What is Xcapy?
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
install & run
$ git clone "https://github.com/BlackWolfed/xcapy.git"
$ cd /xcapy
$ python3 xcapy.py
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This is a Password database I made for myself, as I want to keep all my passwords in the same place. but still protected, shall anyone get access to the file. And so I made this simple password datab
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The SCodeScanner stands for Source Code Scanner, where you can scan your source code files like PHP and get identify the vulnerabilities inside it. The tool can use by Pentester, Developer to quickly
CVE-2021-21985 CVE-2021-21985 EXP 本文以及工具仅限技术分享,严禁用于非法用途,否则产生的一切后果自行承担。 0x01 利用Tomcat RMI RCE 1. VPS启动JNDI监听 1099 端口 rmi需要bypass高版本jdk java -jar JNDIIn