Meetup.com
  2. Visit Meetup OAuth Consumers page
    • Enter a project name for the consumer name field
    • For redirect url field, enter:
  3. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • MEETUP_CONSUMER_KEY = Meetup key
    • MEETUP_CONSUMER_SECRET = Meetup secret key

  1. Register an account on Twilio.com
  2. Get your Twilio Number
  3. Setup the numbers you want to be able to send messages to
  4. Grab your account_sid and auth_token here
  5. Within scripts/twilioapi.py:
    • Replace account_sid with your own Twilio account_sid
    • Replace auth_token with your own Twilio auth_token

  1. Register an account on Github.com.
  2. Visit Github developer applications page
  3. Click on Register new application.
    • Enter Application name and Homepage URL field
    • For redirect url field, enter:
  4. Click Register application.
  5. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = Github-client-id
    • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = Github-client-secret

  1. Register an account on Twitter.com
  2. Visit Twitter application management page
  3. Click on Create New App
    • Enter Application name, Description, and Website field
    • For Callback URL field, enter:
  4. Click Create your Twitter application
  5. Go to the Permissions tab
  6. Under Access, select Read and Write type
  7. Go to Keys and Access Tokens tab
  8. Under Your Access Token, click on Create my access token to generate access tokens
  9. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = Twitter-consumer-key
    • TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = Twitter-consumer-secret
    • TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN = Twitter-access-token
    • TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = Twitter-access-token-secret

  1. Register an account on Instagram.com.
  2. Visit Instagram manage clients page
  3. Click on Register a New Client
    • Enter Application name, Description, and Website URL field
    • For Redirect URI field, enter:
  4. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID = Instagram-client-id
    • INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET = Instagram-client-secret

  1. Register an account on Linkedin.com.
  2. Visit Linkedin developer Network page
  3. Click on Add New Application
    • Enter Company Info, Application Info, and Contact Info section
    • Under OAuth User Agreement section, select scopes needed
    • For OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs field, enter:
  4. Click Add Application
  5. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID = Linkedin-client-id
    • LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET = Linkedin-client-secret

  1. Register an account on Facebook.com
  2. Visit Facebook Developers page
  3. After logging in, Click on My Apps and then on Add a New App
    • Choose Website as the platform and add the name for your project
    • Give your app a name.
    • Choose the category your app falls into.
    • Click Create App ID
    • Skip the quickstart process and you will be redirected to the app dashboard.
  4. Copy the app ID and the app secret.
  5. From the left menu choose the Settings option.
  6. Click on Add Platform and choose Website once again.
  7. Under site URL, specift the URL to be redirected after authentication is complete.
  8. Click save.
  9. In settings.py change the following values:
    • FACEBOOK_APP_ID = your_app_id
    • FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET = your_app_secret

  1. Register an account on Google.com.
  2. Navigate to Google Developer Console.
  3. Click on Create Project, give your app a name and click Create (this might take a few sceonds).
  4. You will be redirected to the project dashboard. From the left menu choose APIs & auth and then choose APIs.
  5. Choose the API you would like to use (the built in example uses Google+ API).
  6. Click on Enable API.
  7. From the side menu, under APIs & auth select consent screen.
    • Fill your app name under Product Name.
    • Hit save button on the bottom.
  8. From the side menu, under APIs & auth select credentials:
    • Click on Create new Client ID.
    • Under Authorized JavaScript origins specify you app base address (e.g http://localhost:8000).
    • Under Authorized redirect URIs specify the URL to be redirected after authentication is complete.
    • Hit Create Client ID button (this might also take a few seconds).
  9. Copy your new generated client_id and client_secret:
  10. Under settings.py change the following values:
    • GOOGLE_PLUS_APP_ID = your_client_id
    • GOOGLE_PLUS_APP_SECRET = your_client_secret

  1. Register an account on Dropbox.com.
  2. Navigate to Dropbox Developers.
  3. From the side menu, select App Console and click on Create app.
  4. Configure the app permissions. This example uses the following configuration:
    • App type- Dropbox API app
    • My app needs access to files already on Dropbox.
    • My app needs access to a user's full Dropbox.
    • Note: This kind of configuration will require you to submit your app for approval.
  5. Give your app a name and click the Create app button.
  6. You will be redirected to the app console:
    • Under Redirect URIs specify the URL to be redirected after authentication is complete (e.g http://locahost:8000/home) and click add.
    • Copy your App key and App secret.
  7. Under settings.py change the following values:
    • DROPBOX_APP_ID = your_app_id
    • DROPBOX_APP_SECRET = your_app_secret

