Django Starter is a simple Skeleton to start with a Django project.


Django Starter Template


Django Starter is a simple Skeleton to start with a Django project.


  • Easy Installation
  • Standard Project Structure
  • Example Landing Page using Bootstrap 5
  • Caching Support
  • Setup script
  • Dockerized
  • Management Commands
  • I18N Support



(click each one for install guide)

Setup Process

Installation Methods

  1. Using Treditional Approach
  2. Using Docker

1. Using Traditional Approach

  1. Clone the git: git clone

  2. Go into the new directory: cd django_starter

  3. Install the required dependencies.

    • Install Dependencies Using Pip

      • Run pip install -r requirements.txt, this will install all the required dependencies.

        Please choose to (w)ipe if asked for this:

        The plan is to install the git repository
        What to do?  (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
    • Install Dependencies Using Poetry

      • Run poetry install, this will install all the required dependencies.
    ![N:B: Replace `python` with `poetry run python` if using poetry. For example: `poetry run python runserver`]
  4. Create a .env file and provide required environment variables using the template .env.example or run python utils/ to automatically generate the .env file.

  5. Run python makemigrations and python migrate, this will create the database tables

  6. Run python collectstatic, this will collect all static files

  7. Run python runserver this should start the project on port 8000.

  8. Open the app on browser by navigating the url

  • Optional: Create Django Superuser with management command python initiate_admin
  • Optional: Configure site information with management command python initiate_site

2. Using Docker

  1. Clone the git: git clone
  2. Go into the new directory: cd django_starter
  3. Create a .env file and provide required environment variables using the template .env.example. Django SECRET_KEY can be generated from
  4. Run command docker-compose up to start the project.
  5. Open the app on browser by navigating the url http://localhost:8000


Numan Ibn Mazid
I am a professional Software Engineer offering enthusiasm. I enjoy developing innovative software solutions that are tailored to customer desirability.
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