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Django-Authentication Testing

A simple Boilerplate to Setup Authentication using Django-allauth, with a custom template for login and registration using django-crispy-forms.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.8.6 or higher

Project setup

# clone the repo
$ git clone

# move to the project folder
$ cd Django-Authentication

Creating virtual environment

  • Create a virtual environment for this project:
# creating pipenv environment for python 3
$ virtualenv venv

# activating the pipenv environment
$ cd venv/bin #windows environment you activate from Scripts folder

# if you have multiple python 3 versions installed then
$ source ./activate

Configured Enviromment

Environment variables

SECRET_KEY = #random string
DEBUG = #True or False
ALLOWED_HOSTS = #localhost
DATABASE_NAME = #database name (You can just use the default if you want to use SQLite)
DATABASE_USER = #database user for postgres
DATABASE_PASSWORD = #database password for postgres
DATABASE_HOST = #database host for postgres
DATABASE_PORT = #database port for postgres
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = #mandatory or optional
EMAIL_BACKEND = #email backend
EMAIL_HOST = #email host
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = #email host password
EMAIL_USE_TLS = # if your email use tls
EMAIL_PORT = #email port

change all the environment variables in the .env.sample and don't forget to rename it to .env.

Run the project

After Setup the environment, you can run the project using the Makefile provided in the project folder.

 @echo "Targets:"
 @echo "    make install" #install requirements
 @echo "    make makemigrations" #prepare migrations
 @echo "    make migrations" #migrate database
 @echo "    make createsuperuser" #create superuser
 @echo "    make run_server" #run the server
 @echo "    make lint" #lint the code using black
 @echo "    make test" #run the tests using Pytest

Preconfigured Packages

Includes preconfigured packages to kick start Django-Authentication by just setting appropriate configuration.

Package Usage
django-allauth Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
django-crispy-forms django-crispy-forms provides you with a crispy filter and {% crispy %} tag that will let you control the rendering behavior of your Django forms in a very elegant and DRY way.


  • Django-Authentication is a simple project, so you can contribute to it by just adding your code to the project to improve it.
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.