  1. Register and account on Foursquare.com.
  2. Navigate to Foursquare For Developers.
  3. From the top menu bar select My Apps and you will be redirected to the app dashboard.
  4. Hit Create a New App:
    • Give your app a name.
    • Under Download / welcome page url, specify your app main url (e.g http://www.localhost:8000).
    • Under Redirect URI, specify the URL to be redirected after authentication is complete (e.g http://locahost:8000/home) and click add.
    • Scroll all the way to the botttom and hit Save Changes.
  5. From the App page you were redirected to, copy your App key and App secret.
  6. Under settings.py change to following values:
    • FOURSQUARE_APP_ID = your_client_id
    • FOURSQUARE_APP_SECRET = your_app_secret

  1. Register an account on Tumblr.com.
  2. Visit Tumblr applications page.
  3. Click on Register Application.
  4. Click Register.
  5. Within settings.py, add the following:
    • TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY = Tumblr-consumer-key
    • TUMBLR_CONSUMER_SECRET = Tumblr-consumer-secret

  1. Register an account on Steam
  2. Visit Steam Community developers page
  3. After logging in, add the Domain Name as the name of your application and key is shown
  4. Within your views.py add the Key in key underneath the view for your steam application

  1. Register an account on NY Times Developer Network
  2. Click on Register
  3. After logging in, click on APIs (http://developer.nytimes.com/apps/register) Write in the Name of your application and click each sub-API that you will use
    • Agree to the Terms of Service and click on Register Application
  4. Within your settings.py add the following:
    • POPAPIKEY = Most Popular API
    • TOPAPIKEY = Top Stories API

  1. Register an account on Quandl
  2. After logging in, click on Me and then Account settings to find the API key
  3. Within your settings.pyadd QUANDLAPIKEY = Key

Project Structure

Name Description
hackathon_starter/settings.py Django settings module containing database and API keys/tokens
hackathon/admin.py Registered models for Django's admin page
hackathon/models.py Django models and profiles for user login
hackathon/tests.py Integration tests
hackathon/urls.py Django Hackathon Starter URL dispatcher
hackathon/views.py Django views file
hackathon/serializers.py Allows JSON representation for Django Model fields
hackathon/forms.py Basic form fields
hackathon/static/ Front-end JavaScript / CSS files
hackathon/unittests Unit tests
hackathon/scripts/ API Example scripts
**hackathon/scripts/**github.py Script for interacting with Github API
**hackathon/scripts/**instagram.py Script for interacting with Instagram API
**hackathon/scripts/**linkedin.py Script for interacting with LinkedIn API
**hackathon/scripts/**meetup.py Script for interacting with Meetup API
**hackathon/scripts/**nytimes.py Script for interacting with New York Times API
**hackathon/scripts/**quandl.py Script for interacting with Quandl API
**hackathon/scripts/**scraper.py Basic web scraper for getting sales from Steam
**hackathon/scripts/**facebook.py Script for interacting with Facebook API
**hackathon/scripts/**dropbox.py Script for interacting with Dropbox API
**hackathon/scripts/**foursquare.py Script for interacting with Foursquare API
**hackathon/scripts/**googlePlus.py Script for interacting with Google+ API
**hackathon/scripts/**steam.py Script for interacting with Steam API
**hackathon/scripts/**tumblr.py Script for interacting with Tumblr API
**hackathon/scripts/**twilioapi.py Script for interacting with Twilio API
**hackathon/scripts/**twitter.py Script for interacting with Twitter API
**hackathon/scripts/**yelp.py Script for interacting with Yelp API
**hackathon/templates/**hackathon/ Templates for API examples
**hackathon/templates/**hackathon/base.html Base template, contains navbar


We welcome contributions of all kinds. If you would like to know what work is needed to be done, check the issue tracker. Before sending a pull request, please open an issue. This project follows the pep-0008 style guide.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 David Leonard

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


David Leonard
Engineering @DataDog. Previously JavaScript Ninja @Clarifai & @yahoo.
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