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What is this program about?

This repository contains cut and fill calculations for cross-section using Python programming language. It converts precision GPS data into cross-section data and later it is overlaid with designed cross-sections to get cut and fill calculations.

Algorithms and concepts

Data scarcity in our country and limitations in high-quality surveying techniques, made us rely on precision GPS data to obtain topography data.

Raw data

The raw data that is obtained is in the format of easting, northing and elevation (E, N, Z respectively). E, N, Z data is (hopefully) taken in a straight line that is perpendicular to the long section of an open channel. This is one of the sample data in UTM projection.

Name Station E (m) N (m) Z (m)
STA.0+00 A 487464.944 9662010.643 18.650
STA.0+00 A1 487464.168 9662011.063 18.570
STA.0+00 A2 487463.685 9662011.385 18.070
STA.0+00 T1 487462.375 9662011.944 17.820
STA.0+00 D1 487462.085 9662012.359 17.430
STA.0+00 D2 487461.795 9662012.775 17.210
STA.0+00 D3 487461.505 9662013.191 17.380
STA.0+00 T2 487461.215 9662013.606 18.060
STA.0+00 B1 487460.982 9662014.152 18.980
STA.0+00 B2 487460.255 9662015.507 18.410
STA.0+00 B 487459.627 9662015.906 18.320

Regression and Normalization

Regression is done to estimate the most likely cross-section from survey data. Regression process is done with sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression class in the scikit-learn library.

Normalization is needed for the coordinates using UTM projection. Why?

The calculation of regression involving multiplication of each vector. As we know that in UTM actually the coordinates are very large numbers and the standard deviation is relatively small compared to the mean value. Therefore to get best regression line we have to substract all N and E coordinates with some constants to get them near origin (could be minimum value, maximum value, mean, median, or something you can think of that is similar).

without normalization

N-E regression (plan view) without normalization

with normalization

N-E regression (plan view) with normalization

Cross-section results

After regression and normalization process, we get the most likely cross-section by bringing all the points to the regression line. The results is as follows:

Name Station Z Delta X Cumulative X
STA 0+00 A 18.650 0 0
STA 0+00 A1 18.570 0.843661 0.843661
STA 0+00 A2 18.070 0.568448 1.412109
STA 0+00 T1 17.820 1.318539 2.730648
STA 0+00 D1 17.430 0.499109 3.229757
STA 0+00 D2 17.210 0.49982 3.729577
STA 0+00 D3 17.380 0.499891 4.229468
STA 0+00 T2 18.060 0.499109 4.728577
STA 0+00 B1 18.980 0.551891 5.280468
STA 0+00 B2 18.410 1.47487 6.755338
STA 0+00 B 18.320 0.724849 7.480187

cross section

Sample cross-section output

Cut and fill calculations

After getting existing cross-section for each station. Planned cross section is defined in input_rencana folder. Cut and fill calculations is using Riemann sum where area below a continuous function (or between two functions) is approximated using discrete geometry such as rectangle and trapezoid.

cross section

Riemann sum concepts

The number of partitions to get accurate results is determined by trial and error. I use 250 partitions to get sufficient accuracy and reliable performance (in terms of time, not too slow for standard computer) These pictures show the difference of number of partitions (red line shows the outer side of the trapezoid):

cross section

5 partitions

cross section

50 partitions

cross section

250 partitions

Automating tasks in AutoCAD

AutoCAD give the flexibility to automate tasks using .scr format files. In order to gives the flexibility to the program, I add many parameters that can be seen in input_acad folder. This is the illustration on how to get the parameter:

cross section

Parameter formulation to give flexibility to the program

In order to build .scr files, the code is actually similar to what we input in GUI (graphical user interface) where each space in .scr files define enter command in GUI. Therefore using trial and error in GUI, we can reproduce that to our script files. There are several commands that are useful in most cases that are shown below.

Creating polyline

_layer set GarisElevasiTanah 
PLINE 145.6291,350.637

Creating line

_layer set GarisTabel 
LINE 145.6291,343.387 145.6291,344.687 
LINE 146.47276100761383,343.387 146.47276100761383,344.687 
LINE 147.0412087208462,343.387 147.0412087208462,344.687 
LINE 148.35974774511246,343.387 148.35974774511246,344.687 
LINE 148.85885669011958,343.387 148.85885669011958,344.687 
LINE 149.35867703116548,343.387 149.35867703116548,344.687 
LINE 149.8585676501334,343.387 149.8585676501334,344.687 
LINE 150.35767659646564,343.387 150.35767659646564,344.687 
LINE 150.90956764034553,343.387 150.90956764034553,344.687 
LINE 152.38443766255025,343.387 152.38443766255025,344.687 
LINE 153.10928660195157,343.387 153.10928660195157,344.687

Creating text

_layer set TextElevasiDistance 
text s st1 j mc 145.62910,345.33700 90 18.650
text s st1 j mc 146.47276,345.33700 90 18.570
text s st1 j mc 147.04121,345.33700 90 18.070
text s st1 j mc 148.35975,345.33700 90 17.820
text s st1 j mc 148.85886,345.33700 90 17.430
text s st1 j mc 149.35868,345.33700 90 17.210
text s st1 j mc 149.85857,345.33700 90 17.380
text s st1 j mc 150.35768,345.33700 90 18.060
text s st1 j mc 150.90957,345.33700 90 18.980
text s st1 j mc 152.38444,345.33700 90 18.410
text s st1 j mc 153.10929,345.33700 90 18.320

How to use?

  1. Input file is given in the folder that has prefix "input".

  2. Output file is given in the folder that has prefix "output".

  3. Here are some steps to use this program:

    3.1. You have to familiarize yourself with csv in input file. Parameters are given in Indonesian language.

     3.1.1. input = raw data from geodetic GPS, it contains of E, N, Z for each of station.  
     3.1.2. input_rencana = it gives the criteria of dimension and elevation where we plan the open channel.  
     3.1.3. input_acad = it contains several parameters to draw the cross-section to AutoCAD application.  

    3.2. Delete all the folder that has prefix "output".

    3.3. Run main.bat to process input and produces existing cross-section based on GPS raw data.

    3.4. Run main2.bat to process cut and fill volume.

    3.5. Run main3.bat to make AutoCAD script.

    3.6. Drag .scr file from output_scr file to AutoCAD and you will get thousands of existing and planned cross-sections.

Sample output

This is the final result of the automation using Python programming (example of cross section template is given in master_cross folder):

cross section

What to do next?

The organization of the program is still somewhat messy. In the future, for next development it is better to make the function pre condition and post condition clearly before jumping to code the program. Parameter that is only requiring key-value pair could be more organized if it is in JSON format rather than .csv files (for AutoCAD parameter in input_acad folder).


This repository contains cross-section cut and fill calculations using Python programming language.






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